****** March 10, 2015 ******

6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY

Call to order: Regular Board Meeting, 7:00PM

Pledge to the Flag:

Roll Call: Mayor Charles Flanders Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Ezra Geist Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson

Absent Call: Trustee Thompson (attending the Corning Seminar)

Others Present: Jennifer Bush, Clerk; Becky Dennis, Treasurer; Cathy Smith, Book Center; Bill Rusby, Codes; Madonna Figura.

Approval of Minutes- No corrections or additions to the February 17, 2015 regular Board meeting minutes as written.

M82 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the minutes of the February 17th regular Board meeting as written. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.


Cemetery – Tom Hunt – Report on file (gray) – (Absent) No lots sold for the month of February and one burial.

Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby – Report on file (green) – No Building Permits issued for the month of February. Bill will be attending the FLBOA Code School March 16th through the 19th. Fire Inspections are almost complete. Still have the Presbyterian Church to inspect but have a hard time finding someone there. Bill will get the name of the person at BOCES in the building trades and the mayor will send a letter requesting the possible use of students to help on the DPW building project.

DPW/Water Department – Bob Mauro – Report on file (blue) – (Absent) There was a frozen water service at 92 West Ave.. Found that both the curb stop and the service line to the home were only about 3 to 3.5 feet deep. The frost was over three feet deep. The main shop overhead door had a problem with a spring. It was repaired. Once the pot holes start showing up we will need to get cold patch from another source. Blades no longer makes cold patch. Temperatures are supposed to get into the 40’s next week and we will start placing the overhead doors on the new DPW building. Need to change Brad’s hours back to Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm.

M83 Motion made by Mayor Flanders, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to change Brad Pucula’s hours of work to Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm., starting March 16, 2015. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Book Center – Cathy Smith – Report on file (pink) – There were a total of two hundred twenty-three books checked out for the month of January. This included one hundred seventy-one Arkport owned books, twenty-eight books from STLS, and twenty-two interlibrary loan books. Thirty people visited the Book Center. One hundred thirteen children from Lisa’s Daycare participated in story time through the month of February. Four volunteers helped out at the Book

Center. The computer use for patrons was five and a half hours. The summer reading program will be “HEROES” and will be held Monday July 13, 2015 to Friday August 14, 2015. The kick-off party will be in the Arkport Community Room on Monday, July 13th and will include a visit from the State Police and the K-9 unit. The wrap-up celebration pizza party will be Friday, August 14th in the Community Room and there will be a visit from the Arkport Fire Dept. with some of their equipment. Cathy was visited by Lisa’s Daycare students on March 2nd and presented the Book Center with a gift of forty-eight books and $35.00 to purchase more new books. The daycare staff had decided to ask parents not to give gifts at Christmas, but to donate money to purchase new books for the Book Center.

Treasurer – Rebecca Dennis – Report on file (white) - General Fund, Water Fund and the Capital Project Fund.

M84 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve the Treasurer’s Profit and Loss Reports for the February 2015 General Fund and the Water Fund as distributed. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M85 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the Treasurer’s Profit and Loss report for the February 2015 Capital Project Fund as distributed. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution#14-24: Supplemental Appropriations to the 2014-2015 General Fund Budget:

·  Decrease Streets P/R $5,000.00, Streets- Equipment $60.00 and increase Garage DPW-P/R $2.000.00, Snow Removal- P/R $3,000.00, Snow Removal-Equipment $60.00. No net change to budget.

M86 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to approve Resolution#14-24 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution#14-26: Supplemental Appropriations to the 2014-2015 Water Fund Budget:

·  Decrease Admin Grant Writer/ Engr. Exp. $260.00 and increase Real Estate Taxes $260.00. No net change to budget.

M87 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve Resolution#14-26 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution#14-23: To Amend Resolution#14-10, dated October 21, 2014, to establish the standard work days for certain titles enrolled in the New York State Retirement Fund.

