Council Headquarters:
Shire Hall, 55 Cowabbie Street, Coolamon, 2701
PO Box 101, Coolamon, 2701
Telephone: (02) 6927 3206
Fax: (02) 6927 3168
Office Hours:
General Business...... 8.30am to 5.00pm
Cashier...... 8.30am to 4.00pm
Mayor: Clr. Robert Menzies, 93 Methul Street, Coolamon 6927 2048
Deputy Mayor: Clr. John Seymour, “Glen Iris”, RMB 109, Marrar 6927 5144
Councillors: Clr Barrie Logan, Langham Street, Ganmain 6927 6224
Clr Geoff Glass, Lime Street, Marrar 6927 4342
Clr Dennis Brill, "Erinvale", Dullah Road Ganmain 6927 8266
Clr Bruce Hutcheon, Millwood Road, Coolamon 6927 3439
Clr John O’Brien, “Meraldon”, Ardlethan 6978 2113
Clr Grant Beard, 28 Ariah Street, Ardlethan 6978 2190
Clr Dave McCann, 122 Devlin Street, Coolamon 6927 2379
General Manager: Mr Terrey Kiss ...... ………..6927 3197 (ah)
Executive Manager, Mr Gerard Bradley ...... ………6927 3491 (ah)
Corporate & Community
Executive Manager, Mr Tim Morris...... ………6927 3169 (ah)
Engineering & Technical
Executive Manager, Mr Tony Donoghue……………..6927 3694 (ah)
Planning & Environmental
Council is pleased to submit the 2009/2010 Annual Report of activities of the Shire. The report provides commentary on Council’s achievements with respect to the objectives and performance targets set out in its Management Plan 2009/2010.
Council’s financial position has been determined by its Auditors as being satisfactory.
During the year the Department of Local Government introduced the Integrated Planning and Reporting Legislation and Guidelines which required Councils to produce a Community Strategic Plan together with Delivery and Operational Plans to encompass the future direction of Local Government for the next twenty years. Coolamon Shire Council elected to be in Group 1 of Councils in the preparation of the various documents required and as a result of this decision, extensive community consultation was carried out in the months of November and December 2009 to gauge the communities views on where they saw the direction the Coolamon Shire Council should be heading over the next twenty years. Resulting from this Community Consultation, the Coolamon Shire Council’s Community Strategic Plan was adopted by Council on the 20 May, 2010. Additionally, Council’s 2010/2014 Delivery Programme and 2010/2011 Operational Plan were considered in April 2010 and adopted at Council’s Meeting on the 17 June, 2010.
These plans together with Council’s long term financial plan have set the direction that both the Community and Council will take over the next twenty years.
Another significant milestone that occurred was the production of Council’s new Local & Environmental Plan which after many years of frustration and delay finally reached the stage where the public advertising period could be commenced. At the time of preparation of this report the advertising period is still running and it is anticipated that the enactment of the new Local Environmental Plan which provides Council with the planning direction of the Shire in the future should be finalized during the next financial year.
Council received further funding courtesy of the Federal Government’s Stimulus Package, with this funding being directed towards the provision of walking tracks in the towns and villages of the Shire. This funding was fully expended at the 30 June, 2010. Work is also continuing at the Up-to-Date Store which includes the provision of facilities, storage areas and consolidation of this area with the RSL Museum. This project is an ongoing project which will continue to be developed throughout the coming year.
Council has a number of projects that have been completed throughout the past year. Some of these projects were:
Ø Ganmain Main Town Square
Ø Ardlethan Swimming Pool Heating
Ø Coolamon Skate Park
Ø Ganmain Medical Centre
Ø Solar Panels at Council Chambers
Ø Ganmain and Ardlethan Hall Imprpovements
During the second half of the year adverse weather conditions caused major damage to certain sections of Council’s Road System. Resulting from these weather conditions Council was declared a Natural Disaster Area and received funding for the repair of damaged roads. The reconstruction of Ganmain’s main street continued throughout the year with the completion of this project being anticipated in 2010/2011.
