Implementation Minutes
Student Team
June 5, 2009
Auditing & Awarding Degrees
Facilitator / Sandra BeaulacNote Taker / Renee Roach
Attendees / Linda Phillips, Renee Roach, Julie Duncan, Aubree Helvey, Kelli Peterson, Kelli Simon, Stacie Bain
Academic History & Repeat rules continued from 6/4/09
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights:GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Task List
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / DeadlineThe minimum grade that we will accept as a repeated course is a “D”.
Sandra thinks that we need to know where to find if a job has the user name assigned. We need to look if the job’s output file has the user’s name associated with the output file. SHRTPOP & GURJOBS. Functional users will not be able to access this, but IT will be able to. Behind the scenes, we need to see whether it will include the users name as part of the report name in GJIREVO.
Sleep/wake should be set up now. Sandra will ask us to print a transcript as part of the sleep/wake process.
On SHATPRT – transcript type rules. We will be using form fusion to print the transcripts as opposed to using the banner baseline transcript.
SHATERM – a query form for term sequence course history.
Transcripts in banner and academic history in banner are stored by course level. So when we print banner baseline transcripts, there will be two distinct gpa’s.
SHATRMC – course history by term and campus. Do we have departments who ask for specific GPA in courses such as PSY, MATH, etc? Yes, we do on occasion. We cannot get to this form.
SHARQTS-transcript request status form.
When we are going to audit a person’s academic history, We will review the transcript.
To request a transcript:
- SHARQTC—the very first time we enter this form and ask where we want the form to print. We would select this for the first time as we enter into banner each day.
- We would go out to GJAPCTL and pull up the SHRTRTC. If we can’t remember what the process is we could do a search on SH for student and history. We would enter database and delete landscape and delete the number of lines. Because we are running a singular file, we run SHRTRTC as opposed to SHRTPOP. We put nothing in the transcript population file, then enter the ID & Seq number, enter the transcript type, address selection date, put “T” and it will enter today’s date as default. Official transcripts enter yes or no. We do not want to print the control report. It is just a small listing and we don’t want to waste the paper. We are not running in sleep/wake. We have the choice to print in a specific order if we choose. Yes, we do want to print the expanded hour’s format. We can save the parameter set as” “and then we will only have to do this once to prevent repeating this process each time. Then you could simply pull up the parameter set each semester.
Auditing & Awarding Degrees
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights:GAPs Identified: /
- We have a continued GAP on determining institutional honors based upon both overall GPA & rank in class.
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns: / Sandra does not know whether the non-course requirement form SHANCRS will tie into Degree Works.
Task List for Sandra
Task List / Open task for CU to determine how to sue symbols in the diploma name. SHADIPL – we want to know if we can enter accent marks and such in the diploma name.
Task List for Linda /
- We need to make sure the validation table STVGRST is set up with our codes.
- Task to decide whether or not the graduation fee will be charged on the graduation form.
- We need to add these types in the STVQPTP table(assessment and portfolio)
- TASK: Luminis – we need to know if we will be using the GOATPAC and if we will be granting access to the Registrar’s office to reset or access the pin.
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / DeadlineSHADEGR – we are thinking that we would not want to enter the sought records until they actually apply for graduation. Because students change their major several times, we might not want to do this.
SHADEGR – will be created when they come to apply for graduation, we would create the record at this point.
In the delivered validation table, there are only 3 degree status’s STVDEGS. Do we do a preliminary review to see whether the student is close to finishing? We use AA – audited ok, AD for audited deficient, and NA the audit has not been completed as of yet. When they apply for graduation, there degree status is NA for not audited.
There are two ways we can use this (either in graduation status or in outcome status). We would enter this information in graduation status. The graduation information block would be the same as our current GRAD screen in legacy. We could do a mass update . We need to make sure the validation table STVGRST is set up with our codes. We do not want to check status so that it will not affect the degree status.
Graduation status is not viewable on the web. We might want to word it differently.
The outcome status: can be changed from sought to whatever we want, but the SO code must stay in order to run the SHRROLL process.
We can charge the graduation fee from the SHADEGR.
There is a review form that we can look at to see where the charges have been assigned (TSAAREV). Accounting would prefer we go to TSICSRV – the customer service inquiry page. We have to be careful not to charge more than the $15 graduation fee. Task to decide whether or not the graduation fee will be charged on the graduation form.
We have a continued GAP on determining institutional honors based upon both overall GPA & rank in class.
GAP’s will not be addressed until the CRP session. There is not a resolution to the gap at this point. There will have to be a discussion with Mike on how to fix the problems. Sherry is indicating that we should start working on the gaps as soon as possible.
Lorene will ensure that she has all of the gaps on the master gap document.
For honors, other universities look at the list serve and request information on how others might create the honors program.
There is a commencement report that we can utilize to print the program if it meets the needs of our format currently.
On SHADEGR – all of the institutional courses are listed on the SHADEGR record. Under institutional courses, we can look at section attributes to indicate that is could be applied to liberal arts.
If there are non-course requirements for completion of a degree, we can indicate this on SHADEGR under non-course work. A good example would be the assessment exams and portfolio requirements for some majors.
SHAQPNO – qualifying papers. The validation table is STVQPTP. There are delivered prototypes here and we can change if needed. We need to add these types in the STVQPTP table(assessment and portfolio). We have the option to print this on the transcript if we wish to. We have talked about this before for indicating thesis or dissertation information for the master’s programs as well.
Under SHAQPNO if we enter the title line 1,2,3,4, we have the choice to print on the script. The second step to this is go to options or exit the menu and go straight into the form SHANCRS (academic non-course form). This is where we have to tie all of the papers. We could provide query access to the faculty if needed. You can insert the meetings (committee members who were present). We would tie to CAPP if we decide to. Sandra does not know whether this non-course requirement will tie into Degree Works in the SHANCRS form.
- SHAQPNO – initiate the requirement and enter correct information
- SHANCRS – tie the requirement to the degree audit and save it.
We could give faculty access to these forms so that they would be aware of the papers and such that are needed to complete the degree.
There are a few graduation items that we could use.
There are some options to have a graduation application set up in SSB.
There are committee/services information if we need to track who the committee members were.
We are scheduled for EDI in the Fall.
GOATPAD – We could look at the pin.
GOATPAC – this will not allow us to change the pin number, but we could reset the pin here.
TASK: Luminis – we need to know if we will be using the GOATPAC and if we will be granting access to the Registrar’s office to reset or access the pin.
GUAPPRF – enterprise pin preferences form. This will show the global institutional decision on how the pin will be set. Functional users will not have access to this form.
Sandra wants us to run a transcript for those id numbers that Linda has provided.
Sandra is attempting to find out why the hours, quality points and GPA don’t print on the SSB transcript for the degree.
Open task for CU to determine how to sue symbols in the diploma name. SHADIPL – we want to know if we can enter accent marks and such in the diploma name.
Shacrmy – ceremony information if we want to control ticket information.
SHAMDIP – we can use the mass update process to request the diploma record.
IN the workbooks, there are instructions on how to set up the graduation application on SSB. We need to take the PDF version and set up the graduation application online in SSB. You can find this in the self service workbook on page 160. We need to set up the total graduation application option.
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