Student Senate
October 14th, 2012
Lyndy BroomfieldEric Watne
Molly BucherLogan Fletcher
Rhonda DeVriesBrandon Myhre
Casey FureyShane Gerbert
Jacob GappKylene Fitzsimmons
Matt Grein**Cassie Gerhardt
Aaron HommerdingLuke Pavolich
Brett JohnsonMatthew Finley
Karl Johnson
Joseph Kalka
Amoussa Koriko***
Andrew Leizens
Sean McClain
Emma Meyer
Jacob Osterman
Kyle Slaathaug
Jacob Stutelberg**
Adam Swigost**
Hannah Trosen***
Brian Tschosik
Jennifer Vetter
* Arrived after call to order
** Excused
*** Unexcused `
**** Left before adjournment
CALL TO ORDERVice President Watne called the 10/14/12 meeting of the UND Student Senate to order at 6:00 PM.
MOTIONSenator Ostermanmoved to approve the10/7/12 minutes without objection.
Senator Osterman stated that Sunday Hussan was approved in committee.
Sunday introduced himself and talked about why he would like to get involved in student government.
MOTIONSenator Hommerding moved to approve Sunday as an SCFC liason.
SECONDSenator Gapp Seconded.
MOTIONSenator Hommerding moved to pull SB1213-16 to the floor.
SECONDSenator Vetter Seconded.
Vice P. Watne yielded to the bill’s author, Senator Hommerding.
Senator Hommerding stated that the editor-in-chief of the Dakota Student, Robb Jefferies, asked to gain access to the Dakota Student’s reserve funds. Made changes to the first wheras clause that is reflected in the bill.
Senator Osterman asked Robb Jefferies what Adobe Light Room is.
Robb Jefferies stated that it is a program that will better allow the Dakota Student to organize their photos. They have lots of old file photos and no way to organize them, and this program would be allow them to organize photos by a key word.
MOTIONSenator Osterman moved to approve SB 1213-16.
SECONDSenator Vetter Seconded.
No Guest Speakers were present.
Executive Reports
PresidentPresident Fletcher stated that Justin gave everyone information about Student Safe Ride. They had gotten offers from 2 companies in town and then NODAK cab contacted them with an offer of $5 for the first rider and $1 for every additional rider. Student Government has no contract with them, all you have to do is show your student ID.
Senator Vetter asked about on the UND App there is a Cab Crawler link, and if that will have the number for the new Safe Ride Program.
Pres. Fletcher stated that he believes that that link had been taken down, and he doesn’t think that they will be putting up a new link because there is no contract, the owner could at any point stop offering the service and then whose job would it be to update the app with the new information. He will be in contact with the owner of the company on a regular basis so that if he does decide to not offer the program anymore we can let students know. If he does decide to not offer it any more they still have the RFP ready to release to the other cab companies.
Senator Gapp asked if we would still be handing out cards.
Pres. Fletcher stated that there will be no card. Anyone from anywhere that has a student ID can show their ID and get the discount.
Let everyone that it is a Safe Ride Program for anyone to use.
Senator Osterman asked how big their fleet is.
Pres. Fletcher stated that they currently have 4-5 vehicles right now with the intention of buying 3-4 more. It is the same size as the old company and of any company in town as well.
Will be checking with the owner about the prices to the airport and amtrack.
Will be notifying students about the program more after get out the vote is done. It has been in the Dakota Student and will be in the weekly email.
Senator Osterman asked about Student Savings Club, how are we advertising for this.
Pres. Fletcher stated that we are in charge of advertising for this. The new cab program is saving us $48,000.
The Provost candidates meet and greet this week, on Tuesday from 1-2PM. There were no students at the events last week. Asked for commitments of people to go.
Vice PresidentVice President Watnestatedhe did have the current issues done, but his computer crashed so be looking for it in an email sometime this week. Senate will not be meeting next week, but is suggesting that all 3 sub-committees meet. All 3 sub-committees need to prepare a quick summary of what your committee is doing and have it ready for next Sunday at 6 when the Steering Committee is meeting.
Senator Vetter asked for clarification on why senate is not meeting next week.
Pres. Fletcher stated that the Steering Committee/ Strategic Planning Committee has no other time to meet and since all the people on it should already be here at that time for Senate they are holding it then. Also, there hasn’t been enough business every week to fill up 2 hours. Really need to get the process underway otherwise there will be no progress being made.
Senator Gapp asked if it is just a temporary solution or if this will be permanent. He stated that it doesn’t look good to stop the operations of the governing body.
