Approved Minutes
College of the Sequoias
College Council Summary
Sept. 27, 2011
2:10-4 p.m.
Sequoia Building, Room 1
Members Present: Brent Calvin, chair; Steve LaMar, vice chair
Administration: Eric Mittlestead, John Bratsch
Classified: Steve LaMar, Lori Jones, Sandy Williams
Faculty: Michele Hester-Reyes, Paul Tidwell, Jeff Basham
Adjunct Faculty: Vince Baldini, Donald Nikkel
Students: Melissa Miller
Standing Committee Chairs: David Maciel Budget
Jennifer Vega La Serna Essential Learning Initiative
Duncan Graham, Jeff Basham Institutional Planning
Tim Hollabaugh Technology
Frances Gusman Student Equity
Members Absent:
Administration: Karen Roberts
Classified: Terry Gray
Students: Stephanie Garcia
Standing Committee Chairs: Mike Skaff Budget
Stephanie Collier Essential Learning Initiative
Bob Masterson Facilities/Safety
Alicia Crumpler Student Equity Committee
1. Call to Order: Calvin called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
2. Public Comment:
3. Approval of Minutes: Maciel moved to approve. Hollabaugh seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 0:50
4. Reports from Standing Committees:
a. Budget Committee: No report. 1:12
b. Essential Learning Initiative Committee: Vega La Serna said the annual report was finalized earlier this day. She reviewed some highlights from the annual report and said the same information would be presented to the ELI Committee and Academic Senate the next day. 1:17
c. Title V Report: Vega La Serna said Jessica Figallo was hired as the assistant director for the Title V grant. 13:26
d. Facilities/Safety Committee: Masterson was not present. Mittlestead said the group met last week and reviewed the Visalia General Plan update and COS capital improvement projects. 15:17
e. Accreditation Report: Graham said the executive core met without him or Basham. They have asked for writing samples from the various subgroups and have gotten them for two of the four groups. Also Graham attended a meeting of accreditation liaison officers the previous week.16:19
f. Institutional Planning Committee: Graham said he met with the Academic Senate the previous week. The committee is awaiting senate feedback on the expansion of the committee’s mission to include institutional planning and effectiveness. 17:15
g. Technology Committee: Hollabaugh said the committee will meet Oct. 10. Meanwhile, the transition to the new web portal continues with a planned go-olive date of Oct. 15. 22:02
h. Student Equity Committee: Gusman said the group met the previous day and has five new members.
i. Student Report: Miller provided a rundown of student plans and activities. 26:40
j. President’s Cabinet: Calvin summarized the cabinet’s attempt to review personnel needs. Conversation, sparked by Basham, focused on the veterinary technician program. 28:05
Information Items:
5. Social Sciences prerequisites: Not on the planned agenda, Hester-Reyes briefly discussed the new prerequisites for social science classes. 47:30
Discussion Items:
6. Visalia General Plan update: Mittlestead, appointed represent COS on the review committee for the city’s general plan update, Mittlestead review the city’s general plan update for the group. 50:00
Action Items:
7. COS Mission Statement: After brief discussion about lifelong learning, Graham moved to approve the COS mission statement as is. Hester-Reyes seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 1:04:54
Adjourned: 3:25 p.m.