The full report as presented provides a comprehensive review of Council’s operation and achievements throughout the past financial year and is now presented to the residents of the Coolamon Shire for their examination.
Robert Menzies, Terrey Kiss,
Council conducts the majority of its business in an open forum, with the only exceptions being those matters pertaining to staff, litigation, and the private business of individuals where confidentiality has been requested. However, all such decisions are ratified in Open Council.
Ordinary Meetings of Council are held on the third Thursday of every month commencing at 1.30pm and generally conclude around 6.00pm. Ratepayers are welcome to attend.
Agenda's are available at the office during business hours and in addition will be provided during the meeting. The Business Agenda for each meeting is prepared on the second Wednesday of each month, and any person wishing to bring a matter before Council should lodge it with the General Manager by that day.
During 2009/2010 Council adopted a Management Plan in respect of its principle activities and performance expected within those activities.
Listed below is the comparison with Council's objectives and the achievements during 2009/2010.
See 2009-2010 Principle Activities & Social Plan Comments
Councils 2009/2010 Financial Reports that detail Council’s financial performance & position also outline Council’s achievements during 2009/2010.
See Coolamon Shire Council 2009-2010 General Purpose Financial Reports
Coolamon Shire Council 2009-2010 Special Purpose Financial Reports
Coolamon Shire Council 2009-2010 Special Schedules
See Coolamon Shire Council 2009-2010 State of the Environment Report
Coolamon Shire Council – 2009/2010 Annual Report
a) Urban Roads & Streets
Council provides a programme of regular ongoing maintenance throughout the year for all of the urban roads and streets throughout the towns and villages of the Shire.
The 2009/2010 expenditure for urban roads and streets was $603,000.
b) Local Roads - Unsealed
A programme of continuous gravel maintenance resheeting is incorporated in Council's Annual Programme and regular gravel maintenance works are carried out throughout the year which incorporates an annual harvest maintenance programme generally commencing in November of each year and finalises mid December.
The 2009/2010 expenditure on unsealed routine maintenance was $981,000.
c) Local Roads - Sealed
A programme of regular ongoing maintenance is carried out throughout the year which incorporates a programme of resealing, sealed rural local roads.
2009/2010 expenditure on sealed local roads amounted to $679,000.
d) Regional Roads - Sealed
Council has 145 kilometres of sealed regional roads which have been subject to reconstruction and resealing works all of which has been capitalised.
The 2009/2010 expenditure on sealed Regional Roads amounted to $716,000.
Urban and rural drainage works are considered to be in a reasonable condition. Drainage maintenance is carried out on an ongoing needs basis.
Council’s Drainage Assets were revalued in 2009/2010 and at 30 June, 2010 the total value was $1,742,304.
Council's roads and street infrastructure were revalued in 2009/2010. The depreciation value of roads and streets as at the 30 June, 2010 were as follows:
Urban Roads and Streets:Local Roads - Unsealed:
Local Roads - Sealed:
Regional Roads - Sealed:
Bridge and Culvert Assets: / $21,875,035
TOTAL: / $98,124,082
The Coolamon Sewerage System was constructed in 1965. The system is considered adequate to meet the immediate needs of the Coolamon Community. Since the original construction of the Coolamon Sewerage System two extensions to the reticulation area have been carried out. One on the western boundary of the Coolamon Township which was completed in October, 2001 and one on the southern area of the Coolamon Township. This extension was completed in December, 2004, both of these extensions are now operating satisfactorily.
The adequacy and condition of the Coolamon Treatment Works has been subject to ongoing monitoring throughout the year. Part of the review included the provision of additional storage capacity adjacent to the Treatment Works on the Coolamon Showground to enable Council to extend and enhance the operations of the Treatment Works.
The installation and provision of this additional storage together with the expansion of the irrigation works at the Kindra Park redevelopment site has now been completed. Included in this redevelopment at the Kindra Park Recreation Reserve was the construction of Touch Football Fields. With the finalization of these fields and the improvements to the reticulation system this should enable the Coolamon Treatment Works to meet their required purpose.
