1. / Tichenor & Associates
Louisville, KY / *990107 / Auditing / Increase by $4,500.00
Provide for the design of sampling plan for compliance reviews. / Perform compliance reviews of cemetery companies and sellers of pre-need burial contracts. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $67,500.00.
2. / Tichenor & Associates
Louisville, KY / 990332 / Legal / Increase by $4,000.00
Provide for additional hours needed for trial preparation and providing testimony at trial, due to the excessiveness of the volume of work involved. / Provide for the performance and completion of pending criminal investigations. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $70,860.00.
3. / Hands-On Computing
Bowling Green, KY / 99-163 / Training / Increase by $4,860.00
Provide additional computer training classes for an estimated 40 Cabinet for Families and Children staff in a Basic Users Course. / Provide computer training classes for an estimated 55 Cabinet for Families and Children staff. This will include Microsoft Word Intro (20 students), Microsoft Excel (20 students), and Microsoft Word Advanced (15 students). This contract was approved 5/99. This amendment brings the total to $9,720.00.
4. / William Pat Stewart
Paducah, KY / 99-145 / Training / Increase by $858.00
Provide for 10 additional sessions of computer training to staff in Purchase and Pennyrile Regions. / Provide training to staff of the Cabinet for Families and Children (Protection and Permanency, Family Support, and Child Support) on: Introduction to Windows 95 (4 courses at 3.5 hours each), Internet and E-mail (4 courses at 3.5 hours each), and Microsoft Word (4 courses at 3.5 hours each). This contract was approved on 4/13/99. This amendment brings the total to $2,447.00.
5. / Michael Winer
St. Paul, MN / 99-141 / Consulting / Increase by $2,390.00
Provide for the consultant to conduct a seminar on June 19, 1999, for community collaboration award winners and deliver a keynote address at the Governor's mansion. / Conduct a seminar for the Advisory Council on Human Services Collaboration at their annual meeting. This contract was approved on 4/13/99. This amendment brings the total to $5,302.00.
6. / Jefferson County Board of Education
Louisville, KY / 99-082 / Miscellaneous / No increase or decrease
Provide for budget reallocation. / Provide support to families involved in the Truancy Court Diversion project, and will provide comprehensive approach to addressing the multiple needs of youth and their families. This contract was approved on 12/8/98. This amendment does not change the balance of the contract, which is $84,884.00.
7. / Mary H. Seelbach
Lexington, KY / 99-146 / Consulting / Increase by $5,000.00
Provide for an ongoing need for services. / Write a report of a survey on existing boards and commissions and make recommendations for improving their efficiency and effectiveness. Complete the following fourt tasks: 1) develop a database in Access to analyze the data; 2) enter the data and submit a draft report; 3) design questions for follow-up focus groups and assist in convening focus groups; and 4) submit a final report. This contract was approved on 4/13/99. This amendment brings the total to $9,500.00.
8. / PDR Engineers, Inc.
Lexington, KY / 985008 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $1,750.00
Provide for additional design, drafting, time/site visits associated with new gutters, downspouts and minor roof repairs to Bays A, B, C, and D. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for construction of roof replacement, E and F Bays - Building 6, Bluegrass Station, Lexington, KY. This contract was approved on 8/12/97. This amendment brings the total to $25,961.00.
9. / Sherman Carter Barnhart
Lexington, KY / 995331 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $18,497.00
Provide for additional design for the counterweigh and rigging systems, for the lighting system, and for coordination activities. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for Breckinridge Hall renovation, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $768,497.00.
10. / Senler Campbell and Associates
Louisville, KY / 995294 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $43,422.00
Provide for encompassing Phases B, C, and D. / Provide engineering services for the design and supervision of construction for Jefferson Davis Monument Repair, Todd County, KY. This contract was approved on 10/13/98. This amendment brings the total to $73,422.00.
11. / Godsey Associates
Louisville, KY / 995305 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $1,000.00
Provide for construction oversight and programming fee. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the 48-Bed Secure Juvenile Detention Facilities, #2, Bowling Green, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $221,000.00.
