Tennessee State University
American History 2020
Study Sheet Test IV—Dr. Lovett
Part I:
Read chapters in your textbook, America: Past and Present, since 1865—chapter 29, chapter 30, chapter 31, chapter 32, and chapter 33. Take notes.
Part II: Read one (1) of the three feature essays: “The Christian Right” (p. 950); “Rise of
a New Idiom in Modern Painting” (p. 858); “Unintended Consequences: the Second Great Migration” (p. 888); “Roe v. Wade: the Struggle over Women’s Reproductive Rights” (p 937); or, visit this website, and take notes:
http://www.ipl.org/ref/POTUS/wjclinton.html on President Clinton’s brilliant
election and biographies.
Be able to identify in multiple-choice: The Marshall Plan, NATO, United Nations, Berlin
Blockade, Korean War, Mao Tse-tung, Harry S. Truman, election of 1948,
Eleanor Roosevelt, Containment Policy, Levitown, the “New Frontier,” James
Baldwin, Richard Wright, C. Wright Mills, Mercury Space Program, “Little Rock
Nine,” Elizabeth Eckford, Hattie Cotton Elementary School, SCLC, SNCC, Rosa
Parks, A. Phillip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Vietnam War, 1964 Civil Rights Act,
1965 Voting Rights Act, 1968 Open Housing Act, March on Washington,
Immigration Act of 1965, Betty Friedan, Cesar Chavez, Watergate crisis, Rodney
Kingm Eldrick “Tiger” Woods, Ophra Winfrey, Bosnia-Kosovo, presidential
election of 2000, Freedom Riders, Brown v. Board of Education (1954).
Be able to write 3-4 pages on these essay questions. Any cheating will result in “F” for
entire course.
1. Discuss the causes and results of the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
2. Discuss the major developments and accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement for the years 1954-1968.
3. Discuss America’s political history from 1952 to 1980, including the elections of 1964, 1968, and 1980, and how the nation began to shift to the right and conservatism. Could this have been a reaction to the liberalism, civil rights movements, and anti-war protests of the 1960s?
4. By the end of the 1980s, Americans, especially minorities, grew tired of the conservative Reagan Revolution, the busted economy under the Republicans, and voted the liberal Democrats back in office in 1992. Discuss and explain your views of political, social, and economic developments in the nation during the period 1992-present.
5. Discuss the Women’s Rights Movement in America, 1920-present.