Deacon Meeting

First Baptist Church of Brandon

April 19, 2016

The regularlyscheduled April Deacon Meeting was held at FBC Brandon, East Campus.

Voting Deacons present were: Buck Alman, Rick Berry, Larry Dale, Roy Lively, Mark Lott, Scott Robinson, Danny Sephton, John Ashley, Jack Gaughf, Pat Guest, Les Herrington, Steve Jones, Woody Sherman, J.L. Slay, Steve Ainsworth, Anse Barber, Curtis Covington, Jerry Fortenberry, Sonny Quinn, Brett Sanders, and Breck Tyler.

Non-Voting Deacons present were: Paul Crocker.

Others Present: Mike May, Norman McLeod and John Clendining.

Les Herrington, Chairman of Deacons, called the meeting to order.

Steve Ainsworthled the group in a devotion. Steve told us about how the bible said God was with Joseph, over and over no matter his circumstances. See Genesis 39 and 40, also Acts 7:9-10. When you are gone, will people say that God was with you?

Steve Ainsworth then led the group in prayer.

Minutes of the previous Deacon Meetings

The minutes of the special March, and regularly called March deacon meeting were printed and made available to the group before the meeting. Les asked for a motion to approve the minutes from these twomeetings. Pat Guest moved that the minutes be approved, and Mark Lott 2nd the motion. The motion carried.

Financial Report

Norman McLeod presented the Financial Report for the Church and the Children’s Center for March2016. Norman reported the finances of the Church and Children’s Center are in good shape. Highlights of his presentation were explanation of the England Mission trip budget line, transfer from cash reserves for the pastor search costs, and that the regular tithes and offerings received are 23% of the 2016 budget, but our expenditures equal only 20% of the budget.

At the end of the financial report presentation/discussion, Roy Lively offered a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for the financial report. Larry Dalemoved that we endorse the financial report as given. The motion passed.

Old Business

There will be three meetings in the near future for more church members to learn and ask questions about the proposed Bylaws. Les urged us to attend one of the three meetings, to provide support for this process.

New Business


Pastor Search Committee

Pat Guest told us that the search firm is doing their work. He has not heard from them lately, but this matches what they told us to expect at this time in the search process.

Deacon Team Ministry Reports

In the deacon meeting packet were the reports from the security team, Lord’s Supper team, new member team, and the window/widower team. Les discussed these, and expressed his thanks for the work done in these areas.

The deacons broke into groups to pray for specific purposes. The meeting was adjourned after this prayer.

The next regularly scheduled Deacon meeting will be May 10, 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

Curtis Covington

Deacon Secretary