Worksheet: Board of Directors Transition/Succession Checklist

(Additional items should be added as they pertain to your individual chapter)

The following checklist will assist during the transition between ongoing and incoming Chapter Officers and Board of Directors.


Leadership “To Do” Items for All Incoming Board Members

Obtain and review copies of the following items as applicable to their roles:

______Chapter Bylaws

______Chapter meeting minutes for previous year

______Chapter Goals & Objectives

______Chapter Membership Goals

______Quarterly Chapter Reports

______Current Membership List

______Board Meeting Schedule

______Chapter Meeting Schedule

______Chapter Annual meeting planning documents

______Chapter Manual (how to access)

______Recent Chapter Financial Statements


Items Transferred from the Outgoing President to the Incoming President

______Copies of all correspondence held by the outgoing President

______Copies of all official chapter documents

______Other items to be determined during review with outgoing President

Leadership “To Do” Items for Incoming President

______Review position descriptions for President, other officers, and Board


______Ensure the Secretary has informed ACMA National of the leadership

transition on the Chapter’s Board

______Meet with the Treasurer to handle any necessary business

______Sign new financial account signature cards, if applicable

______Handle other items to be determined during review with


______Ensure that all leadership transitions occur smoothly and within the required 30 day timeframe


Items Transferred from the Outgoing President to the Incoming President-Elect

______Copies of all correspondence held by the outgoing President-Elect

______Copies of all official chapter documents

______Other items to be determined during review with outgoing


Leadership “To Do” Items for Incoming President-Elect

______Review position descriptions for President-Elect, other officers, and

Board Members

______Discuss and clarify duties and assignments with the new President

______Ensure that leadership and documentation transition occurs within the required 30 day timeframe


Items Transferred from the Outgoing to the Incoming Secretary

______Copies of all correspondence held by the outgoing secretary

______Original copies of all official chapter documents including archives

______Board and Member Meeting Minutes (current and all past)

______Other items to be determined during review with outgoing Secretary

Leadership “To Do” Items for Incoming Secretary

______Review position description

______Inform ACMA National of leadership transitions on Chapter’s Board and submit the Leadership Contact Form within (7) days of transition <insert link to Leadership Contact FORM>

______Become familiar with current organizational documents and recent Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

______Ensure that copies of important documents are properly filed, labeled, and secured by Chapter

______Review and become familiar with ACMA National’s reporting requirements <insert link to reporting to national>

______Ensure that leadership and documentation transition occurs within the required 30 day timeframe


Items Transferred from the Outgoing Treasurer to the Incoming Treasurer

______Original copies of all Chapter financial records

______Bank account information

______Bank statements (all past and current)

______Annual financial statement (all past and current)

______Other financial records (e.g., ledger sheets, financial

reports, etc.)

______Copies of any finance related forms (expense

reimbursement request forms, check requests, etc.)

______Other items to be determined during review with outgoing Treasurer

Leadership “To Do” Items for Incoming Treasurer

______Review position description for Treasurer

______Review current financial records with outgoing Treasurer

IMPORTANT NOTE: The incoming Treasurer should not assume responsibility for financial management until all records are released to the new Treasurer and the new Treasurer is satisfied that the Chapter’s finances are consistent with the outgoing Treasurer’s records. If there are significant discrepancies in the outgoing Treasurer’s records, the incoming Treasurer should work with the outgoing person to resolve the discrepancies.

______Review financial management policies and procedures and follow them

until the Board of Directors authorizes changes; may want to recommend policy additions or changes as part of the review process.<insert link to Finance section>

______Take necessary steps to assume control of organizational finances:

______Open new accounts or change signatories on existing

accounts as needed

______Establish a financial management system (computer

based or manual)

______Ensure that leadership and documentation transition occurs within the required 30 day timeframe


Items Outgoing Board Member-at-Large Should Return to Secretary

______All correspondence or material requested by the Board of Directors or

required by chapter policies (e.g., confidential items, manuals, etc.)

Leadership “To Do” Items for Incoming Board Member-at-Large

______Review position descriptions for Board members

______Ensure that leadership and documentation transition occurs within the required 30 day timeframe