The Mayor and Council of Boonsboro held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 in the Eugene C. Smith Community Center. In attendance were Mayor Charles Kauffman, Jr., Assistant Mayor Howard Long, Council Members Cynthia Kauffman, Janeen Solberg, Sean Haardt, Barbara Wetzel and Brigitte Schmidt. Also present were Town Manager Megan Clark, Police Chief Charles Stanford and Administrative Assistant Kimberly Miller. The meeting convened at 7:08 PM with the pledge and the invocation offered by Mayor Kauffman.

·  Motion by Council Member Wetzel, second by Council Member Kauffman to approve the Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes for August 3, 2015; the Mayor and Council Workshop Meeting Minutes; and the Workshop Executive Session Meeting Minutes for August 31, 2015.

·  Motion by Assistant Mayor Long, second by Council Member Kauffman to approve the August 2015 Treasurer’s Report, and motion carried.

·  Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Solberg to approve the August 2015 Bills to be Paid Report, and motion carried.


Todd Kennedy, 12 Della Lane: Stated that he has concerns regarding the paving on Della Lane and making sure that the contractors patch the areas along his drive-way and clean up the asphalt they left behind. Town Manager Clark stated that the contractors are not completely finished with the Project yet and will be coming back through to correct any unfinished items.


Assistant Mayor Long:

·  Stated that he attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that he attended the Boonsboro High School and Middle School ‘Administrative Meet and Greet’ with Mayor Kauffman and Chief Stanford on August 17

Council Member Wetzel:

·  Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that the next Intra-Boonsboro Transportation Meeting at the Boonsboro Hospice Center on September 24 at 1:00 pm

·  Stated that she is working on a Water Conservation brochure which will be reviewed by the BMUC and then mailed out at the same time as the Utility Bills

Council Member Schmidt:

·  Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that she attended the meeting for the Washington County Comprehensive Plan, noting that the are 3 surveys that residents can complete online regarding County and Town growth

Council Member Solberg:

·  Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that she is working on the EDC’s Holiday In Boonsboro brochure card

·  Stated that Girls Night Out will be held on November 19 from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm

·  Stated that the Fall Bulk Clean-Up will be held in the Shafer Park parking lot on October 17 form 8:00 am until 1:00 pm, noting that Horizon Goodwill and Restore will both be there to accepted donated items

·  Stated that Trick-or-Treat will be held on Saturday, October 31 from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm

Council Member Kauffman:

·  Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that she helped provide dinner for the U.S. Air Force Band ‘Max Impact’ at their concert in Shafer Park on August 21

Mayor Kauffman:

·  Stated that he attended many Town meetings and events during the month of August 2015

·  Stated that he attended the Boonsboro High School and Middle School ‘Administrative Meet and Greet’ on August 17

·  Stated that the Washington County Chapter of the MML will hold their next meeting in Keedysville on September 28

Police Department Report – Chief Stanford. The Police Department received 375 calls for service, which included 110 motor vehicle violator contacts and 0 parking citation for the month of August 2015. There were two (2) adult criminal arrests, zero (0) adult traffic arrests, and one (1) juvenile traffic arrest. Stated that the Department collected 3.86 pounds of prescription drugs through the Drug Turn-In Program for the month of August. Stated that the Department participated in National Night Out on August 4th at Shafer Park. Chief Stanford attended an ‘Administrative Meet and Greet’ held at Boonsboro High School on August 17th. Department Secretary Donna Burcker launched the Maryland Parking Violation Flag program on August 26th.


Ordinance 2015-02: Amendment to the Garbage and Refuse Ordinance: Mayor Kauffman stated that based on the voiced concerns of residents at the 6:00 PM Public Hearing, he is recommending that proposed Ordinance 2015-02: Amendment to the Garbage and Refuse Ordinance be tabled until the Council can further educate themselves and the Town residents on the Pay-As-You-Throw program. Motion by Council Member Solberg, second by Council Member Haardt to table proposed Ordinance 2015-02: Amendment to the Garbage and Refuse Ordinance until the Council can further study, educate and inform the public on the Pay-As-You-Throw program, to revisit the wording of the Ordinance, and to hold additional Public Information Meetings before moving forward, and motion carried.

Utility Patching Contract: Town Manager Clark stated that the Utilities Commission placed the Utility Patching Contract out for bids and one proposal was received at the bid opening on July 28, 2015. She stated that the contract provides for emergency patching and regular patching throughout the Town as a result of a water leak; noting that the contractor agrees to furnish all labor, equipment, materials and other facilities necessary and proper to complete the work described in the contract. She further stated that the Utilities Commission is recommending that the contract be awarded to Huntzberry Brothers, Inc. for the time period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Motion by Council Member Wetzel, second by Assistant Mayor Long to award the Utility Patching Contact to Huntzberry Brothers, Inc. for the time period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and motion carried.

