Homecare Ministry Home Health Aide Training Requirements

The training and competency evaluation programs sponsored by Homecare Ministry.Com must utilize the curriculum and guidelines set forth by the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 42 (42CFR). In order to be included in the Minnesota Home Health Aide Registry and to work as a Homecare Ministry Associate, the trainee must receive a minimum of 75 hours of training including 16 hours of supervised practical training in a patient’s home or other health care setting. The trainee must demonstrate knowledge while performing tasks on an individual under the direct supervision of a

registered nurse.

The Home Health Aide Training Program is comprised of both the Home Care Curriculum and the Home Care Health Related Tasks Curriculum and requires 75 hours to complete. The 75 hours consists of the following:

·  40 hours - Home Care Curriculum

·  35 hours - Home Care Health Related Tasks Curriculum

o  19 hours classroom/lab instructional training

o  16 hours supervised demonstration of skills

§  8 hours classroom/lab

§  8 hours with a client or patient at home or in an appropriate health care facility

The Home Care Health Related Tasks Curriculum contains standard written tests that must be used in combination with performance checklists to determine the home care worker's successful completion of each Unit. A Home Health Aide certificate will be issued to the student upon successful completion of a 75-hour home health aide training program that has been approved by Homecare Ministry.Com.

Home Care Curriculum

  1. Introduction to Home Care
  2. Working with Home Care Clients
  3. Working with the Elderly
  4. Working with Children
  5. Working with the Mentally Ill
  6. Working with the Developmentally Disabled
  7. Working with the Physically Disabled
  8. Food, Nutrition and Meal Preparation
  9. Family Spending and Budgeting
  10. Care of the Home & Personal Belongings
  11. Home Safety and Accident Prevention
  12. Personal Care

A. Orientation to Health Related Tasks
B. Performing Simple Measurements and Tests
C. Assisting with the Preparation of Complex Modified Diets
D. Assisting with a Prescribed Exercise Program
E. Assisting with the Use of Prescribed Medical Equipment, Supplies and Devices
F. Assisting with Special Skin Care
G. Assisting with a Dressing Change
H. Assisting with Ostomy Care


Each home health aide training program must identify and clearly state its goals and objectives and must include measurable performance criteria specific to both the curricular subject material and clinical content required by the Department. We recommend that the curriculum be taught at a sixth grade reading


The curriculum must include the content outlined below:

1. Orientation to home care and the role of home health aides;

2. understanding basic human needs of individuals and families including understanding the elderly, infantsand children, persons with physical illnesses, persons with physical disabilities and persons with mental disabilities;

3. communication skills;

4. basic elements of body function;

5. patient rights and HIV confidentiality;

6. safety, accident prevention and responses to emergencies;

7. infection control and universal blood and body fluid precautions;

8. personal hygiene and grooming including bed, sponge, tub or shower baths; skin, tub or bed shampoos;

nail and skin care; oral hygiene; toileting and elimination;

9. use of prescribed medical equipment and supplies;


10. rehabilitation including safe transfer techniques and ambulation; normal range of motion and positioning;

assistance with use of crutches, walkers, and hoyer lifts; and prescribed exercise programs;

11. nutrition and fluid intake, to include preparation of meals for simple and complex modified diets;

12. temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure;

13. simple test and measurements;

14. maintaining a clean, safe environment;

15. assistance with medication administration;

16. special skin care;

17. simple dressing changes;

18. ostomy care;

19. handling patient's money; and

20. observing, reporting, and recording.

The training program's teaching staff may exercise discretion in determining the amount of time required to adequately teach each of the subject areas, however, the minimum training time required must be met for each subject area and the training hours must total a minimum of 75 hours.