BORIS ONDREICKA born Sept. 6, 1969 Zlate Moravce, SK | lives in Bratislava & Bernolakovo

Study: 1988 - 94 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK | NIFAD, Norwich, UK...

Collections: PGU, Zilina, SK | SG, Banska Bystrica, SK | EVN AG Sammlung, A | Kunsthalle Lophem, B | & private collections in Slovakia, Czechia, Holland, France, Belgium & Austria

since 1987 singer & lyrics writer of Kosa z nosa, | 1986 - 98 member of art-group 00 later Blondiak | 1995 - 98 program coordinator of SCCA | since 1997 part of identity FILKONDREICKA [with S. Filko] | 1999 - 01 contributor for women monthly Eva | 1999 - 00 contributor for monthly More (music & more...) on Slovak TV | 2000 contributor for Wanazine | 2001 - 02 creative director of Soria & Grey Advertisement Agency | since 2002 project leader of | since 2002 member of art-initiative Nonspekta | since 2003 member of conceptual-acid-jazz-duo Les Band (with J. Mancuska) | since 2003 member of expert- team of Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic | since 2003 member of Urban Catalyst expert-team for Palast der Republik, Berlin, | 2003 communication solutions for relations, Berlin

I N D I V I D U A L S H O W S (SELECTION): 2004 ONE SECOND | OUT OF TIME, Magazin 4, Bregenz, A & Kjubh, Cologne, G (cur. J. Reichardt) | 2003 jan ondreicka & boris mancuska, Galerie Jeleni & N.O.D., Prague, CZ (curated by G. Bukovinska & R. Rohan) | 2002 Laska, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK | 2001 Boris Ondreicka & Kosa z nosa, Galerie V. Spalu, Prague, CZ (curated by J. Krbusek) | 2000 FILKONDREICKA "Sill", Museum of V. Loffler, Kosice, SK (Cat.) (curated by V. Beskid) | 1998 Egon Grabstein's Demon.straat 00, Kunsthalle Lophem, Loppem, B (curated by R. Patteeuw) | 1996 Blondiak, Gallery of Cyprian Majernik, Bratislava, SK. (Cat) | 1995 - Gallery Ruce, Prague, CZ. | 1994 That's What I Know, House of D. Ovchinnikoff, Bratislava, SK. (curated by Blondiak)

G R O U P S H O W S (SELECTION): 2004 biomath, for Kunsthalle Loppem, Lophem, B (cur. R. Patteeuw) | Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity, Trafo, Budapest, HU | access czhuplsk, Display, Prague, CZ (cur. by display) | Anxiety of influence, Stadtgalerie Bern, CH (cur. by A. Budak) | Strategies of Desire, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basle, CH (cur. by S. Schaschl-Cooper) | 2003 Next director of Documenta should be an artist, (cur. by J. Hoffmann) | Institution2, Kiasma, Heslinki, Fi (cur. by J. Hoffmann / sel. by BAK - M. Hlavajova) | Now What?, BAK, Utrecht NL (cur. by M. Hlavajova) | Stadt In Sicht, Kunstlerhaus, Vienna (cur. by A. Soucek & H. Liebhart-Ulm | Prague Biennale, CZ (cur. by M. Scotini / G. Politi...) | Love, Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz, AT (cur. by J. Reichart and W. Fetz) | 2002 Attachment +, Brugge, B (cur. by R. Patteeuw) | [New]art 1936-2001, Kunsthalle am Exnergasse, Vienna, A (cur. by R. Gregor) | 2001 A Sense Of Wellbeing - Loss, History, and Desires, Imperial Spa, Karlove Vary, CZ (cur. by M.Scotini, P. L. Tazzi) | 2000 B.I.G. Torino 2000, Cavalerizza Reale, Turin, I. (Cat.) (cur. by R. Fleck...) | There is something you should know, Belveder, Vienna, A (Cat.) (cur. by W. Kos, H. U. Obrist, G. Kargl, B. Huck...) | Eject, Paramaribo, SR ( || 1999 The Invisible City, Marres, Maastricht, NL (cur. by P. Vanrobaeys & F. Bergholz) | Slovak Art for Free, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, I (Cat) | Generation Z, PS1, NYC, USA (cur. by A. Heiss, K. Biesenbach, B. Vanderlinden) | Midnight Walkers - City Sleepers, W139, Amsterdam, NL (cur. by H. Fijen, M. Hlavajova...) | Trafique, SMAK, Ghent, B (Cat) (cur. by P. Vanrobaeys) | 1998 There is nothing like a bad coincidence, Medium, Bratislava, SK (Cat) (cur. by M. Hlavajova) | Eurocentral, Transmission, Glasgow, UK (cur. by R. Johnston) | Guarene Arte 98, Guarene de Alba, I. (Cat) (cur. by F. Bonami & C. Basualdo, O. Enwezor, D. Fogle, H. Hanru, L. Neri, G. Di Pietrantonio, A. Scherf, B. Vanderlinden) | Junge Szene, Secession, Vienna, A. (Cat) (cur. by K. Rhomberg) | Manifesta-2, Luxembourgh, L. (Cat) (cur. by R. Fleck, M. Lind, B. Vanderlinden) | 1997 Triple Possibility, Gallery of V. Špála, Prague, CZ. (Cat) (cur. by M. Hlavajova) | 60/90, Confectionary Stürzer, Bratislava, SK. (Cat) | 1996 Balt-Orient Express, IFA Berlin, G., NG Bukarest, RO., Kunsthalle am Exnergasse Vienna, A. (Cat) (cur. by D. Mihaltianu & B. Barsch) | Interior-vs-Exterior, Cosmos corp., Bratislava, SK. (Cat) (cur. by M. Hlavajova & M. Smolikova) | 1994 Sweets from a Stranger, Norwich Gallery, Norwich, GB (Cat) (cur. by Pepinieres europeennes pour jeunes artistes) | 1993 That, What is Left, Stencl House, Prague, CZ. (Cat) (cur. by J. & J. Sevcik) | 777, Mail Art Project, Portsmouth, Moscow, Amsterdam,.. (cur. by I. Csudai...) | Secret, PGU Zilina, SK. (Cat) (cur. by K. Rusnakova) | 1992 Guests, UBS, Bratislava, SK | Between Object and Installation, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, G. (Cat) | Oriental Spirit in Contemporary Zurich Flats, Zurich, CH. (cur. S. Thalmann, C. Niederer / B. Huber, M. Nicol) | 1991 - Gallery Medium, Bratislava, SK. (Cat) | 1990 Art and Revolution, Regensburg, G.