Curriculum subject overview: Year 4
Subject / Autumn 1What makes music popular? / Autumn 2
Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? / Spring 1
How would you cope without electricity for a day? / Spring 2
Why is Stoke on Trent a cool place to live?
Why was the River Trent important? / Summer 1
How would you have lived a hundred years ago? / Summer 2
What happens to the food we eat?
1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2
English / Georges Marvellous Medicine
-instructions / Alfie’s Roman Adventure
- retell parts of the story
- Non- chronological reports / Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
-character description
-recount chapter of The Chocolate Room / Charlie and the chocolate factory
- explanation of how a room in the factory works / The Secret Garden
- Retell scenes from the story
- Poetry / The Secret Garden
- Diary entries
- saving the environment information, persuasive leaflet
Maths / White Rose
Number: Place Value
Number: Addition and Subtraction / White Rose
Number: Multiplication and Division
Measurement: Area / White Rose
Number: Fractions
Measurement: Time / White Rose
Number: Decimals
Measurement: Money / White Rose
Measurement: perimeter and length.
Geometry: Angles, Shape and symmetry, Position and Direction. / White Rose
Measurement: Area and Perimeter.
Science / Sound / Solids, liquids, gases / Electricity / Working scientifically – E.G. investigating different types of circuits to light up a Spooky street scene. / The human body / Living things and their habitats
Computing / Online safety / Effective searching / Writing for different audiences / Logo / Coding / Animation
Online Safety / E-safety class charter / Age appropriate gaming / Keeping personal information/passwords safe. / Using appropriate websites / Online bullying / Using mobile devices appropriately.
Anti-bullying / New Beginnings and Transition / Friendships and feelings / Similarities and differences
RE / What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? / Christmas. / What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? / Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
Easter / Why do some people think life is like a journey? / Why are religious festivals important?
PSHE / Our Happy School
(New Beginnings) / Out and About
(Getting On & Falling Out / Say No to Bullying) / Looking Forward
(Going for Goals) / My Friends and Family
(Relationships) / Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
(Good to be Me) / Ready, Steady, Go
History / Romans / Egyptians / Victorians
Geography / Where on Earth are we?
Locating countries on a world map.
Italy – Rome – Pompeii. / Mount Vesuvius / Renewable energy
Where is electricity not available? / How does water go round and round?
Water cycle
Natural disasters / Can you come on our trip?
Regions in the UK – London. / Fair trade
Where food comes from in the world.
DT / Stage sets
Making instruments / Design and make Roman shields / Design and make a light for a spooky setting / Water Cycle dioramas / Food – making healthy food recipes using Fair trade ingredients. / Design an animal shelter
Art / CD covers
Class artist / Watercolour pictures of Vesuvius / Spooky settings.
Egyptian headdresses / Sid Kirkham landscapes of The Potteries.
Clarice Cliff pottery. / Victorian decorated picture frames, used to frame children’s silhouette. / Still life of fruit bowl/flowers.
Music / Throughout the year children will be learning a musical instrument with City Music Service.
PE / Team circuits / Gymnastics
Tag Rugby / Outdoor Adventure Activities / Dance / Athletics
Swimming / Sports day events
French / Following the Year Four Catherine Teacher scheme.
Outdoor / Persuasive writing
Set up a mess/litter etcpersuade people to take care of our allotment patch. / Romans
Act out scenes from Escape From Pompeii on the stage. / Egyptians
Bury Egyptian artefacts as a hook to the topic. Children to generate questions and background story surrounding the artefact and person who may have put them there. / Egyptians
Building different types of pyramids according to the shape/size of the base. / Victorians
Grow potatoes and make our own traditional chips.
Victorian picnic/tea party in costume.
Area and perimeter / Art
Outdoor sketching still life
Trips / Chester – Romans
Dewa Experience. / Museum of science and industry – Manchester.
(Electricity) / Iron Bridge - Telford
End of unit showcase / Perform their favourite song to another class. / Parent workshop –Roman Craft. / Presenting non - chronological reports of our visit to Manchester. / Parent workshop: Clarice Cliff art on individual canvases. / Victorian themed day. / Ready Steady Cook!
Fairtrade cooking
parent workshop.