Classroom News
October 7, 2016
ELA: We read “The Stranger” this week. This story allowed us to practice our inferencing and cause and effect skills. This skill practice will help us with our next book Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. This book is a 4th grade favorite, and I can’t wait to share it with the kids!
Book It: Book It directions and a calendar went home on Thursday. Please make sure you read the directions for important dates. This month each student will be working on their project in my class. I want to show them what I expect their project to look like. For the November project, they will work on it at home, and bring it into school to share.
Writing: We’ve written about small moments in Writer’s Workshop. The students are able to write for 20 minutes without starting to fidget! We need to improve our writing stamina. The students are required to write for 45 uninterrupted minutes.
This week we revised and edited a small moment. This moment will be included in your child’s newspaper. Your child’s newspaper will be displayed at Parent Teacher Conferences. Also please send in a picture of your child doing anything s/he loves. We need the photos for the newspaper as well.
Math: We will take our Unit 1 Math test next Thursday (10/13). We will start the Multiplication unit on Friday. The current curriculum assumes that your child already knows his/her multiplication facts. So if your child struggles with his/her facts please use the website below for additional practice.
If your child does not like this site, I have many other math fact sites on my web page. Please check under Mrs. Brand’s Helpful links or Math Practice.
Also during our Computer Lab time,most students are working on their addition and subtraction timed facts. A few students are on to their multiplication and division facts. Please remember inorder for your child to get a * on his/her report card s/he must complete all of the addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. Here is the website that we are using so your child can practice at home:
Science: We are working on our Land and Water unit. In this unit we are learning how water affects our land. The students are working in groups of 4. Each group has their own stream table where most of the experiments take place. This week we saw how even small streams can affect the land.
A BIG thank you to Mrs. Streicher, Mrs. Young and Mrs. DiJohn for volunteering to be the Homeroom Moms for our class.
Please remember to check your child’s planner each night. Also, I never collect homework early, so everything should be in his/her Take Home Folder.
Spelling Homework:
–Monday – 3 times each
–Tuesday – 2 workbook pages
–Wednesday – spelling activity
–Thursday – study
–Friday – corrections five times each
A BIGto Andrew Parker for being the first Terrific Kid in our class! He was selected by his peers for this honor.
Important Dates to Remember:
October 10th – No school – Columbus Day
October 18th - PTSA Meeting – 3:15
October 21st– District Conference Day - No school
October 28th – CAS Halloween Party 6:30 – 7:30
October 31st- Mrs. Brand’s Halloween party from 1:00 –
We are collecting Box Tops this year. Please save them and give them to your child to hand in!
Please keep reading and signing your child’s planner. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school or by email
Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. Brand