Primary sources / Documents from the time of the event; most reliable; diary, photograph; remember that sources can be biased
Historians / They use a variety of evidence to view multiple perspectives; must be aware of point of view to notice bias
Traditional economy / Focused on hunting, gathering, herding and self-sufficient farming
Economics / Supply and demand; factors of production are important; studies the scarcity of resources and means of production
Ancient Greece / City-states developed because of rugged, mountainous terrain (land); direct democracy
Hellenistic Greece / Example of cultural diffusion (spread of culture)
Ganges River / Associated with Hinduism
Confucius / China; five relationships; jobs based on merit (tests); filial piety showed duties and responsibilities in society
Golden Ages / Times of great achievements
Gupta Golden Age / Development of zero; medical and mathematical achievements
Ancient cities such as Venice and Mogadishu / Centers of trading activity; good location of waterways
China and Japan are close to each other / Both experienced periods of isolation
Silk Road / China was able to import cotton from India
West African Kingdom of Mali / Wealth from salt and gold
Humanism / Renewed interest in Greece and Rome
Protestant Reformation / Led to decline in religious unity; influenced by Johann Gutenberg; led to spread of Calvinism; King Henry VIII eventually formed Anglican Church
Westward expansion of Ottoman Empire under Suleiman the Great / Led to spread of Islam; he promoted religious toleration; controlled large empire
Incas / Built a road system; they were able to adapt to their environment
European colonization of the Americas / Motivated by desire for gold and silver
Amazon River / Located in Latin America
African slave trade / Power shifted from kingdoms in the interior to coastal areas
Magna Carta / Reaction to abuse of power by monarchs; led to weakened power of kings
Louis XIV / Centralized control of France; built Versailles as a monument to his personal rule
Scientific Revolution
Copernicus, Galileo, Newton / Established man’s place in society; led to questioning of traditional beliefs; based on observation and experimentation
French Revolution / Cause: Unfair taxation
This led to meeting of the Estates General, executive of the King and storming of the Bastille; Third Estate wanted greater influence in the political system
Montesquieu / Separation of powers; believed it would prevent tyranny of power by one branch or one individual
Zionism / Acquiring a homeland for Jews
Balfour Declaration / Agreement to create a homeland for Jews in the Middle East
Industrial Revolution / Began in Great Britain due to abundance of natural resources; led to growth of the working class; began in England
Laissez-faire / Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations; minimal government involvement; he supported supply and demand; market economy; private property and profit motive
Berlin Conference / European nations determined how to divide up Africa
Japan / Lacked natural resources; became imperialistic to acquire them
Militarism / Strength of nation’s armed forces
Russian Revolution / Upset with czarist rule
Westernization / When a nation becomes more modern; allowed women to vote
Secular / Becoming less religious
Reasons for the rise of fascism / Economic hardships
Appeasement; Munich Conference / Allowing Hitler to keep land he took as long as he didn’t take more;
Causes of the Korean and Vietnam Wars / Desire to stop the spread of communism
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement / Goal is to prevent economic barriers; promote free trade; no tariffs
Tiananmen Square Protest / Chinese students wanted greater democratic reform
Hutus vs. Tutsis / Ethnic conflict in Rwanda
Ayatollah Khomeini / Iranian leader who wanted to bring greater Islamic fundamentalist principles to the country
Africa / Suffers from many problems today that prevents the continent from further development
Nelson Mandela / South Africa leader who fought against apartheid; ended oppression of his people
Desertification / Overgrazing of land leads to this; droughts; wind erosion; often in the Amazon Basin
Bubonic Plague / Spread by traders; mostly hit urban areas
Caste system / Established roles for different classes of people; Indians could not move up in caste
Russia / Lacked a warm-water port
Armenian massacre / Example of human rights violation
Great Rift Valley / Natural barrier
Archaeology / Study of artifacts excavated from the ground
Ancient civilizations / Located near river valleys; had irrigation systems
Pre-columbian civilizations / Produced corn
Mongols / Used stirrups, horsemen and strong military to conquer Asia and parts of Europe
Japan and China are located near each other / Japan emerged as an imperialist country; needed natural resources
Mansa Musa / Islamic leader; pilgrimage to Mecca
