May Term Application Form

Submit to Chair of CPAC

The deadline for a travel course is March 15 of the year prior to departure. The deadline for an on-campus course is September 15 prior to the May Term.

If you are applying for a travel May Term, you must also submit a proposal for an on-campus May term. This will require filling out two separate forms—a Travel May Term form and an On-Campus May Term form.

Travel May Terms



Course Description:




Payment Schedule (specific dates and deposit information):

Refund Information (cancellation dates for refunds):

Minimum requirements to pass the course:

May Terms go beyond lecture and reading to emphasize experiential learning. Experiential learning is based on research that shows students learn better when they are engaged — cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally — in direct experience of the material they are studying. Experiential learning also requires integration of theory with practice, and opportunity for reflection and student involvement in designing their learning activities. Students who engage in experiential learning also demonstrate a capacity for life-long learning.

When designing a May Term, faculty should integrate each of the fundamental elements of experiential learning for students listed below into the May Term:

● Active personal involvement

● Multiple opportunities for self-discovery

● Guided reflection

May Terms are opportunities for learning to be student centered and student-driven.

Please fill out the following vetting form for May Term courses.

1. Are you contractually obligated to teach a May Term course? (Contractually obligated faculty members will be given priority to teach May term courses).


2. How will students actively involve themselves in the topic/content/material being studied? In other words, how will students engage in experiential learning?

3. How will the May Term help students become life-long learners?

4. What activities or assignments will require student reflection? For each experience, specify written, oral, or both. Both written and oral reflection are required and students should reflect, at least in part, about their strengths and weaknesses as learners.

5. How does the travel aspect of your May Term enhance the experiential learning for students?

6. What preparation will be necessary for students before the trip?

7. What teaching activities will the faculty member engage in before, during, and/or after the trip? What teaching activities will be supplemented by tour agencies or guides?