12. / Johnson, Romanowitz Architects
Lexington, KY / 995303 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $10,000.00
Provide for additional programming fee. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the Veterans Nursing Home, Hazard, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 11/10/9. This amendment brings the total to $685,267.00.
13. / Johnson, Romanowitz Architects
Lexington, KY / 995302 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $10,000.00
Provide for programming fee over and above Phase A activities. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the Veterans Nursing Home, Madisonville, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $640,900.00.
14. / Mason & Hanger Engineering, Inc.
Lexington, KY / 995311 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $161,701.00
Provide for construction oversight and programming fee. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the Law Enforcement Training Center, EKU, Richmond, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $961,701.00.
15. / Godsey Associates Architects
Louisville, KY / 995312 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $2,500.00
Provide for additional services. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for 80 bed Maximum Security Juvenile Facility, Adair County, Kentucky. This contract was approved 11/98. This amendment brings the total to $352,500.00.
16. / GRW Engineers, Inc.
Lexington, KY / 995328 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $13,671.00
Provide for programming effort encompassing wastewater flow determination, establishment of discharge permit requirements, inflow / infiltration evaluation, investigation of existing lagoons-removal and decommissioning, wastewater treatment alternative study, site survey/force main profiles, and geotechnical investigation. / Engineering services for the design and supervision of construction for New Waste Water Treatment Plan, Greenbo lake State Park, Greenup County, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $68,671.00.
17. / Collignon & Nunley
Owensboro, KY / 995334 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $5,482.00
Provide for construction oversight and programming fee. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the Execution Building, Kentucky State Penetentiary, Eddyville, KY. This contract was approved on 11/10/98. This amendment brings the total to $40,482.00.
18. / Ross Tarrant Architects, Inc.
Lexington, KY / 995350 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $66,880.00
Provide for construction oversight and programming fee. Additional $25,300 is being approved for programming services provided 6 programming meetings and preparation of meeting minutes, documenting those discussions, preparation of individual room data sheets, compiling all program information into a final program document and printing the document. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the Central Regional Postsecondary Education Center PhaseI, Elizabethtown, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 1/12/99. This amendment brings the total to $536,880.00.
19. / Voelker Winn Architects
Louisville, KY / 995395 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $5,460.00
Provide assistance in selecting furniture, preparing a bid package, and administering installation. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for renovation of McCullum Hall, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY. This contract was approved on 3/9/99. This amendment brings the total to $122,460.00.
20. / Jerry A. Taylor & Associates
Lexington, KY / 995424 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $88,782.00
Provide for resident inspector for three month period. / Engineering services for the design and supervision of construction for dorm life safety upgrade, sprinkler and fire alarm systems, Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky. This contract was approved on 4/13/99. This amendment brings the total to $190,782.00.
21. / Luckett & Farley
Louisville, KY / 985012 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $3,555.00
Provide for and extension to the resident inspection sevices for one month. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for the 200 Bed Boot Camp, Roederer Correctional Complexs, Lagrange, KY. This contract was approved on 4/8/97. This amendment brings the total to $292,215.00.
22. / Arrasmith, Judd, Rapp, Inc.
Louisville, KY / 985193 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $20,701.25
Provide for the re-engineering of the space originally planned for construction technology and multi-skills labs. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for Pike County Regional Technology Center, Pike County, KY. This contract was approved on 3/11/97. This amendment brings the total to $542,364.25.
23. / K. Norman Berry, Associates Architects
Louisville, KY / 985052 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $3,560.00
Provide for testing the terra-cotta per ASTM standards. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for Capitol Dome Renovations, Frankfort, KY. This contract was approved 8/96. This amendment brings the total to $233,908.87.
24. / Smith Architecture
Louisville, KY / 985087 / Arch./Eng. / Decrease by $6,888.00
Decrease to recover the cost of damaged furnishings due to humidity problems in the guest rooms.