Ottoman Empire / Eastern Mediterranean`
Joint stock companies / Examples of capitalism; banking, insurance companies
Columbus / Spain and Portugal explored after his voyage
Mercantilism / Economic system when colonial powers control trade; increase supply of gold and silver with a favorable balance of trade
Latin American nations / Economies relied on cash crops (focus on one)
European colonization / The colonizers were ethnocentric; believed they were superior to the Africans ; raw materials were shipped from Africa to Europe
Imperialism / Europeans had better weapons and technology
Czar Nicholas II and Mussolini / Censorship and repression; limited rights
Balkans / Site of early conflict that led to World War I
New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union / Attempt to increase production
Ho Chi Minh / Vietnamese independence leader
Jomo Kenyatta / African independence leader
Self-determination / Desire for people to have independence
Holocaust / Genocide of Jews in the 1940s
African conflict / Much of the problems are ethnic conflict due to tribal boundaries being ignored
Apartheid / Separtion of blacks and whites in South Africa
Middle East / Strategic location and oil reserves
Women / Some women have risen to power throughout the world
Neolithic Revolution / Shift from hunters and gatherers to farming
Ming Dynasty / Zheng He; expanded trade with Africa and Southeast Asia
Karl Marx / Author of Communist Manifesto; promoted revolution to make change; believed industrial workers were mistreated and should unite and revolt
Fidel Castro / Communist leader of Cuba; promoted revolution
Vladimir Lenin / Communist leader of Russia; promoted revolution
Fall of Constantinople in 1453 / Led to rise of Ottoman Empire; shift from Mediterranean to Atlantic Ocean
British Empire / Spread throughout the globe
Himalayan Mountains / Made cultural diffusion more difficult in India and China
Huang He (Yellow River) / In China; often flooded which destroyed crops and villages
Han Dynasty / Long period of stable government
Roman Empire / Long period of stable government
Monotheism / Belief in one god; Judaism; Christianity
Renaissance / Time of artistic achievements in Europe; return to Greece and Rome; secularism, humanism, individualism, classicalism; began in Italian city-states because they had wealth from trade with Constantinople
Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII / End of religious unity in Europe
Spread of Islam to Africa / Example of cultural diffusion; shows that Islam extended beyond the Arabian peninsula
Machiavelli / “ends justify the means”
law should be subject to the will of the leader; politics
Magellan / First to circumnavigate around the world
Astrolabe, printing press, caravel / Better understanding of the world
Peter the Great and Louis XIV / Centralized power
Enlightenment / Spread from Europe to the Americas; intellectual movement based on reason and individualism
Andes Mountains / Located in South America; made it difficult for Simon Bolivar to unite the region
Russo-Japanese War / Japan emerged as a growing power after defeating Russia
Long March / Mao and the communists of China marched through the mountains; established Mao as a revolutionary leader
Mexican Revolution / 1910… following by instability; Porfirio Diaz, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata
Soviet Union under Stalin / Focused on the development of heavy industry to increase power
Indian National Congress / Wanted to free the Indian subcontinent from British rule; goal was to remove foreign control
Totalitarian / When the leader of a government has total control
Soviet Union after WWI / Controlled Poland, Hungary, East Germany and other satellite countries
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) / Controlled the price of oil and production levels
North Korea / Communist
Brutal civil and ethnic conflicts / Hutus vs. Tutsis
Russians and Chechens
Deng Xiaoping / Helped bridge China from a communist country to a more market based economy
Japanese warriors / Samarai; shogunate
Ireland / Potato famine of 1840s; the potato was brought from the Americas to Europe through the Columbian Exchange
Geographers / Would look at wind patterns and their impact on trade; would study the topography of the land
Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians / Irrigation systems
Roman Empire / Near the Mediterranean Sea
Hinduism / Vedas are sacred
Byzantine Empire / Between the Black Sea and Mediterranean; Cyrillic alphabet and Orthodox Church
Middle Ages / Feudalism; manorism
Ghana and Songhai / Trading centers in West Africa
Mansa Musa / Contributed to spread of Islam
Henry VIII / Challenged the authority of the Catholic Church
Columbus / Spain wanted to find a faster trade route to Asia
Encomienda System / Used by Spain; grants of land with forced labor of natives
John Locke / Enlightenment thinker who was against absolute rule of rulers
