Meeting of Full Governing Body
Tuesday 22 June 2010at 7.30pm in The Staff Room
Attendees :-
Liz BarrowJane Catchpole
Jas Hill (Headteacher) (until 9.05pm)John Bell-Williamson
Kate Vadhia (Clerk)Sara Bruce (Vice Chair)
Suzy Howden (until 9.05pm)Judith Greenwood
Neil GregoryCharlotte Richer
James de WinterMike Taylor
Geoff StalkerAlison Cox
Kalpana JogiaCarole Etchie (until 9.05pm)
Maurice Garner
Apologies were accepted from James Dening and Laurie Coppersmith
No apologies had been received from Alvin Scott.
In James Dening’s absence Sara Bruce chaired the meeting.
As a number of issues had been raised about the minutes they were not agreed at this meeting. Instead it was decided that a revised set of minutes would be circulated and governors would let Kate have their comments within two weeks. The minutes to be agreed at the next meeting.
It was agreed that in future members of the GB would have two weeks to advise Kate of proposed amendments to the minutes and that Kate will provide a written summary of proposed amendments which will be circulated to all members of the GB with the agenda for the next meeting. / All
- James to develop the induction plan for new governors and allocate mentors.
- Policy spreadsheet to be on next agenda after Personnel have met.
- With regard to the last governors’ briefing it is expected that County would be writing to all schools about work/life balance and headteacher wellbeing. In the meantime Neil will pass on the information from the briefing to the Personnel Committee for discussion.
- The review of the school ethos to be on the next agenda.
- A letter was sent to parents about assessment.
- Sara to check with James D about following the complaints procedure with regard to his comments under Any Other Business at the last meeting.
- In future Kate to list items under matters arising which do not appear elsewhere on the agenda.
James dW
Neil/James dW
Kate/ James D
Ofsted had inspected the school on the 15 & 16 June. In total the three inspectors spent the equivalent of 5 days in school meeting teachers, support staff, parents, pupils and the Chair and Safeguarding governors as well as observing lessons and scrutinising files. Jas thanked the staff for their hard work and thanked the governors for their well wishes.
The GB thanked Jas and Carole for their efforts. The GB to write a letter of thanks to all the staff.
The report will be published within 15 working days following the end of the visit. Jas informed the GB that the published report will be sent to governors and parents at the same time. Jas will also prepare a press release. The GB agreed to have an extra meeting to consider the report once it is published. This would provide governors with the opportunity to clarify their understanding of the report.
The meeting to be held on Thursday 15 July at 6.30pm – venue to be confirmed by Kate. / Sara/ James D
GB Meeting Timings – to reduce the impact on staff governors of having late meetings and to address issues with work/life balance which were identified at the headteacher review, the GB agreed to trial earlier meetings for a year. The meeting in September is to start at 6.00pm. Committees to review their meeting times too.
Link Governor Update – all link governors to let Kate know what they have done and any issues which have arisen. Kate to keep a record and share with the Chair.
Committee Terms of Reference - The committee terms of reference have been reviewed in the light of concerns raised and suggested amendments have been sent to the chairs of committees. Kate to circulate this document to all governors.
Standing Orders – Kate has not had time to work on these – to be carried forward.
Electronic Communication – James D to prepare a summary document – to be carried forward. / Chairs of Cmtees
James D
Notes from the Governor Index training session had been previously circulated and were taken as read. It was agreed by those who had attended that the evening had provided a really useful opportunity for reflection.
It was agreed that GB development should be considered when reviewing the GB section of the SDP.
In the meantime a new format of the governing body audit form has been released by County. The recently completed audit needs to be transferred into the new format and then used as a working document. The working party to comprise James dW, Jane, Judith, John and Liz and Suzy. The same group is then to look at how the GB can proceed in the light of the Governor Index outcomes. They will draft the GB section of the SDP. Liz to arrange the initial meeting. / Action
James dW/ Jane/Judith/John/Liz/ Suzy
Jas circulated a presentation she had received from County and updated the GB on known changes in education arising from the change in government.
The Rose Curriculum which was due to come into effect in September 2011 has been shelved. No further details are available so all the school can do at the moment is carry on with existing best practice. There are some grey areas ie ICT was due to become a core subject. The Rose-area based teams in school need to be reviewed. Jas will keep the GB informed. Important information is likely to be shared at the next governors’ briefing in October so it is important that one or more governors attend.
James dW mentioned that if governors wanted to find out more about curriculum changes then The Cambridge Primary Review could be useful reading. James to circulate a link. / Jas
James dW
Personnel – have not met since the last GB.
Finance–have not met since the last GB.
Premises – have met and minutes have been circulated. Judith invited the GB to admire the new canopy outside Y1 and the re-built pond in the Conservation Area if they have the opportunity. The breakfast club started after half term and is going well. It does however involve a significant amount of work for Carole and her role with the club is to be reviewed.
P&A – have had a short meeting to discuss the Y5 mid year performance data but have postponed any further discussion until the end of year data is available.
9. / SDP & SEF
The previously circulated paper was taken as read. It was agreed that the working group had done a good job and the paper provided a very useful approach. The following actions were agreed:
- each committee to review their allocated section of the SDP and make appropriate recommendations for change before the second autumn GB meeting.
- Jas to ensure the committees have the most up-to-date information to inform the discussions.
- The second GB meeting in the autumn term to be devoted
exclusively about the SDP. This meeting will provide a forum for all to review the priorities of each committee and address any issues that fall outside the committee structure.
- Committees to ensure that reviewing the SDP and updating the SEF are core agenda items.
- A finalised SDP will be available on the school website.
James D /Kate
Chairs of Cmtees
James dW gave a brief update on a very complex issue. Foundation schools are at one end of the federation spectrum and academies are at the other.
If another school approached Mayfield about forming a federation we would need to consider what they were offering. James’ opinion is that we do not have to consider federation in the short term and should take the position of watchful waiting.
James dW reminded everyone about the GB end of year news letter and asked that all link governors provide him with a short paragraph about a positive event which has occurred in their subject area within the next month.
It was suggested that an end time be set for future GB meetings to help with timekeeping. / All
The meeting closed at 9.15.pm
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