M88 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve Resolution#14-23 as distributed and read to amend Resolution#14-10 passed on October 21, 2014. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Old Business & Tabled Items:

Amendment to Cemetery Fee Schedule: (Tom Hunt) Tom Hunt is absent. Mayor tabled the amendment for next meeting.

Water Purchase Contract – Town of Hornellsville: They will be voting to sign tonight at their meeting. Received a phone call from Town Supervisor Ken Isaman and the agreement is signed. We will get this to Rural Development ASAP.

Water Meter Reading System Upgrade: Trustee Hedges explained the hand held receiver to read water meters for billing is no longer working and we cannot get parts. Becky has looked into the purchase of a new receiver at a cost of about $12,599. This has to be a receiver that is compatible with our Badger meters. Previously the Village had set aside money to purchase a new backhoe. Half the cost was to be out of the Water Fund and half from the General Fund. When we went to purchase the backhoe, the trade in value of our current backhoe was half what we had anticipated. We decided not to purchase a new backhoe at that time. There is $12,500 set aside in the Water Fund for equipment that Trustee Hedges highly recommends we use to purchase the receiver. There is a maintenance agreement included the first year in the original cost, after that a maintenance agreement is available for $3,000. a year. Becky will contact two other companies to try and get additional quotes. This will be tabled until next month.

Proposed National Fuel Hook-up: Proposal to waive the $100.00 annual fee for right –of-way use of the Village driveway on Oak Hill, if the Gemmels join us to install the National Fuel gas line on Oak Hill.

Resolution#14-25 John and Krista Gemmel Agreement – It is the best interested of the Village to waive the annual $100.00 fee assessed to John and Krista Gemmel for the right-of- way use of the Village water tower driveway, if they agree to join the Village in the project to install National Fuel Gas lines at the Oak Hill Rd. location and each pay their determined costs to National Fuel.

M89 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve Resolution#14-25 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

New Business:

Proposal for Village to move money from Chase Bank due to increased fees.

M90 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to approve moving the General Fund and the Water Fund monies from Chase Bank to Steuben Trust Company. After discussion it was decided to change the motion to read “from Chase Bank to avoid excessive fees.” Amended motion seconded by Trustee Brewer. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Set date for Budget Public Hearing in April: The Public Hearing for the tentative 2015-2016 Budget will be April 7, 2015 at 6:00pm.

Set date for Organizational meeting in April: The Organizational meeting for the 2015-2016 year will be April 7, 2015 at 6:15pm. The regular Village Board meeting will be April 21, 2015, 7:00pm.

Proposal from Empire Access for telephone and internet service: Empire Access has given the Village a proposal for phone and internet service for the Village office, DPW, Book Center and alarm line at the treatment plant, as a package. All Trustees have reviewed the proposal before the meeting.

M91 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to transfer services from Verizon to Empire Access and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Ratification of Abstract #9, Voucher #267 thru #302, in the amount of $33,345.70.

M92 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve ratification of Abstract #9 as presented. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Village Elections will be held Wednesday, March 18, 2015 in the Village Community Room, 12:00 noon to 9:00pm.

M93 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to amend the agenda to discuss the tentative budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Trustee Hedges discussed the new budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. There is a 1.5% increase in the budget, which equates to an increase of $.07 per $1,000.00 of assessed value. This makes the overall rate at 5.3% per $1,000.00 of assessed value. Entire budget was discussed. The upgrade of Northridge was discussed and it was determined we will move the money allocated in the Reserve Account to the Streets Maintenance Projects.

M94 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to amend the tentative budget to move $97,250.00 from the Intended for Building fund, to the Streets Maintenance Projects fund. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M95 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the tentative 2015-2016 General Fund budget as amended. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M96 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the tentative 2015-2016 Water Fund budget as presented. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Next meeting is April 7, 2015, Public Hearing for Budget at 6:00pm and Organizational meeting at 6:15pm.

Next Regular Board Meeting Date: April 21, 2015, 7:00pm.

M97 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Geist, to adjourn the meeting at 9:22pm. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer D. Bush

Village Clerk

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