The Ganmain Sewerage System was finalised at the 30 June, 1998, the system is operating satisfactorily and adequately meets the needs of the Ganmain Community.
Coolamon Shire's Sewerage assets (network & other structures) have been revalued in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 and are currently valued at $10,390,301.59.
In 2009/2010 Council incurred legal expenses in the sum of $78,931.76. These expenses were incurred in the following areas:-
v Registration Fees 86.36
v Asset Sales $5,739.88
v Land Acquisition $1,312.33
v Licence Agreements $900.00
v Title/Property Searches $509.30
v Planning and Development $42,144.31
v Road Resumption/Closures/Realignment $1,295.53
v Workplace Investigation $3,550.00
v Rates Recovery 23,394.05
During the 2009/2010 Financial Year General and Special rates amounting to $267.16 were written off.
Further, Council is unaware of any other amounts incurred during the twelve months ended 30th June, 2010 in relation to legal proceedings taken by or against the Council.
Council provided the Mayor with a Mayoral fee of $11,750 and members of Council were paid a fee of $7,040 each. Councillors were all reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out their responsibilities during the financial year. The amount expended was $31,164.34, the split up is as follows:-
1) Conference/Delegate Expenses: $19,071.26
2) Motor Vehicle/Travel Expenses: $5,355.65
3) Council Meetings $6,737.43
This policy shall be known as the Coolamon Shire Council Policy for the Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities for Mayors and Councillors.
This policy shall replace the Expenses Policy adopted by Council at its meeting held on the 19th November, 2009.
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that there is Accountability and Transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by Councillors. The policy also ensures that the facilities provided to assist Councillors to carry out their civic duties are reasonable.
1) To ensure the scope and the extent of the expenses that may be claimed by, and equipment and facilities provided to, Mayors and Councillors are reasonable and appropriate.
2) To ensure the Coolamon Shire complies with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 in the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to Mayors and Councillors.
3) This policy applies to the Mayor and all Elected Councillors of the Coolamon Shire Council.
This policy was considered and adopted by Council at its meeting held on the 19th November, 2009.
Under Section 428 of the Local Government Act 1993 Council is required to include in its Annual Report:
1) The Council's policy on the provision of facilities for and the payment of expenses to Mayors and Councillors.
2) The total amount of money expended during the year on providing these facilities and paying those expenses.
3) Additional information as required by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.
Additionally, Council will report separately on the cost of expenses and the provision of facilities for the Mayor and all Councillors as well as the cost of phone calls including mobiles, home located land lines, facsimile and internet services.
Legislative Provisions
The Local Government Act 1993 contains specific sections with respect to the payment of Councillors fees, expenses and facilities.
Section 248 states:
1) A Council must pay each Councillor an annual fee.
2) A Council may fix the annual fee and, if it does so, it must fix the annual fee in accordance with the appropriate determination of the Remuneration Tribunal.
3) The annual fee so fixed must be the same for each Councillor.
4) A Council that does not fix the annual fee must pay the appropriate minimum fee determined by the Remuneration Tribunal.
Section 252 states:
1) Within five months after the end of each year a Council must adopt a policy concerning the payment of expenses incurred or to be incurred by, and the provision of facilities to, the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor (if there is one) and the other Councillors in relation to discharging the functions of civic office.
2) The policy may provide for fees payable under this division to be reduced by an amount representing the private benefit to the Mayor or a Councillor of a facility provided by Council to the Mayor or Councillor.
3) A Council must not pay any expenses incurred or to be incurred, or provide any facilities to, the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor (if there is one) or a Councillor otherwise in accordance with a policy under this section.
4) A Council may from time to time amend a policy under this section.
5) A policy under this section must comply with the provisions of this Act, the regulations and any relevant guidelines issued under Section 23(a).
Other Government policy provisions which were considered in the preparation of this policy include:
· The Department of Local Government Guidelines for Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities;
· Council's Model Code of Conduct;
· Various Department of Local Government Circulars to Councils; and
· ICAC Publications.