Pres. Fletcher stated that the meeting time and frequency is something that the steering committee will be looking at and making a recommendation about. No formal changes are being made at this time, this is just to get the Steering Committee up and running.
Senator Hommerding asked Vice P. Watne to send the chairs if the sub-committees exactly what he wants in the statements.
Vice P. Watne stated that they are looking for the sub-committees to meet and talk about what they feel the sub-committee does and what they think the sub-committee should be doing and then giving that information to the Steering Committee so they can see what they do and just have that information at hand.
If there is a time sensitive topic, there will still be senate next week. Everyone should know by Thursday morning if there will be Senate or not.
Working on updating the Student Government office, have gotten quotes and will be presenting them to the committees this week. Will be bringing them to Senate later on in the semester. Some things they are looking at is more storage space for UPC, larger conference room. Or a nicer lounge room for people to meet and work on senate stuff.
Chief of StaffChief of Staff Glaser was not present and did not have a report.
TreasurerTreasurer Myhrehanded out the statements. If you have any questions talk to him
Governmental AffairsCommissioner
Governmental Affairs Commissioner-CityGerbert statedthey are getting monster patrol coordinated.
Governmental Affairs Commissioner-State Gerbert stated that NDSA is happening this weekend in Fargo. Going to the Interim Higher Education Committee on Tuesday. The Chancellor will be submitting some budgetary things for the next legislative session.
Senator Tschosik what the date is for the next one.
GAC Gerbert stated that it is the 16th-17th.
Public Relations Coordinator
P.R.C Fitzsimmonsstated she is passing out a sheet to sign up and get Student Government polos to wear to events around campus.
Had a homecoming float on Saturday and no one showed up. Thanked the Exec and UPC members for staffing the float. Gave out Get out the Vote T-Shirts, can pick them up in the Student Government office. Gave out UPC sunglasses and candy.
Posters going out this week for Get out the Vote. Posters, signs on the sides of the busses and the T-shirts are going out this week.
She and Shane are starting to work on Monster Patrol so watch for more information.
Strategic Planning Committee members are Kyle, Rhonda, Brett Johnson, Matt Finley, Shawn Wagner, Steven Brunner, and Megan Beneke. She and Justin will be on it as well. Meeting next week in the conference room in the Student Government Office.
Senator Gapp asked if other senators should be showing up to this committee meeting for additional input.
Pres. Fletcher stated that they are open meetings so you are welcome to come, but you are not required. The members of the committee will be the only ones with voting power.
Judicial Vice President Watne yielded to Senator Osterman,Chairof the Judicial Committee.
Senator Ostermanstated they approved Sunday.
AppropriationsVice President Watne yielded to Senator Gapp, Chair of the Appropriations Committee.
Senator Gapp stated they approved SB1213-14, SB1213-15 and had questioning on SB1213-16 and SB1213-17.
State & LocalVice President Watneyielded to Senator Hommerding, Chair of the State and Local subcommittee.
Senator Hommerdingstated they passed minutes from last meeting. Failed SR1213-06, and with Shane’s report had a meeting of 1 minute 32 seconds.
Standing Committees
SOFAVice President Watne yielded to the senate liaison of SOFA, Senator Gapp.
Senator Gappstatedhe was unable to be in attendance this week. If you have questions about anything let him know.
SCFCVice President Watne yielded to the senate liaison of SCFC, Senator Hommerding.
Senator Hommerdingstated he was unable to make the meeting, all the business that went through there is coming before Senate tonight.
Senator Leizens asked how many students are on SCFC right now.
Senator Hommering stated that there are 3 right now and then their advisor and a faculty member, grand total of 5.
UPCVice President Watne yielded to senate liaison of UPC, Senator Trosen.
Senator Trosenwas not present. Matt Finley stated that they have weekend programming and will be adding things to the calendar later this semester.
Special Reports
Constituent ReportsSenator Slaathaug stated he is putting together a Crime Stoppers/ Neighborhood watch for on campus. He plans on involving Greek Life, Housing, Residence Halls, and main campus to set up a group for this. He will be emailing out a rough draft later this week.
Senator Hommerding stated that he has been spreading the news about the Student Safe Ride Program and the general feedback is that students are very happy about it.
Senator Vetter said that some students have suggested that there be a bus stop, or even if the bus drivers just open the doors, right on the corner of University and Columbia for those students who live and park across Columbia.
Senator DeVries asked if there is any more information about the sexual assault.
Vice P. Watne stated that the investigation is still underway and there is no new information.
Senator Bucher asked about the parking lot behind Archives because cars are getting damaged. Wondering if there is something that can be done about it.
