2016march VINE


The mission of St. John’s Evangelical

Lutheran Church is to lovingly proclaim

the Gospel among all people in order to

form and nurture loving communities

which confess by word and deed that

Jesus is Lord and Savior

The Newsletter of St. John’s

Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

(718) 761-1600

Volume 2016 Issue #3

Roster of Officers

St. John’s Lutheran

Church & School

2016 Church Committees

ReverendMichael Bagnall, Pastor

PresidentGerard Valles

Vice PresidentMichael Clandorf

Treasurer Fred Bock

SecretaryBonnie Selletti

Board of EldersThomas Sax

Board of Christian EducationRobert Holls

Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry Elsa Webb

Board of PropertiesHenry Heinsohn

Board of EldersBoard of Properties

Thomas SaxHenry Heinsohn

Dave Decker Daniel Ferucci

Bruce Mohlenhoff Doug Moat

Board of Christian Education Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry

Robert HollsElsa Webb

Audrey Mahoney Joy Rouse

Susan NeitzelChristineFerucci

Yvonne ClintonJoan Mohlenhoff

Mildred Clandorf Charles Small

Ruth Roscheska Leonor Abugel

Karen Gannon Pam Cavagnaro


Reverend Michael Bagnall, Pastor

Will be formally installed as

Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Installation Service at 4:00pm at the church

Located at 216 Jewett Ave. S.I. NY 10302

Reception – Buffet Dinner to follow

5:30 – 7:30pm at the school

Located at 663 Manor Road S.I. NY 10314

RSVP for Reception by Friday, April 1, 2016

Elsa Webb 347 466 0841

Joan Mohlenhoff 718 273 2644

Wednesday Evening Soup Suppers 6-7pm

Wednesday Evening Vespers Services 7:30pm

February 17 & 24

March 2, 9 & 16

Join us for our LentenVesper Services at 7:30pm each Wednesday on

February 17, 24 and March 2, 9 and 16 preceded by ourSoup Suppers from 6-7pm

Each week 5 soups, 4-6 quarts each are needed. Desserts are also needed. Hot and cold beverages will be supplied as well as homemade bread from Eleanor Hansen. Please be advised that if you wish to make something for the soup supper, you must sign up in the church narthex or contact Dave.

For further information, please contact

Dave Cavagnaro (718)447 0126

For further details call (718) 761 1600

or visit us on the web at;

Worship with Holy Communion

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

March 24, 2016 - Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion 2pm and 7:30pm (Stripping of the Altar)

March 25 - Good Friday Worship 2pm and 7:30pm (Tenebrae Service)

March 26 - Holy Saturday Easter Prayer Service 1:00pm

March 27 - Easter Breakfast 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Please be advised that there will be a “free will offering” collected at the breakfast to cover costs.

Easter Worship Service with Holy Communion at 10:30 a.m.


If you would like to order plants to decorate the church on Easter, please fill out the form below and return with your payment to the church office or to Janis Szoke no later thanSunday, March 13. The price per plant is $10. Please remember to indi-cate whether you are taking your plants or leaving them to be delivered to a shut-in.

I wish to order: Lilies:______X $10 = $______

Plants:______X $10 = ______

Total Enclosed = $______

In loving memory of:








To commemorate an occasion or to honor someone:



Given by: ______


____I am taking the plants____I am leaving the plants


2 Anita Neitzel

2Dorothy Winter

8Elsa Webb

9Ryan Heming

23John Gencarello

25Bonnie Selletti

28Christina Emmanuele

30 Vera Troncone


2Bill & Bev Heming

24Win & Dorothy Winter

28Bill & Joan Mohlenhoff


Please remember in your prayers the following that are ill:

Heinz Zeller ~ Robert Browne ~ Sonia Ingerson

Mary Francis ~ Kathy Francis ~ Eric Hansen

Audrey Hansen ~ Flo Karl ~ Ruth Roscheska ~ Joyce Spruth Mark Woycik ~ John Draper~Freddy Fiore ~Jerry Valles Bruce Mohlenhoff

  • Thrivent Choice Dollars - Our church is now one of the choices that you can choose with your Thrivent Choice Dollars. You can either go to and register or call 1-800 THRIVENT (847-4836) and speak to a live person. When you call the toll free number, you will say “Choice Dollars,” at which time you will be transferred and asked for the last 4 digits of your social security number. You then will speak to a representative who will assist you. Please note that if you use the website, we are listed as St John without the ( 's) Lutheran. We thank all those who have inquired, and we thank everyone who has chosen to help further the ministry of our church. May God richly bless you. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who is a part of this program.
  • Mary Martha Workshop – Has resumed
  • Worship time –10:30 a.m. Every Sunday
  • Thursday Breakfast BibleStudywill resume April 7

Sun 9:00 a.m. Youth Hand-Bell Rehearsal, Bible Study &

Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Divine Worship Service

11:30 a.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal

12:00pm Violin Rehearsal

Tues 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Wed9:00 a.m. Chapel at school


2016 Easter Food Box Drive

Continuing the ministry of helping local families in need, the Evangelism-Social Ministry Board of St. John's Lutheran Church is planning for its Annual Easter Food Box Drive. The joint efforts of our church and school has blessed so many people over the years, and we look forward to this opportunity to serve others in Jesus' name. We expect to fill food boxes for 18 families, which consists of 33 adults and 37 children.

