Most people love to spend time in the sun especially if it is a tropical island. The weather is affirable and there is always plenty of native food to eat. The island that I would not mind being deserted on would be Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. This island is only 100 miles long and 100 miles wide, but it is a tropical paradise with its own rainforest. This island has many advantages that would make survival very possible but there would still be essential items I would need to take. My banishment to this island is only until I find a cure for the common cold but with all the resources available I will meet with success.
Most people love to spend time in the sun especially if it is a tropical island. The weather is affirable and there is always plenty of native food to eat. The island that I would not mind being deserted on would be Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. This island is only 100 miles long and 100 miles wide, but it is a tropical paradise with its own rainforest.
Thesis: This island has many advantages that would make survival very possible but there would still be essential items I would need to take; my banishment to this island is only until I find a cure for the common cold but with all the resources available I will meet with success.
Blue is your topic sentences.
The island of Puerto Rico has a kaleidoscope of colors that drape all over it. There are hundreds of shades of green. If one looks up you see tall green palm trees and if you look down you see green plants and vegetation. There are a multitude of colors to be found, especially on flowers/plant life. There are many different fruits and vegetables available here, one only has to reach up and grab them. A person can eat till their heart is content with the assortment of food available. Every afternoon it rains which cool off the earth and sets up the evening wind for a peaceful nights rest. The soil is so rich the assortment of trees, flowers, vegetables, herbs and native animals. Since there are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables’ I have been sent here to find a cure. ß brown is your transition sentences
My government sent me to this island to run experiments on the vegetations in the hopes of finding out what makes the natives so healthy. There is something here on the island that enables the natives to live longer and they never have a common cold. So I must stay here on the island until I discover its health secrets. The pharmaceutical companies do not want this information out because they would lose millions of dollars, so must do all my research in secret. I have a secret lab, secret house and secret spy equipment. I report to my leader on an encrypted wiki, and they instruct me how to proceed. Since I have to be almost invisible I had to be particular about the things I took with me.
The preparation for living on a island required much thought, because I wanted to have all the needed items to make my scientific studies a success. The government only allowed me to take 2 personal suitcases, so this made me critically think about the contents. The government also allowed me to bring one person along and that would be my comrade Timothy. He is strong and smart so he will be very useful in this mission. I would need to take a machete to cut down all the brush. I would need containers to collect specimens’. I also would need satellite internet connection, a laptop, devices to save my research and back it up, edible foods cook book to verify food before I eat it and a Swiss army knife. Clothes go without saying the second suit case would carry all my clothes. I would also include my hiking boots and snake-proof boots. I have been told to take plenty of socks, since it rains so much it is important to keep your feet dry. A mosquito net would also be imperative to avoid sickness. I could easily live off the land so the other essentials would be cooking untensils. Having all these things would make my stay on the island a success.
CONCLUSION: In the end being deserted on a tropical island to find a cure for the common cold would be excellent fun and adventure. I would be able to survive on the land for a long time. My mission would be for the greater good of mankind. So despite not being able to leave the island till I find a cure, it seems like I could get used to living in paradise.