
Video Vignettes - Aeroshell Maintenance Answer Videos


Maintenance tips for your propeller


[AeroShell Winged pecten]

[Text] AeroShell answers

Ben Visser with propeller

Speech: Ben Visser

Well, I guess that makes sense.


[Text] Ben Visser [winged pecten] AeroShell

Speech: Ben Visser

I was running through the prop department and I found this, which is great because I want to talk to you about props. You know by and large propellers are very dependable and don’t require a lot of attention. However, there are a few things you should always remember.



  1. Have your prop inspected.
  2. Fulfill A.D. notes.
  3. Follow manufacturer’s checklist

[AeroShell Winged pecten]

Speech: Ben Visser

For example, you should always have your prop inspected by a qualified mechanic and fulfil all AD notes issued by the manufacturer. And always follow the manufacturer’s checklist.


Aircraft propeller

Speech: Ben Visser

With fixed-pitch props like this one there are very few things that can go wrong, but it’s still very important to check for nicks on the leading edge and for poor-quality paint or signs of corrosion.


Ben Visser with propeller

Speech: Ben Visser

Most propeller tips are going fairly close to the speed of sound during flight. This means the blades are under a very high load and even a small crack or nick can lead to a severe failure.


Instrument panel inside cockpit

Speech: Ben Visser

I would also suggest you limit the rpm as much as possible


Aircraft taking off

Speech: Ben Visser

when you’re taxiing on or near loose gravel or other objects than can damage your prop.


Ben Visser with propeller

Speech: Ben Visser

All propellers should be kept clean, but constant-speed propellers like this one require additional care to ensure trouble-free operation. Never use a pressure washer to clean your prop. A pressure washer can force water passed the blade seals. This can displace the lubricant and increase the wear and corrosion of the blades. So always clean all props using the proper procedure and solvents.


Aircraft propeller being checked

Speech: Ben Visser

When pre-flighting your constant-speed prop, you should also check for signs of nicks or corrosion. Always check the prop seals for signs of a leak and check the blades and spinners for tightness and excessive run out. There should be very little movement in the blades


Ben Visser

Speech: Ben Visser

and they should all feel about the same. Remember prop failures are very rare but they are also usually a lot more difficult to handle than even an engine failure. So always check your prop and follow the manufacturer’s checklist.


Ben Visser with propeller

Speech: Ben Visser

OK, now let’s check that spinner. I’m Ben Visser. Good flying.