Easter is on March 27 this year so it's not too soon to make plans for the food drive. From Sunday, February 28, through the date of the last Lenten service on Wednesday, March 16, we will be receiving food donations. Please place your donations on the back table in the church basement.

The important difference between the Thanksgiving and Easter Food Drive is that we must supply the meat/poultry for each family. For this reason we welcome pledges of meat/poultry donations and monetary gifts.

As always, checks must be made out to St. John's Lutheran Churchand MUST say HUNGER FUND in the check's memo. The date for sorting the food will be on Thursday, March 17.

Packing will be on Friday, March 18, and distribution will be on Saturday, March 19.

Additional details will be included on the church's website, Sunday bulletins and in the March Vine.

Please call Joan Mohlenhoff with any question at,

(718) 273 2644.

In His Service,

The Evangelism/Social Ministry Committee
Elsa Webb: Chairman
Joan Mohlenhoff: Food Coordinator

Please visit our website at

Our website is updated frequently, and most if not all of your inquiries can be answered simply be logging in.

Ladies Guild News

Hi everyone, we hope that you have all recovered from the February

blizzard, blast of cold weather and are enjoying the warmer weather.

At our February meeting Coleen Grace from the Stephen Siller Foundation joined us. Her presentation focused on the programs that The Tunnel to Towers fundraisers help to support. These include; customizing homes for disabled veterans and paying the mortgages for the families of two slain NYPD Officers Liu and Ramos.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2016 in the church basement and our guest speaker will be Christopher Ruiz who is the Trauma Program Manager at Richmond University Hospital (RUMC). He will talk about “A matter of balance” which is a program designed to prevent falls and increase activity levels.

Dates to remember:

March 2nd, 9th, 16th - Soup Suppers before Lenten Service

March 20th – Palm Sunday

March 26th – Set Up for Easter Breakfast

March 27th – Easter Breakfast before Church

In Christ.

Brigitte Hermann, President

Ruth Roscheska, Secretary

Dearest Family in Christ Jesus,

I am so humbled by the response and generous giving from the congregation on the the purchase of our additional hand-bells and hand-chimes. It continues to be a blessing and privilege to head the music program here at St. John’s.

I am very excited to inform you that we not only purchased, but we have received our additional bells and chimes and will begin rehearsing with them for Holy Week.

Thank you for supporting our Music Ministry and also for supporting and believing in our youth. Holy Week is coming together nicely. In addition to our Adult Choir for Easter Sunday, we also will have the addition of enhancing our worship that day with the Hand-bells, Trumpet, Saxophone, Violin and Flute. We are very blessed with talented parishioners. Again, thank you for your constant support and may God continue to bless you and His church.

In Christ,

Thomas Sax

Music Director

Thank you to all who came out

to support the youth group's

Valentine's Day dinner.

It was because of your generosity and support

that the dinner was a success!

In Christ Jesus,

St. John's Lutheran Youth Group

Join us for our LentenVesper Services at 7:30pm each Wednesday on

February 17, 24 and March 2, 9 and 16 preceded by ourSoup Suppers from 6-7pm

Each week 5 soups, 4-6 quarts each are needed. Desserts are also needed. Hot and cold beverages will be supplied as well as homemade bread from Eleanor Hansen. Please be advised that if you wish to make something for the soup supper, you must sign up in the church narthex or contact Dave.

For further information, please contact

Dave Cavagnaro (718)447 0126

Happy March Everyone,

Spring is almost here and our students can’t wait. For St. John’s this season is all about helping and giving. Students will be participating in Hoops for Heart and Jump Rope for Heart. The goal is to raise money for the National Heart Foundation. We will also be participating in two different food drives. One is for the St. John’s Lutheran Church to make food baskets for the needy, the other is for the Notre Dame Association. They will be dropping off receptacles that hopefully will fill with food for those less fortunate. Every little bit counts!

Registration for UPK and grades K-8 is open! Please spread the word to anyone who may be interested.

I would like to thank our school and church families for purchasing raffle tickets. Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated.

For more information, please check our school website and newsletter.

I wish you all a very blessed Easter.


Mrs. Speiser

Visit our website at .

Please call for a tour

663 Manor Road, Staten Island, NY 10314

Phone: 718-761-1858Fax: 718-761-4962