Senator Hommerding stated that he brought it up in the transportation committee, and they said that they leave it that way for future development.
Pres. Fletcher stated that Finance and Operations would be a good place to go to talk about this and possibly get something underway.
Senator Leizens stated that he spoke to the Dean of the Business College and there are long term plans with a new major business building and possibly a parking ramp. For short term he hasn’t gotten any feedback from the college.
Other Matters Arising
Shane stated that he ran into a student that said she has an upper respiratory problem and that there is mold growing in one of the Northwestern Drive apartments. He is also on the loss control committee that covers facilities. If you have anything that falls into those categories email him or talk to him before Wednesday.
Senator Vetter said that the constituent outreach is going to be November 1. They are going to have a hot chocolate stand in the Twamley Quad. Will need people as early as 8am. Has talked to other off-campus people and they said a good idea would be ice skating at U Park and provide hot chocolate.
Pres. Fletcher stated that they are very thankful of events like the one that Senator Vetter is putting on.
Senator Osterman asked if lighting committee falls under loss control as well.
Shane confirmed that it does fall under that committee.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated she looked at the survey results and they were not good at all. If you would like more information about what the survey results said talk to her.
Senator Gapp asked if there are any plans to put the bills and resolutions on the Student Government website.
- SR1213-06 Failed in committee.
- SB1213-14 Funding for the Talon
Senator Hommerding talked about what the Talon is and that they come to SCFC on a semester basis. He updated the last 2 therefore clauses. Changed
Senator Osterman asked if this is just for Air Force Students, or everyone on campus.
Senator Hommerding stated that is available all over campus. They do use it to advertise and attract new students. They work with NDSU on the publication as well.
Senator McClain asked if the publication costs are split between UND and NDSU.
Senator Hommerding stated that the money that they receive from SCFC stays with the publications at UND.
MOTIONSenator Vetter moved to approve SB1213-14.
SECONDSenator Gapp Seconded.
MOTIONSenator Osterman moved to pull SB1213-17 out of committee.
SECONDSenator Kalka Seconded.
DISCUSSIONSenator Gapp asked if it is necessary to pull this bill out of committee today. Should take a little more caution in why and when we are pulling bills out of committee.
Senator Osterman stated that the reason that he wanted to pull this out of committee today is the concern of getting to the floor, since there is no meeting next week and the meeting after that is cutting it close to the deadline.
Senator Hommerding asked if PRC Fitzsimmons wants to pull it from committee today.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that she does.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that this is the 3rd year that we will have this program. Partner with the police department to put volunteers on street corners in high traffic areas to help kids cross the street and to make sure that there is no bullying going on. The money is going to marketing and to the vests for the volunteers.
Senator Vetter asked how they can inform their constituents and where they can sign up.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that it is scheduled 6-9PM, check in at 5:30 Student Government office. Sending it out through volunteer bridge.
Senator Hommerding asked if there was a projected number of people that are going to volunteer again this year.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that last year there was about 120 and they are hoping for around the same amount this year. A lot of the volunteers came from the Greek Community last year.
GAC Gerbert stated that some of the money will also be going to rent a van to transport people to their volunteer sites.
Senator DeVries asked what the Police Department and the City’s role is in this process.
GAC Gerbert stated that since there are more people on the streets that night there is extra police enforcement and the city lets us know where to stand.
Senator Tschosik asked if it is just campus that volunteers or the city as well.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that it has in the past just been a student event, but if someone from the community wanted to volunteer they could.
Senator Meyer asked if PRC Fitzsimmons needed any help coordinating the event.
PRC Fitzsimmons stated that she would take the help if anyone is interested.
MOTIONSenator Gapp motioned to approve SB1213-17.
SECONDSenator Hommerding Seconded.
SB1213-15 Big Event Funding
Senator Vetter stated that the Big Event is a service Event. They take a Saturday in the spring to give back to the Grand Forks community. Because SG is a financial contributor, the SG logo and name will be on the back of the shirt.
Senator Osterman asked if this is the same amount that we have given in the past.
Senator Vetter said that we gave $5,000 last year. She was told that SG has given this amount since the Big Event started.
Senator Leizens asked what the date of the big event is this year.
Cassie Gerhardt stated that it is on April 27th.
Brandon Myhre stated that due to some things happening this fiscal year, to change the bill to say no later than June 1st.
Senator Hommerding would like to make a friendly amendment to line 13 to say June 1st.
MOTIONSenator Gapp moved to approve SB1213-15.
SECONDSenator Kalka Seconded.