Proposal for a BA Degree in Physical Sciences

To be granted by the Department of Physics

For this degree it has as its required content (credits in quarter system):

54 credits in physics

24 credits in math (MATH 251-252-253-264 Calc; MATH 273 Diff Equations)

The core of the BA program consists of:

15 credits of General Physics for Majors with Lab (204-205-206/214-215-216)

15 credits of Intermediate Physics (351-352-353)

3 credits of capstone (499)

Totaling 33 credits

The remaining 21 credits must be taken from within physics (and approved other physical science courses offered by Chemistry, Geology, or Engineering).

15 of the final 21 physics credits must be taken at the 3xx level or higher, and of these 15, 9 must be taken in the Physics Department.

The following are examples of BA options.

Physics/Chemistry Education -I

6 credits of freshmen astronomy (120-121)

3 credits of Advanced Topics in Astronomy (341)

(6 credits of Organic Chemistry & Lab (CHEM201-202-2-3/211-212-213) – needed for teaching license, not for major)

6 credits of physics 3xx (Choose from Mechanics, E&M, Thermo/Stat Mech, Advanced Lab Lite, )

6 credits Physical Chemistry (CHEM-301, CHEM302)

Physics/Chemistry Education - II

6 credits of freshmen astronomy (120-121)

3 credits of Advanced Topics in Astronomy (341)

(6 credits of Organic Chemistry & Lab (CHEM201-202-2-3/211-212-213) – needed for teaching license, not for major)

6 credits of physics 3xx (Choose from Mechanics, E&M, Thermo/Stat Mech, Advanced Lab Lite, )

6 credits Mineralogy (GEOL-301, GEOL302)

Pre-Med / Pre-Law / Pre-MBA / Pre-Journalism

(6 credits of Organic Chemistry & Lab (CHEM201-202-2-3/211-212-213) – needed for med school, not for major)

6 credits Physical Chemistry (CHEM-301, CHEM302)

6 credits of physics elective (any level, could include intro astro, NanoTech/Exp Nano Sci & Tech )

9 credits of physics 3xx (Choose from Mechanics, E&M, Thermo/Stat Mech, Advanced Lab Lite)

Astrophysics Concentration

6 credits of introductory astronomy (120-121)

3 credits of Advanced Topics in Astronomy (341)

6 credits of Intro to Astrophysics (521-522)

6 credits of physics 3xx (Choose from Mechanics, E&M or Thermo/Stat Mech)

Traditional Physics Concentration - I

6 credits of Mechanics (301-302)

6 credits of Electricity & Magnetism (304-305)

3 credits of Thermo/Stat Mech (331)

6 credits of physics electives (any level)

Traditional Physics Concentration - II

6 credits of Mechanics (301-302)

6 credits of Electricity & Magnetism (304-305)

6 credits Physical Chemistry (CHEM-301, CHEM302)

3 credits of Geology (GEOL-362 or GEOL399H)

These are meant to be examples only. Any mix that includes 9 credit hours in physics at the 3xx level (beyond the sophomore sequence) and an additional 6 credits hours of “approved” 3xx courses in appropriate disciplines would be allowed. In addition to a list of “approved” 3xx courses in appropriate disciplines, a student could petition wither the Director of Undergraduate Studies, or perhaps the Undergraduate Committee, for approval of an alternate course.

A selection of approved courses in other disciplines might include

Physical Chemistry(CHEM-301, CHEM302)

Mineralogy (GEOL-301, GEOL302)

Geology of the Tri-State (GEOL-362, Geology of the Cincinnati area for teachers, engineers and architects. 3 credits )

Global Climate Change (H15GEOL399, 3 credits)

Analytical Chemistry, (CHEM-341, CHEM-342)

InorganicChemistry (CHEM-441, CHEM-442)