Masters, Wardens and Secretaries Association

Thirty First Masonic District

Stated Meeting

A stated meeting of the MWSA 31st District was held February 9, 2011 at Alvin Lodge 762 in Alvin, TX.


President: Brett Nichols

Vice-President: Dennis Reader

Secretary/ Treasurer: J. Don Little

Chaplain: Steven Cox

Opening prayer and pledge of Allegiance:

Brother Nichols called the meeting to order at 6:45pm [Due to bad weather]. Brother Frank Hemby gave the invocation. The Pledge to the National and State Flags were given.

President Brett Nichols thanked St. John’s Lodge for a great meal.

Welcome and introductions and recognitions:

R: W: Paul Weber, DDGM 31B, R: W: Vernon Burke. PGM

David Andrews, DI 31A, Scott Leopold, DI 31C

Visitors: none

Brother Nichols welcomed all the meeting.

The roll call of lodges:

1.  Worshipful Masters present: Robert Bonner [5], Ron McClendon [762], R. J. Bowen [1053], Lonnie Wiles [1118], and Lonnie Elliott [1384].

2.  Lodges present: [Voting] [Total] Voting total

·  St. John #5 [4] [7] [8]

·  Harmony #6 [0] [0] [0]

·  Frontier #28 [0] [0] [1]

·  Tucker #297 [0] [0] [0]

·  Brazoria#327 [0] [0] [0]

·  Velasco#757 [0] [0] [0]

·  Alvin #762 [4] [7] [28] 1st

·  Angleton #829 [0] [0] [1]

·  League City #1053 [3] [8] [19]

·  Texas City #1118 [2] [2] [12]

·  Old Ocean #1284 [0] [0] [0]

·  Lake Jackson #1317 [0] [0] [0]

·  Dickinson #1324 [0] [1] [3]

·  LaMarque #1325 [0] [0] [1]

·  C.F. Spencer #1384 [2] [3] [12]

·  John Mitchell#1401 [0] [1] [5]

·  Anson Jones #1416 [1] [1] [18]

·  Danbury #1432 [0] [3] [2]

·  Totals [16] [33]

[President Nichols announced that voting members present will be added during the year and an award will be given to the lodge for the most voting members attending at the end of the year. The maximum voting members at a meeting is five: WM, SW, JW, Sec, and JPM.]

3.  Minutes of previous meeting: Stated meeting of January 12, 2011 was approved as read.

4.  Reports of Committees:

·  Fish fry committee: [Chris Little, Chmn, Lonnie Elliott, Mike Sampson]: Anson Jones will be in charge of parking, C.F. Spencer in charge of clean-up, League City in charge of set-up, President Nichols asked Alvin, Friendswood and League City to bring 5 tables each and as many chairs as they may be able to provide. Dennis Reader moved and Jay Hicks seconded that we allow $100 for the purchase of door prizes. Motion passed. Brandon Batten submitted his bills to purchase the food and supplies for the fish fry. His proposal was accepted at the January meeting.

·  Grand Master’s Visit April 13, 2011 [Russ Eberley Chmn, DDGMs of District 31]. Russ Eberley to meet with the DDGMs .It was moved and seconded to allow $60 for a gift for the G.M. Motion passed. It was moved and seconded to purchase a room at Holiday Inn Express for $70. Motion passed.

·  By-laws committee: [Gerald Harris Chmn, R.J. Bowen, and Ron McClendon]: A signed copy is needed to submit to the G.L. by-laws committee. Waiting on Gerald Harris signature.

·  Audit Committee [Russ Eberley Chmn, Jack Cotterell, and Dennis Reeder] No report.

·  Masonic Oak Picnic and Pilgrimage Committee: [Arnold Langston, President; Henry C. Mendez, Secretary/Treasurer]. The committee will meet following this meeting to elect officers.

5.  Unfinished Business: none

6.  New Business:

·  . Dinner for March 9, 2011 is Harmony Lodge No. 6

·  Treasurer Report: Beginning balance 1/31/2011 $1260.94.

·  Bills presented and approved for payment:

·  $51.59 Alvin Lodge for paper and postage

·  $2087.41 for Ben Keith –food supply for fish fry[ B. Batten]

·  $90 for ice for fish fry [B. Batten]

·  $60 for Grand Master’s gift for 4/13/2011 [R. Eberley]

·  $70 for Grand Master Room for 4/13/2011 [D. Little]

·  $100 door prizes for fish fry [C. Little]

·  $318.98 Sam’s for paper goods [B. Batten]

·  Brother Dennis Reader offered to loan the Association $1000.00 till more of the sales were turned in. It was moved and seconded pay the bills and to accept the loan and pay back as son as money was available. Motion passed.

7.  Announcements: The president asked everyone to please turn in your sales on Friday! See you at the fish fry!

8.  Program: None due to bad weather.

9.  Brother Frank Hemby gave the benediction and the meeting was closed at 7:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

J. Don Little


[A donation of $23 was given to Alvin Lodge for use of the building]

Meal Provider schedule:

DATE HOST Lodge Special Event

March 9, 2011 Harmony #6

April 13, 2011 Tucker #297 GM Carnes Official Visit

May 11, 2011 Brazoria #327

July 13, 2011 Angleton #829

August10, 2011 League City #1053 Election and Installation of Officers

September 14, 2011 Texas City #1118

October 12, 2011 Lake Jackson #1317

November 9, 2011 Thanksgiving meal-All Lodges

December 14, 2011 Dickinson #1324

January 11, 2012 LaMarque #1325

February 8, 2012 C.F. Spencer #1384

Please Review this list and make corrections or omissions as the case may be. Lodges omitted by request: Alvin, Frontier, Velasco and Old Ocean. Please keep the secretary informed by calling J Don Little at 713-819-8953. Thanks!

Please note the following websites:

John Wayne Chapter, Order of DeMolay

League City Lodge

C.F. Spencer Lodge

Anson Jones Lodge

Houston Masonic Organizations

Alvin Lodge

Please post on the bulletin board