Come in quietly; sit in your assigned seat, check the board for your assignment and get started on the bell work. Write the assignments for the day in your agenda. If you’re late – don’t be – you will need a pass.
When you have a question, or wish to answer a question, raise your hand. Your question will be answered only if you are seated in your desk with your hand raised. If I am helping another student during work time, I will work my way across the room to you. Please do not interrupt or make any personal remarks during open class discussion. If you have something to say ALWAYS raise your hand.
You should come to class prepared with all required materials, homework, textbooks, paper, pen, and sharpened pencils. BACKPACKS AND ELECTRONICS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM! Furthermore, a student should never leave his/her belongings unattended in a teacher’s classroom during passing period or elective. All student possessions should be kept with the student or in his/her locker.
Bring a water bottle from home. If you don’t have one and absolutely have to have a drink during class, don’t get up during class discussions or when the teacher is giving instructions. No eating is allowed in the classroom. Gum is not allowed at school.
The dictionaries, encyclopedias, and thesauri are available for your use. They are not to leave the room. You may use them anytime when you are in my room, but you may not get up to get them while the teacher is talking or giving directions. If you wish to check out a book from the collection in the room, please complete the sign out sheet with the appropriate information.
Your work is due when you come to class. Late work must be fully completed per teacher instructions, and will receive 60% of the earned points; you will not be given comments or feedback. You have one school day to hand in a missing assignment for 60% credit. After that, the assignment will receive a zero. The only exception is with large projects, these lose 11% each school day until the assignment is turned in or your grade reaches a zero percent. If you are absent, check with a classmate for assignments, check the homework hotline or web page, or check your agenda. It is your responsibility to get the assignments you miss. You will have one day to turn in work if you were out one day, two days if you were out two, etc. Assignments turned in with an incomplete or missing heading will be subject to a penalty of 5% reduction in grade.
A / 90 - 100
B / 80 - 89
C / 70 - 79
D / 60 - 69
F / 59 and below
Some assignments in Social Studies or Science may be graded on this scale:
Mark / Percentagesü+ / 100
ü / 80
ü- / 60
- / 40
Check the homework forecast DAILY all year long!
FYI ~ Common Expectations from the Sixth Grade Team
Because we think it is essential that our students learn the basic skills required to be successful throughout their education and beyond, we believe it is important that sixth graders be held accountable for their actions. Part of being a successful student requires the following:
· Students should exercise respect using a courteous tone when interacting with teachers, peers and adults. Teachers should be addressed using their titles, i.e. Mr., Mrs., and Miss.
· Students should follow all grade-level and school rules (refer to Student Handbook). Following are a few of those rules:
o Hats are not allowed on inside the school building.
o Electronic devices including iPods and cell phones need to remain in lockers at all times.
o When in the hallway during class time, students should carry a pass.
o Lockers may not be accessed during class time.
o Back packs are not allowed in the classroom and must fit in the locker.
o No gum chewing.
· Late assignments will be accepted one day late and will receive a 60%; after that, late assignments will receive a zero and will not be graded. Long term projects turned in late will be accepted, but will receive an 11% grade decrease for each day late.
· Grading Policy: Because we want to make sure that your child learns the 6th grade standards and is prepared for 7th grade, we have specific grade weights. These weights allow us to get a clear picture of who is not mastering the content and skills. Our goal is to have students master the content (not just fail, move on, and hope for a better grade on the next test). Both as parents and teachers, we truly care about your child’s progress and success. We will be using the following grade categories and weights in the grade book:
Tests/Quizzes/Projects (Assessments) = 70%
Class work (Practice) = 20%
Homework = 10%
· Absences: In accordance with school policy, students are responsible for making up missed work for illness and other excused absences; having a grace period equal to the number of days missed. This does not apply to long term projects or unexcused absences. Please note, many classroom activities cannot be made up easily. Group work, discussion sessions, presentations, media, etc, all require students to be in class. Therefore, students need to be in class as much as possible.
· Students should come to class prepared, with the necessary supplies. Materials borrowed from the classroom supply should be returned at the end of the period.
· Students should include a heading on everything they turn in: name, date, and class (teacher and period) in the right hand corner.
Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful; do not disrupt the learning environment.
2. Be responsible for your own actions; come prepared to learn and to listen.
3. Be a problem solver; take initiative and create original work.
1. Pride in self-discipline and responsibility.
2. Student of the Month Award.
3. Student of the Quarter Award.
The punishment fits the crime!!!
1. Student/teacher conference.
2. Behavior journal and/or teen court referral.
3. Call home and/or parent/teacher conference.
4. Sent to Principal’s office.
Student signature ______Date ______
Confirmation of District / School Policies
I, the student, went over the classroom procedures and shared them with my parents. I agree to strictly follow these procedures in Ms. Genis’, Mrs. Fritton’s and Mr. Smerz’s classrooms.
All information regarding school policies should be reviewed by both students and parents at the beginning of each school year. Hard copies of the Amphitheater Middle School and High School Student Code of Conduct were sent home with every child (purple cover).
Student signature ______Date ______
Parent signature ______Date ______
6th Grade Parent Orientation is Thursday August 18, 6:00p.m.