Russian Empire / Had many diverse ethnic groups
Enlightened despots / Believed in reforms, natural rights and that they were servants to the state
Catherine the Great considered a law to treat al people equally
Reparations / Payment for war damages
Kemal Ataturk / Modernized Turkey
Fascism / Mussolini; Hitler; extreme nationalism, censorship, single ruler by force; in the 1930s, fascist dictatorship
Great Leap Forward / Chinese were forced to join communes
Trade routes such as the Silk Road / Leads to cultural diffusion
Napoleonic Code; Justinian Code / Provided people with a set of rules to follow
Truman Doctrine / U.S. attempt to stop the spread of communism
NATO / Countries allied with the U.S. against the communist Soviet Union
Bantu migration / Led to spread of language and skills
Han and Roman Empires / Declined due to inability to stop foreign invasions
Ten Commandments, Eightfold Path and Five Pillars of Faith / Provide followers with a guide for living
Commercial Revolution / Led to development of capitalism
Mali / Mansa Musa; conquered Ghana; golden age;
Martin Luther and Henry VIII / Both challenged the Catholic church
Social hierarchy / When there are different classes of people
Industrial Revolution and Potato Famine / Both led to migration of people
Simon Bolivar / Blocked by the Andes Mountains
Latin America / Mostly Catholic because it was colonized by Spain
Europeans called the Americas the “New World”
Aztecs / Had advanced civilization with urban areas; agricultural practices
Meiji Resotaration / In Japan; sent expert to learn from modern Western nations
European imperialism of Africa / Africa had a wealth of natural resources
Imperialism / Spheres of influence, mandates
Gandhi and Ataturk / Made political statements through protests; both were nationalist leaders
Fidel Castro / Communist leader of Cuba
Nuclear weapons / The world is concerned about Iran and North Korean acquiring nuclear weapons
Middle East / This region was a key strategic location during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union
Hammurabi Code / Eye for an eye; codified laws
Great Wall of China and Berlin Wall / Attempts to limit the movement of people
Treaty of Nanking and Treaty of Versailles / Both called for reparations to be paid
Miguel Hidalgo, Ho Chi Minh and Jomo Kenyatta / All independence movement leaders
Columbian exchange / Beginnings of mercantilism
Suleiman the Magnificent, Akbar the Great, Peter the Great / All absolute monarchs
Southwest and Southeast Asia / Indian Ocean separates them
Mesopotamia / Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Mandate of Heaven / Belief that god chose rulers; China
Islam / Praying five times a day; giving charity; fasting during Ramadan
Russian architecture / Byzantine
Gupta Empire / Concept of zero; cave murals
Golden Age of Islam / Mosques, medical books, algebra
Mongol invasion / Led to trade along the Silk Roads
Mogadishu and Venice / Located on the coast; good for trade
Black Death / Led to shortage of workers
Machiavelli / Concerned with politics
European expansion in Africa / Hindered by geographic boundaries like the Saharan Desert
Aztecs / When the Aztecs collapsed, foreigners came in
Renaissance / Questioning attitude; similar to the Scientific Revolution
Mercantilism / Colonies exist to provide raw materials for the colonial power
Peter and Catherine the Great / Both sought to westernize and modernize Russia; wanted to expand and gain a warm-water port
Parliament / Tried to limit the power of the monarchy
John Locke / Government’s power comes from the consent of the people
Bolivar / The Andes Mountains and Amazon Rain Forest prevented him from being able to unify South America
Bismarck / Worked to unify Germany
Imperialism / Justified by White Man’s Burden and Social Darwinism
Balkans / Site of WWI; various ethnic groups used nationalism to fight against Austrian rule
Irish Potato Famine / Led to mass migration
Ethnocentrism / European countries call it the Middle East; that’s ethnocentric
Korea and Germany / Both split after their wars
NAFTA and EU / Both attempts to reduce trade barriers
Cambodia / Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge
Nelson Mandela / Worked to end apartheid
Indian Independence / Subcontinent was divided between India for the Hindus and Pakistan for the Muslims
Mao Zedong / Responsible for the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution
Desertification / Has forced people to leave south of the Saharan desert
Chernobyl / Was a nuclear disaster in Russia
Karl Marx / Believed that workers should stage a worldwide revolution
Africa today / Ravaged by the spread of AIDS
Nuremberg laws / Anti-semitic laws during WWII
Nuremberg trials / Were when Nazis were charged with war crimes
Russia’s severe winter / Hurt Napoleon and Hitler
Human rights violations / Tiananmen Square, Holocaust, Untouchables
Global History Thematic Topics; DBQ Topics