MacoupinCountyCommunityCareHealthCenter- health services(Gillespie) 1-217-839-1526
MacoupinCountyHealthDepartment- health services (Carlinville) 1-217-854-3223
MontgomeryCountyHealthDepartment- health services/counseling (Hillsboro) 1-217-532-2001
Locust Street Resource Center- counseling/mental health (Carlinville) 1-217-854-3166
SASS (Screening, Assessment and Support Services)
1-217-854-3166 or 1-800- 345-9049
Youth Crisis Hot Line- 1-800-HIT-HOME (488-4663)
Transitions Counseling- (Alton) 1-618-463-5927
The Edgewood Program- chemical dependency treatment and recovery (Edwardsville)
Department of Children Family Services (DCFS) - (Carlinville) 1-217-854-2566
Macoupin County Public Transportation- county transportation 1-877-600-0707
JobCenter- employment assistance (Carlinville) 1-217-854-9753
Mt.OliveCareCenter- food and clothing
Department of Human Services- WICK, TANF, Food Stamps (Carlinville)
Macoupin CountyHousing Authority- housing assistance (Carlinville)
Illinois Valley Economic Development- financial assistance (Gillespie)
Empowering Every Student to Believe, then Achieve
The Mt.OliveElementary School offers a variety of services/programs to meet the needs of each child. Below is a list of services and a brief explanation of each service. Please feel free to contact the school at 217-999-4241 for additional information.
- RTI (Response to Intervention)- Students who are identified as needing extra support in reading and/or mathematics are given research based interventions through a tiered system. At Tier 1, the classroom teacher provides additional support for the child. Tier 2 supplemental support is provided through Title 1 services. Tier 3 may utilize Special Education resources. Monthly AIMSWEB probes are given to monitor student progress. Each student’s progress is reviewed at a monthly Tier 2 meeting.
- PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports)-A research based system creating a school-wide behavioral expectation for students. Students are given specific instruction in how to conduct themselves in each environment. Students who are meeting these expectations are given a variety of incentives throughout the year.
- Title 1 Program- Research based programs/instruction is given to students to supplement the current curriculum and master skills needed to read. Student progress is charted daily and monitored monthly.
- Speech-Language Therapy- A therapist provides speech and language evaluations, speech therapy for students with articulation and/or phonological disorders, stuttering, and voice difficulties, as well as language services for expressive and receptive language disorders for Pre-K through High School students.
- Pre-School Program- This ½ day program provides an environment to increase a child’s potential to succeed in school by providing activities that strive to meet a child’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs.
- Special Education Program- This program provides a comprehensive evaluation of a child including the educational, psychological, social, and medical history. Depending on individual student needs, placement services range from monitor to 100% of the day in special education classes. The classes provide instruction, support, accommodations, and modifications to help a student be successful. Occupational therapy, physical therapy, and vision services are also available.
- Nursing Services- A registered nurse provides vision and hearing screenings, health care services needed while the student is at school, and consulting on health issues.
- School Social Work- A school social worker provides brief interventions and referrals with students.
- Big Brothers/ Big Sisters- The program’s mission is to build friendships that develop confident, competent, and caring youth. Volunteer high school students complete a mentor training program before becoming a Big Brother/ Big Sister. During the one hour weekly mentoring sessions after school, matches build friendships by spending one to one time together playing board games, having a snack, reading together, talking, or making arts and crafts. Mentoring sessions are supervised by a BBBS trained adult.