
Science Literacy

Source Name and Date: Science News Publication date: September 16th, 2009

Name of Article: Cell Phones: Precautions Recommended

Page Numbers (if given): (online)


Why did you choose this article?

I use a cell phone a lot. I have heard that it might be harmful effects from the radiation.

What questions do you have about the topic?

Is it dangerous to your health to use a cell phone?

Can scientists design a cell phone that is safer?

Take notes:1) List ideas. 2) List vocabulary words ( 3) Look up vocabulary words. 4) Write definitions.

Notes (Important points) / Vocabulary Words
1 / People should use a cell phone where reception is very good. / Reception =
2 / A research study showed thatusing cell phones might be linked to getting cancer. / Link = connected to, related to
3 / The link between cancer and cell phone use is not robust. / Robust = strong
4 / Reduce the amount of time children use cell phones and text instead of calling people.
5 / A study showed an increase in parotid-gland tumors among people who use cell phones.
6 / Children are especially susceptible to radiofrequency emissions. / susceptible
7 / Using hands-free technologies is recommended by the Israli health ministry.

(Continue on notebook paper if necessary)

Do you have questions about the article?


Write a summary in your own words.

What is the article about? Write the main idea of the article in one sentence.

Main Idea: Using cell phones may increase the risk of cancer, so people may need to change how they use cell phones.

Write sentences from your notes. Write sentences that explain and support the main idea of the article.


1While studies have shown that cancer may be linked to cell phone use, that

link is not very strong.

1For example, in one study, people who used cell phones developed tumors

in their saliva glands.

2Scientists have made a few recommendations about cell phone use.

2First, cell phone use is more dangerous for children, so parents should not

let children use cell phones too much.

2It’s better for children to text than to call on the phone.

2Using hands-free technology and calling only where reception is very good

are other ways of reducing exposure to radiation.

Write a Summary

Write a topic sentence using your Main Idea.

Write supporting sentences using the Notes Sentences.

Write a personal response (What do you think, how do you feel, what questions do you have?).

Find or make a graphic relevant to the article.

***If you type your article summary, please use Times New Roman 12pt, double spaced.

Brendt Bly

September 19, 2009


Period: 2


Using cell phones may increase the risk of cancer, so people may need to change how they use cell phones. While studies have shown that cancer may be linked to cell phone use, that link is not very strong. For example, in one study, people who used cell phones developed tumors in their saliva glands.

Scientists have made a few recommendations about cell phone use. First, cell phone use is more dangerous for children, so parents should not let children use cell phones too much. It’s better for children to text than to call on the phone. Also, using hands-free technology and calling only where reception is very good are other ways of reducing exposure to radiation. By following this advice, people may lessen the harmful effects cell phones.


I depend on my cell phone to communicate with friends and colleagues every day, so I can’t stop using it. Also, I’m concerned not only about my own health, but also about the health of my family and friends. I usually just use my cell phone for texting, but I’m worried about my friends and family who talk on cell phones for over an hour every day.

I hope that cell phone companies are responsible enough to be honest about the harmful effects of using cell phones, and encourage people to use hands free devices. I also would like to see more research done on this topic, so that there is stronger proof that cell phone usage is linked to cancer.