AMBER Annual Meeting 2011
Location: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Time: 21.3. 2011 10:00 – 23.3.2011 14:00
Michael Böttcher, Olaf Dellwig, Barbara Deutsch, Joachim Dippner, Jari Hänninen, Susanna Hietanen, Jens Hürdler, Christioph Humborg, Helena Jäntti, Karin Junker, Frederike Korth, Markus Meier, Caroline Möller, Sabine Nestler, Federico Montesino Pouzols, Arturas Razinkovas, Markus Venohr, Dusan Sovilj, Beata Szymczycha, Susann Vogler, Maren Voss.
Not present:
Rabea Dieckmann, Emil Eirola, Evelina Griniene, Lech Kotwicki, Christian Möllmann, Carl-Magnus Mörth, Saskia Otto, Frank Schäffer, Maria Theresia Schafmeister, Gerald Schernewski, Ilppo Vuorinen
10.00: Opening and actual information (J. Dippner)
- J. Dippner, F. Korth, C. Möller and S. Vogler write the protocol.
- The agenda was approved.
- The Y2 report is now available on the web page.
- The actual situation of all deliverables is described.
10.30 Begin of presentations Research Cluster A:
Time series analysis (Chair J. Dippner)
Karin Junker: Relating shifts in the Baltic Sea ecosystem to climate variability
Jari Hänninen: Can freshwater runoffs influence on marine systems in the Baltic and the North Seas? - Ecosystem approach
Federico Montesini Pouzols: Machine learning methods for spatio-temporal modeling of environmental data
Short scientific discussion
12:00 Begin of presentations Research Cluster B:
Process Studies and Observations (Chair: Maren Voß)
Helena Jäntti: Nitrification and nitrate-reduction in the Gulf of Finland sediment
Maren Voß: On the role of land derived N and P input for eutrophication in the Baltic Sea
Frederike Korth: Nitrogen turnover in the Baltic Sea with focus on the coastal zone
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Sabine Nestler: Input and fate of dissolved nitrogen compounds via submarine groundwater discharge into the Puck Bay (Poland)
Susann Vogler: Identification and Quantification of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Puck Bay (Poland)
Beata Szymczycha: The report on measuring geochemical composition of groundwater seepage
Lech Kotwicki (presented by Beata Szymczycha): Groundwater seepage impact on biota
Barbara Deutsch: Tracing terrestrial inputs of dissolved organic matter within the Baltic Sea ecosystem
Short scientific discussion
Begin of presentations Research Cluster C:
Spatial river basin – coast – sea interaction (Chair: Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas)
Markus Meier: Future projections of ecological patterns in the Baltic Sea
Markus Meier: Transport of fresh and resuspended particulate organic material in the Baltic Sea - a model study
Markus Venohr: MONERIS - MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems: Oder and Nemunas River
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday, 22. March 2011
9:00 Bodo von Bodungen: New BONUS aspects.
Von Bodungen gave an overview of the outcome of the Strategic Orientation Workshop.
11:00 Continuation of presentations Research Cluster C:
Spatial riverbasin – coast – sea interaction (Chair: Markus Meier)
Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas: Modelling tools for assessing lagoon water quality and biological resources
Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas: Biogeochemical processes in Curonian lagoon: state of the art
Christoph Humborg: Current and future river nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Jens Hürdler: Modelling future nutrient emissions - Effects of socio-economic development and climate change on scenario calculations in the Oder River Basin?
Short scientific discussion
15:00 – 18:00 Round Table Discussion on
1.) Coming Publications: Actually 20 peer reviewed publications have been published accepted or submitted. Many papers are in preparation. Approximately 50 publications will be delivered.
2.) Common Publications: Joachim Dippner mentioned that the group should focus more on common publications.
3.) Open deliverables: A3 will be managed by Christian Möllmann’s group. A5 and A6 will be organized by Joachim Dippner’s group. A short demonstration was given to show what will be the output of these deliverables. In B4, B5, and B6 most of the things are done (Michael Böttcher). D2 will be organized by Christian Möllmann’s group. For D5, Markus Venohr is responsible. He needs to translate the results. So far they are only published in German. For D6, Maren Voss is responsible, but all groups should contribute to this deliverable. Joachim Dippner will do AMOEBA model with the outputs from Markus Meier, Markus Venohr and Christoph Humborg’s model. He illustrates how an AMOEBA model works. Work package B cannot contribute to D6. After intensive discussion is was decided that D6 has not the nature of an early warning system, it is more putting different results together. The last workshop on lagoon ecosystem modelling will take place in Klaipeda from 21.-23. June and hosted by CORPI.
4.) Synthesis papers: Joachim Dippner mentioned that so far only one synthesis paper is written and asked for more synthesis papers.
5.) BSSC St. Petersburg: Joachim Dippner said that it is important that AMBER and its scientific output is visible at BSSC. Ten people will go to St. Petersburg and give presentations.
6.) Final BONUS Conference: The final BONUS Conference will take place in Gdansk on October 24 as a stakeholder conference. Each project will give only one talk; the rest of the results will be presented as posters.
7.) PI meeting: It was decided to have a PI meeting in Stockholm after the BSSC to prepare the synthesis papers, the presentation for the final BONUS Conference and the AMBER stakeholder conference. An appointment will be decided via
8.) AMBER Stakeholder Conference: Joachim Dippner informed the others that 2011 Germany will have the Chair of the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS), a political forum for regional intergovernmental cooperation and political and economical transformation. In this context, he was asked from the Staatskanzlei Schwerin to present the results of AMBER in a stakeholder conference in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV). He believes that this is an excellent opportunity to transfer scientific knowledge, a key issue of BONUS (bridging science and policy). It was decided to make such a conference in German language.
9.) New BONUS call: Joachim Dippner repeated the central topics of von Bodungens talk concerning the new BONUS call. Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas mentioned he is member of the stearing committee.
Wednesday, 23. March 2011
9:00 – 14:00 Student’s day:
The AMBER students discussed about how to improve the Baltic Sea Management from the perspective of their results and prepared a presentation.
Dusan Sovilj gave a late coming presentation from Research Cluster A: Dusan Sovilj: Machine learning approach for predicting zooplankton abundance in the Baltic Sea.
After lunch presented Karin Junker the student’s ideas about improving the Baltic Sea management. The talk was followed by a short discussion with senior AMBER scientists.