Decrease by $4,500.00
Decrease due to resident inspector being paid in full. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for Lodge Complex Renovation, Lake Barkley State Resort Park, Cadiz, KY. This contract was approved 4/95. These amendments bring the total to $209,912.00.
25. / Godsey Associates, Architects
Louisville, KY / 985076 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $28,000.00
Provide schematic plans for ADA compliance for public toilets in the existing Convention Center; provide schematic concepts, and plans for converting the existing freight elevator into an ADA compliant passenger elevator. Provide construction documents for the sets of exisitng toilets and provide bidding assistance and contract administration services. / Architectural services for the design and supervision of construction for the expansion of the Commonwealth Convention Center, Louisville, KY. This contract was approved 3/95. This amendment brings the total to $3,956,095.00.
26. / Howard K. Bell
Lexington, KY / 985109 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $31,481.59
Provide for resident inspection services, electrical design for service to pump stations, and general engineering services. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for water and sewer line replacement, Kenlake State Resort Park, Hardin, KY. This contract was approved 2/95. This amendment brings the total to $118,848.59.
27. / Luckett & Farley
Louisville, KY / 985013 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $12,300.00
Provide for extension of the resident inspector for a period of 3 months. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for 150 bed medium security dorm, Roederer Correctional Facility, LaGrange, KY. This contract was approved on 4/8/97. This amendment brings the total to $363,900.00.
28. / Elsym Consulting, Inc.
Marietta, GA / *99-97-255 / Consulting / Increase by $8,500.00
Provide for additional funding because current funds have been exhausted. / Maintenance on the KLC's Internal Control System (ICS). Elsym is the owner and developer of the ICS software used by the KLC, this is the sole source provider for these services, given that the information required to perform the services is proprietary to Elsym. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amenment brings the total to $33,500.00.
29. / Keane, Inc.
Louisville, KY / *99-97-272-2 / Computer / Increase by $500,000.00
Provide for additional funding because current funds have been exhausted. / Provide programming and development services on a project-by-project basis. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $2,171,389.36.
30. / Data Safe
Louisville, KY / *99-96-029 / Miscellaneous / Increase by $3,000.00
Provide for additional funding because current funds have been exhausted. / Provide off site storage of electronic media and delivery and pickup of media from Louisville and Lexington offices and storing the media off site. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $27,999.00.
31. / Voice Integrators, Inc.
Upper Saddle River, NJ / *99-97-192 / Miscellaneous / Increase by $5,000.00
Provide for additional funding because current funds have been exhausted. / Provide equipment, software and maintenance for the call answering machine. This contract was approved on 8/13/98. This amendment brings the total to $35,000.00.
32. / Resource Data International
Boulder, CO / 99-27 / Consulting / Increase by $8,000.00
Provide for additional drafting work beyond the terms of the contract. / Provide professional consulting services to the Special Task Force on Electricity Restructuring, including restructuring's impact on customer rates, the structure of the new utility market and economic development as outlined in the Request for Proposal for Consulting Services for the Special Task Force on Electricity Restructuring, the Proposal to provide project management and technical assistance regarding retail wheeling dated 12/30/98. This contract was approved on 3/9/99. This amendment brings the total to $126,000.00.
33. / MULTI - Continuing Education & Conf. Ser. / *99-011 / Miscellaneous / Increase by $7,255.58
Provide for additional instructors for continuing education classes and workshops. / Provide for continuing education services. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $22,255.58.
34. / Comprehensive Computer Services, Inc.
Melville, NY / 99-091 / Computer / No increase or decrease
Provide for a time extension. / On-site instruction, MHSU tailored, Universe 115V, and 300V for 15 participants (4 days) instruction on-site MHSU tailored 300V for 5 programmers (1 day), and manuals provided by CCS for all participants. This contract was approved 5/99. This amendment does not change the balance of the contract which is $16,872.50.
