Governing Council Meeting
September 15, 2015 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Santa Fe Community College –President’s Conference Room 108
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I. Roll Call 5:18 p.m.
Governing Council members attending: Monique Anair, John Bishop (Founder, non-voting), Bernadette Jacobs, Anne Salzmann (Head of School), Ken Scoggins, Andy Shreve, Marques Williams
Governing Council members and staff not attending: Jakub Svec, Jennifer Sanchez
Guests and staff: Mary Mumford (Business Manager)
Recording Secretary: Monique Anair
II. Discuss and vote to approve this agenda
Motion to approve by Andy Shreve, second by Bernadette Jacobs, passed unanimously.
III. Discuss and vote to approve August 18, 2015 regular GC meeting minutes
Motion to approve by Marques Williams, second by Monique Anair, passed unanimously.
IV. Public Comments (Up to 2 minutes per person)
V. Presentation of NM Assessment Inventory
Anne explained the series of assessments and presented the Assessment Inventory. Bernadette Jacobs asked how students are responding to the testing. Anne explained that students have seen value in these tests. She feels that testing helps students understand responsibility of testing for learning and continued preparation towards graduation. Academic goals must be based on data. Only 1-2 students opted out of PARCC in 2014-15. Accuplacer has been successful motivator since it is the vehicle for students getting into college classes.
VI. Discuss and vote to approve Facilities Master Plan
Comparative study every 5 years performed by GS Planning. The cost is 10K. Bernadette Jacobs questioned the costs vs need. Anne said it is in statute. Plan includes cause for HB 33 funding to be used for the remodel of Room 327.
Motion to approve by Andy Shreve, second by Marques Williams, passed unanimously.
VII. Discuss and vote to approve Community Handbook
John Bishop asked about drug and alcohol issues. Anne said that there has been concern and some students have been caught violating the rules in past years. This year there is a sense with teachers that there is very little going on in this area. The handbook was revised for this year with a stronger response to drug or alcohol use and this was based on meetings with students last year. Two new students were caught smoking and the handbook protocol was followed. Anne will send copy of the handbook to those GC members who did not receive it.
Motion to approve by Andy Shreve, second by Bernadette Jacobs, passed unanimously.
VIII. Discuss and vote on adjustments to salary schedules for Assistant Business Manager and Business Manager
Mary Mumford presented revised pay schedule for .75 FTE position.
Motion to approve Assistant Business Manager by Andy Shreve, second by Marques Williams, approved unanimously
Anne suggests that the new salary for the Business Manager should be made retroactive to July 1. Anne commended Mary Mumford for her great work to date.
Motion to approve Business Manager for fiscal 2015-16 year and going forward, Marques Williams, second Andy Shreve, approved unanimously.
Motion to approve back salary for Business Manager for fiscal year 2015-16 starting from July 1 to be paid to Mary Mumford. Motion to approve Marques Williams, second Ken Scoggins, approve unanimously.
IX. Report of the Head of School
3 Week Report; 2 Parent Nights were held. School Culture and Climate Report, Charter School Coalition has proposed November 21st as the date for GC training. New website is up; please check and inform Anne if there are any errors noted. Friday projects are off and running. Music Production at W21 and Video Production at SFCC; new community professionals working with students. Safety Plan finally approved by state. Trips are planned to Cuba and Japan for 2015-16, nothing solidified. Enrollment 200 students 65% minority, 35% Caucasian. Attendance good for most part. PTO meeting September 23rd.Faculty Rep in place. Audit parent and Student Rep needed.
X. Report of the STEM Committee
a. No Report
XI. Report of the Finance Committee
a. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of August 2015 disbursements
Marques Williams reports on detailed budgeted descriptions and reports on instructional materials. To date construction remodeling 324/325 equals $30,000+ ($21,000 from HB33). Total checks/expenditures $163,273.90 for August 2015. Carryover discussed and defined by GC. Restricted funds were discussed and defined by GC. HB33 is considered restricted funds.
Based on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, Marques Williams moved to approve August 2015 disbursements, second by Andy Shreve, passed unanimously.
b. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of BARs
Marques Williams reported that an award for lease assistance from the PEC. GC needs to approve a BAR to move these funds to SEG budget.
Motion to approve BAR 001IB, Andy Shreve, second Marques Williams, passed unanimously.
XII. Report of the Business Manager
Mary Mumford reported that Anne, Mary and one teacher met with One Financial Group of America. They discussed medical savings account and investments for retirement. Survey was conducted with NM schools to vet this group. Only one school reported dissatisfaction. Mary asked GC to vote on this at next meeting.
Employee Handbook needs to be updated. Models were discussed.
XIII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
2015/16 Meeting Dates
· July - no meeting· 8/18
· 9/15
· 10/20
· 11/17
· 12/15 / · 1/19/2016
· 2/16
· 3/22
· 4/19
· 5/17
· 6/21
9-15-2015 TMP GC Meeting Minutes Page 1