Association of Swedish IB Schools
Annual Report of the Board of ASIB 2011-2013
Board members
The ASIB board consists of the following members:
Lena Månsson Head of School Sigtunaskolan HumanistiskaChairman läroverket/Sigtuna
Brita Malmheden-ParkIB DP Coordinator Sven Eriksonsgymnasiet/BoråsSecretary
Maria NicolaiHead of School Sven Eriksonsgymnasiet/BoråsMember
Birgitta RoupéIB DP Coordinator Katedralskolan/ LundMember
The board has met four times during the past years:
-In Gothenburg on 1-2/12 2011
-In Lund on 8 /3 2012
-In Gothenburg on 12/9 2012
-In Sigtuna on 18/1 2013
Major issues considered by the board during the year:
During 2012 HSV/VHS has been very busy with Gy11 and have not focused on IB. There were a few changes in December, but most of the changes were in favour of IB students and therefore no negotiations were needed. ASIB submitted our comments regarding details, and a few corrections were made.
The first students from Gy11 will graduate 2014 and therefore we can foresee that students from IB and other school systems must be compared to the new grading system. In 2014 quota group 1 will be divided in two subgroups, with students from the old and new Swedish grading system separated. The last proposition from HSV is that IB students shall be in the same group as those with the old Swedish grades. This is only a temporary solution and ASIB has emphasizedthat the work to implement IB students in the same group as Gy11 students should be intensified.
The biggest problem is still Swedish B. The requirement in Swedish has increased in Gy11 and therefore we are not very optimistic about solving the issue with Swedish B. Students need to write tests to be graded in Swedish courses or do the TISUS test. It is important to stress that this must be done before June in the year of Exam, otherwise the student will always be in quota group 2.
To conclude ASIB are satisfied with the outcome of the meritpoäng process in December. The Board feels that the IB has been fairly treated in the allocation of meritpoäng.
ASIB was represented by Ulrika Wiman and Lena Månsson in two regional meetings of recognized IB world schools under the cooperation and licence agreement with the IBO, see One meeting was held at IBO Headquarters in the Hague October 2011 and the other in Madrid October 2012. The meetings aimed at soliciting what kind of cooperation and assistance from the IBO the different regional associations may be requesting as well as sharing best practices in dealing with IB issues in the region. A summary of this meeting will be made available at the ASIB Bi-Annual meeting in Karlstad,April 2013.
Concerning the ASIB:s webpage, it is now up and running. The webpage is continuously updated by the ASIB board and it has been adapted for marketing purposes such as workshops, conferences and other events. All board meeting minutes are posted on the webpage. The ASIB board has attended a crash course in Word Press, the web page programme.
The ASIB board is following the issue with the IBCC , IB Career Related Certificate , implementation in Sweden and is available for support when needed from schools who intend to apply for IBCC. The issue will be brought up at the Annual meeting in Karlstad
April 2013.
The problem with The Regional IBO Conferences, now held every year,has ledthe ASIB board to suggestmoving both the Swedish Bi-Annual Conference and the Nordic Baltic Conference to the spring, alternating years. This proposal was sent to Anders Kloppenborg, the Chairman of the Association of the Danish IB schools.
The question of using a logo for ASIB is still under investigation.
The Board has also discussed the new regulations for eligibility to Swedish Universities concerning the requirements in Swedish. A letter was sent to all coordinators and Principles concerning this and Rolf Öberg and Karin Henrekson Ahlbergare still in discussion with HSV and VHS. The issue of Swedish ab initiowas brought to the ASIB board by Peter Morris the former IB coordinator in Nacka. An answer was sent referring to the fact that not enough students would be candidates for the course and furthermore the new requirements for University eligibility with the increase of the requirements Swedish ab initiowould not give eligibility and would not prepare students for TISUS as well as Swedish B. The ASIB board has decided not to proceed further with the matter.
The board has discussed the problem with low funding of the IB DP programme and the board will raise the question at the Bi-Annual Conference in Karlstad.
Lena MånssonBrita Malmheden-Park
Maria NicolaiBirgitta Roupé