35. / Howard K. Bell, Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Lexington, KY / 023-99-2 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $5,100.00
Provide additional construction administration as a result of re-bidding the project in two separate contracts. / Sprinkler system design revisions and updates and construction administration for: Elizabeth Hall, Hester Hall, White Hall, Regents Hall, and Hart Hall. Fire alarm design and construction administration for: Hester Hall, White Hall, Regents Hall, and Hart Hall. This contract was approved 5/99. This amendment brings the total to $153,837.63.
36. / Brailsford & Dunlavey and Paradigm Consulting
Washington, DC / 99-334 / Consulting / Increase by $1,851.88
Provide expenses for one unscheduled staff trip which was not scheduled in the original scope. / Perform a convocation center market study to determine the facility's potential for success. This contract was approved on 12/8/98. This amendment brings the total to $31,607.88.
37. / Hunt, DuPree, Rhine & Associates
Greenville, SC / *990179 / Consulting / Increase by $20,000.00
Provide for funding of administrative fees necessary for increased number of participants in calendar year 1999 and in the latter half of calendar year 1998. / Third party administration of Commonwealth Choice flexible benefits program for state employees and others. This contract was approved on 7/14/98. This amendment brings the total to $276,000.00.
38. / Tilford, Dobbins, Alexander, Buckaway & Black
Frankfort, KY / 990301 / Legal / No increase or decrease
Provide for the addition of travel time. / Represent the Commonwealth in the case styled Lee Jackson et. al. v. Commonwealth of Kentucky. This contract was approved 9/98. This amendment does not change the balance of the contract which is $50,000.00.
39. / Haworth, Meyer & Boleyn, Inc.
Frankfort, KY / Ag# 279798 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $243,863.00
Provide for engineering studies for 3 additional alternates including an environmental overview. / Provide engineering and environmental services necessary to obtain location approval for rural / urban section of roadway on the Harrodsburg - Lexington Road (US 68) in Jessamine County. This contract was approved 11/97. This amendment brings the total to $885,900.00.
40. / Burgess & Niple, Limited
Lexington, KY / Ag# 149596 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $9,610.00
Provide for geotechnical investigation on 10th Street (KY 1120) Bridge in Campbell County. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for 10th St. (KY 1120) in Campbell County. This contract was approved 12/95. This amendment brings the total to $239,879.00.
41. / John D. Lyons
Monticello, KY / 11301 / Consulting / Increase by $1,000.00
Provide for ongoing services assigned. / Serve as a statewide condemnation witness for the Commonwealth on an as-needed basis. This contract was approved 8/87. This amendment brings the total to $171,000.00.
42. / Wallace L. McConnell, SRA
Louisville, KY / 003383 / Appraisal / Increase by $1,000.00
Provide for ongoing need for services. / Provide appraisal services on a statewide basis, as needed. This contract was approved on 10/10/95. This amendment brings the total to $76,000.00.
43. / Johnson, Depp & Quisenberry
Owensboro, KY / Ag# 279495 / Arch./Eng. / Increase by $108,249.00
Provide for the provisions of new 1998 design memoranda covering erosion control plans and construction sign quantities; the addition of bike paths, and the staking of geotechnical boring locations. / Provide engineering and related services to include all necessary field work, complete design and preparation of roadway plans, right of way plans, and right of way plans for utilities for US 68 - KY 80 in Trigg County. This contract was approved 6/95. This amendment brings the total to $663,118.00.
44. / G. Herbert Pritchett
Madisonville, KY / 7297 / Appraisal / Increase by $30,000.00
Provide for ongoing need for services. / Serve as appraiser on an as-needed basis, statewide. This contract was approved 2/85. This amendment brings the total to $206,292.00.
45. / David P. Schoepf
Ft. Thomas, KY / 7298 / Appraisal / Increase by $1,000.00
Provide for additional appraisal services. / Provide appraisal services on a statewide basis as needed. This contract was approved 2/85. This amendment brings the total to $320,948.00.
Attorney General, Office of The
