St John’s CE Primary School
Year 6 Curriculum Fact Sheet
Autumn 12016
This gives you some information about some of the work your children will be involved in during this half term.
English/ We begin this term with a text study of Michael Morpurgo's Kensuke's Kingdom to compare viewpoint, author techniques and draw upon events to write letters, diaries and reports about the natural world. We will be using the knowledge from our topic work to write information and explanation texts about volcanoes and earthquakes. Our grammar focus is primarily on using language of description, semi-colons and adverbials of time, place and number.
/ This half term the children will mainly be focusing on the four operations of number. They will be recalling mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts at speed, in addition to practising written strategies for each of the operations. The children will be given number problems and puzzles to solve and reason mathematically.
RE, PSHE, MFL / RElessons this half term focus on the concept of 'Life as a Journey'. We will be exploring how faith in Christianity shapes our life choices and us as individuals. We explore the Christian values of perseverance, trust and hope and understand how having faith can have an impact on our lives.
PSHE:children will be setting goals, considering options for their futures and looking at their strengths to help them achieve their full potential.
French:Our French unit will begin with telling the time and places in and around school. We will focus on building, writing and reading sentences in French.
‘In Your Element'
/ Our first topic focuses on the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water. The topic is geography themed and we will learn about mountains, volcanoes, rivers and hurricanes. We will consider which elements are most destructive and complete design challenges to protect from each element.
We will also complete tasks in other areas of the curriculum:
Art: Collages of each element using a range of materials
Computing: E-Safety, Information Technology and Multimedia
Drama: Disaster, Disaster!
Music: Weekly music lessons taught by Bolton Music Service
Science: Understanding the effects of water and fire on certain materials, and link this to their uses; investigating rocks, soils and minerals
Useful Websites /
- Remember to go onto Espresso (log in through school website) to look at the range of activities linked to our topics
- Why not use your log in to go on to Mathletics and play against children all over the world ?
- Use Purple Mash activities for French (Creative Tools)
Year 6:
- Homework is sent home on a Friday and should be returned by Wednesday morning
- Spellings should be learnt daily and applied in homework tasks
- Bring your reading book and record every day
- Anything you read outside of school (not just your reading book!) can be written into your record by somebody at home
- PE kits should be in school all week
- Swimming letter will be sent home with a start date and further information
- Remember to look smart each and every day!
Mrs Davies and Mrs Barr