Community Center Roof Replacement: Town Manager Clark stated that the back portion (attached ‘shed’) of the Community Center roof has been leaking for some time and that Public Works Supervisor Huntsberry has noticed that it is beginning to affect the building foundation. She stated that he obtained three (3) cost proposals to have the rear portion of the roof replaced, noting that he is recommending that the project be awarded to Reese’s Home Improvements based on all specifications being met for the cost of $3,500. Motion by Council Member Schmidt, second by Assistant Mayor Long to award the Community Center roof replacement project to Reese’s Home Improvements for the cost of $3,500, and motion carried.

MDOT Transportation Priority Letter: Town Manager Clark presented the proposed letter to the State of Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn regarding his upcoming annual tour of Washington County and the Town on October 8, 2015. She reviewed the suggested list of priority items in the letter which include the ongoing safety concerns with the cross-walk intersection light change at US Alternate 40 and MD Route 34 (Town Square), the sidewalks and trails funding, and the transit funding which will assist in providing an intra-town bus system to Boonsboro. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Schmidt to approve the mailing of the transportation priority letter to MDOT Secretary Pete Rahn, and motion carried.

Transportation Needs Survey: Town Manager Clark reviewed the Transportation Task Force Meeting Minutes from the July 30, 2015 meeting, noting that the goal of the committee is to help establish an intra-transit system for Boonsboro’s elderly and disabled citizens which would provide them with transportation to the grocery store, pharmacy, library and possibly the Southeastern Senior Site in Keedysville. She stated that the Task Force has created a Transportation Survey and are requesting that it be mailed to all residents to help assess the Town’s public transportation needs, noting that the survey will also be available online and all members of each household are welcome to submit one survey each. Motion by Council Member Wetzel, second by Council Member Haardt to approve the mailing of the Transportation Needs Survey to all Town residents, and motion carried.

Fall MML Conference: Town Manager Clark stated that Council Member Schmidt and she are requesting to attend the Fall MML Conference in Cambridge, Maryland on October 26 to 28, 2015 for the cost of $410 per person. Assistant Mayor Long stated that he plans to attend the Conference, too, but only on Monday, October 26 for the cost of $250. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Solberg to approve Assistant Mayor Long, Council Member Schmidt and Town Manager Clark’s attendance at the Fall MML Conference for the combined cost of $1,070 to be paid from the allocated stipends, with Assistant Mayor Long and Council Member Schmidt abstaining, and motion carried.

Public Safety Commission – S. Haardt. Meeting held on August 20, 2015. Stated that the National Night Out event on August 4th was a success. Discussions included plans for NNO 2016, the need to update faded STOP signs and No Parking signs in Town, the need to trim the trees blocking the STOP sign at Blecker View, and ongoing speeding issues around Shafer Park and St. Paul Street.

Park Board –C. Kauffman. Meeting held on August 26, 2015. Discussions included the completion of Boy Scout Adam Metz’s Community Center sign Eagle Scout Project, plans to repaint Pavilion #1 with a new mural, USAquatics pool and recreation center feasibility study presentation on October 21, the upcoming Concerts in the Park, plans for family movie nights in the Park in conjunction with the Boonsboro Library, and the purchase of rods and reels for the 2016 Fishing Derby.

Utilities Commission –B. Wetzel. Meeting held on August 13, 2015. Discussions included the Well Maintenance Contract and Shafer Park Well rehabilitation proposals, the approval to recommend that the Utility Patching Contact be awarded to Huntzberry Brothers, the suggestion to update the BMUC Charter and By-Laws, an update on the development of the Water brochure, data on the current permitted water/sewer allocations versus the amount of water produced and sewage treated currently, and the approval to build a new maintenance storage building on the WWTP property.

Planning Commission –H. Long. Meeting held on August 25, 2015. Discussions included the approval of the main road into the Easterday Development being named ‘Ostertag Pass,’ an update on the Battlefield Estate development, the transfer of ownership of the Auction Square property and the Antietam Liquor development.

Economic Development Commission –J. Solberg. . Meeting held on August 26, 2015. Discussions included the upcoming Networking Breakfast which will be held at Vesta on September 18 with a guest speaker from Hospice of Washington County, the success of the Main Street booth at the MML Convention in Ocean City, the approval to apply for membership to the Chamber of Commerce, the plans to encourage residents to shop and use services locally and to possibly implement a Small Business Saturday program, and the plans for the upcoming Holiday In Boonsboro event.

Environmental Commission –B. Schmidt. Meeting held on August 11 2015. Discussions included the Pay-As-You-Throw program, plans of action and further educating residents, updates on the status of the Town Farm Conservation and Forest Mitigation Bank and the Subcommittee reports.

Town Manager Report – M. Clark.

·  Stated that the MD Rural Community Assistance Partnership has agreed to assist Boonsboro with Water & Sewer Grant Projects

·  Provided an update on the Della Lane Overlay Project stating that the paving is about 90% complete and striping will begin this week

·  Stated that the Final Presentation from USAquatics for the Aquatic & Recreation Center Feasibility Analysis is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21st at 6:30pm in the Town Annex

·  Stated that the Town has received a $100,000 grant for the Shafer Park walking trails from Community Parks and Playgrounds.

Mayor Kauffman closed the meeting at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly A. Miller

Administrative Assistant

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