National Science Foundation
Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (NSF-NCS)
- This program calls for innovative, integrative, boundary-crossing proposals that can best capture those opportunities. NSF seeks proposals that are bold, risky, and transcend the perspectives and approaches typical of single-discipline research efforts. This cross-directorate program is one element of NSF’s broader effort directed at Understanding the Brain, a multi-year activity that includes NSF’s participation in the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative ( NSF envisions a connected portfolio of transformative, integrative projects that create synergistic links across investigators and communities, yielding novel ways of tackling the challenges of understanding the brain in action and in context. Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems is open to proposals to advance the foundations of one or more of the following integrative research themes, described within the solicitation:
- Neuroengineering and Brain-Inspired Concepts and Designs
- Individuality and Variation
- Cognitive and Neural Processes in Realistic, Complex Environments
- Data-Intensive Neuroscience and Cognitive Science.
- Deadline: Full proposals are due Monday, February 6, 2017
National Science Foundation
PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF)
- The emphasis of PFE: RIEF is on initiating research projects in professional formation of engineers rather than supporting research on any specific topic. Projects should combine engineering approaches with those from learning and cognitive sciences, engineering education, social sciences, and related fields in synergistic ways and enable engineering faculty to develop expertise in engineering education research. PIs are expected to have little or no experience conducting social science research. PFE: RIEF is not intended for established researchers in engineering education or other social science fields to initiate new projects.
- Deadline: Full proposals are due February 23, 2017
National Science Foundation
Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Core Programs
- The Division supports research aimed at understanding why organisms are structured the way they are and function as they do. Proposals should focus on organisms as a fundamental unit of biological organization. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to apply systems approaches that will lead to conceptual and theoretical insights and predictions about emergent organismal properties. Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to, developmental biology and the evolution of developmental processes, nervous system development, structure, and function, physiological processes, functional morphology, symbioses, interactions of organisms with biotic and abiotic environments, and animal behavior.
- Deadline: Preliminary proposal: January 19, 2017
U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Veterans Business Development
Women Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program (WVETP)
- This funding opportunity is for organizations with a demonstrated history of providing successful entrepreneurship training to women veterans, women service members and women spouses of service members and veterans interested in starting, growing and diversifying new and established small business concerns. Successful applicants are expected to provide evidence of assisting clients in starting new and expanding/diversifying existing small firms, to include contract awards, acquisition of capital, and generation of income resulting in job creation and retention. 6 awards will be made.
- Deadline: Preliminary proposal: December 12, 2016
National Science Foundation
Smart and Connected Health (SCH)
- The goal of the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) Program is to accelerate the development and use of innovative approaches that would support the much needed transformation of healthcare from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive, proactive, evidence-based, person-centered and focused on well-being rather than disease. Approaches that partner technology-based solutions with biobehavioral health research are supported by multiple agencies of the federal government
- Deadline: Full proposal December 8, 2016
National Science Foundation
Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC)
- The goal of this Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) program is to support strongly interdisciplinary, integrative research and research capacity-building activities that will improve understanding of smart and connected communities and lead to discoveries that enable sustainable change to enhance community functioning.
- Deadline: Preliminary proposals are due November 30, 2016 with full proposals due February 17, 2017