Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 3rd June 2014 in the main hall of the Community Centre at 7.00pm
Councillors C Franklin (in the Chair), C Kemp, M Connolly, A Connolly, P Hedge, S Slater, A Flack, M Stratton, A Birch, D Stevenson, O’Connell, Gabriello.
B Pratt
F Galvin
S Fell
Lt Col J Denny
J Cambell
Jack Dowler
Emma-Louise Rigby
Anthony Rigby
Kieran Phillips
R Gregary
T Dewey
S Galvin / Apologies:
Councillors Jones, Miles, Flack, Zaouia, Dagger
C’llr J Franklin
Item / Agenda Item / Action by
1 / Community Awards
C’llr C Franklin invited four youth members of the public to attend the meeting where they were each awarded a certificate and a £10 Argos voucher for being an outstanding member of the community by cleaning the park.
2 / Apologies for absence
Councillors Jones, Miles, Flack, Zaouia, Dagger
3 / Declaration of interest C’llr C Franklin– Bills
4 / General Public Questions
·  Mr Galvin raised concerns about the uncut grass outside the chip shop. He was informed the Clerk had already contacted the owner. He also objected to the conversion of Big Jan at the bottom of Station Road into a Turkish Barber.
5 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
There being no matters arising C’llr M Connolly proposed that May 2014 minutes were a true and accurate record, seconded by C’llr A Connolly, carried.
6 / Co-Option
There were five applications for one vacancy.
Jeremy Campbell (JB), Susan Fell (SF), Warren Jones (WJ),Brian Pratt (BP), Barry Rhodes (BR)
The candidates in attendance at the meeting left the room and following a brief discussion a vote was made. This was done by the show of hand three times with the candidate receiving the lowest vote each time being eliminated.
1.  JC 3, SF 9, WJ 0, BP 8, BR 0 - with the lowest numbers WJ and BR were eliminated
2.  JC 0, SF 8, BP 9 – with the lowest number JC was eliminated
3.  SF 7, BP 8 – with the lowest number SF was eliminated
Brian Pratt was duly co-opted onto Tidworth Town Council as a member and it was agreed that Mrs Fell would receive a letter offering a non-executive position on the council.
7 / Wiltshire Councillors Report
·  C’llr M Connolly reported that the cabinet are restructuring youth services in the future. Youth Workers will still be based in community areas but local people will have an input.
·  He is currently trying to arrange a meeting with transport group to look into the transport plan associated with army rebasing.
·  C’llr M Connolly also reported that a meeting had been called by the Area Board to talk about parking problem associated with the Garrison Theatre. The meeting will take place Thursday 5th June.
8 / Mayors Report
·  C’llr Franklin asked the Town Clerk to reiterate to Modern Housing that youth members of the community had been litter picking the playgrounds because Modern Housing were not doing their job to a satisfactory standard.
·  He thanked the five applicants for their continued interest in a position within the Council.
·  He reported a big improvement to the Mortuary Chapel site and thanked Aspire for their hard work. Written thanks will be sent to Aspire.
C’llr Birch reported that there were 38 volunteers working at the site and a good proportion of councillors.
9 / Committee Reports
Community Services – C’llr Stevenson reported on the meeting held on 13th May 2014, minutes had been circulated.
C’llr Thomas proposed that they were a true and accurate record, seconded by C’llr Hedge, carried.
C’llr Stevenson thanked Aspire on behalf of the Community Services committee for their work on the Mortuary Chapel and suggested presenting Aspire with a token to show thanks
C’llr Stevenson informed that quotes were being pursued for paintwork on the Mortuary Chapel ceiling.
The Committee recommend the following
·  The additional costs of Buggy Shelter installation are paid.
Proposed by C’llr Birch, seconded by C’llr Hedge, carried.
·  The sum of no more than £200 is set aside for the presentation of some form to thank Aspire.
Proposed by C’llr C Franklin, seconded by C’llr A Connolly, carried.
Community Engagement – C’llr Gabriello reported on the meeting held on 20th May 2014, minutes had been circulated.
C’llr A Connolly proposed that they were a true and accurate record, seconded by C’llr Stratton, carried.
C’llr Gabriello thanked the committee for their support in her appointment of Chair of Community Engagements and reported that Christmas plans were ongoing with the idea of including a fireworks display.
Projects – C’llr A Connolly reported on the meeting held on 27th May 2014, minutes had been circulated.
C’llr M Connolly proposed that they were a true and accurate record, seconded by C’llr Slater, carried.
C’llr A Connolly reported that the Civic Centre plans were on hold and there were no updates on the Humbler Lane sports pitches.
He informed that there were still problems with determining a location for the Skate Park.
C’llr A Connolly also reported that due to increased interaction will the public, a more professional dress code was discussed for employees in order to create a professional image.
The Committee recommend the following
·  The pursuit of funding for a war memorial, via a show of hands the majority was in favour.
·  Corporate image wear for employees, via a show of hands the majority was in favour.
10 / Tidworth Town Festival
C’llr Kemp reported that the Food Festival on July 26th would include family entertainment and the photography competition would be launched in association with Mark Fell photography at the event. C’llr Kemp also invited opinions on having a town crier competition and suggested that the Tidworth in Bloom awards be presented at the event.
11 / Year End Adoption of Accounts
C’llr A Connolly proposed that they were a true and accurate record, seconded by C’llr Hedge, carried.
C’llr A Connolly praised the very good financial report and gave thanks to the Town Clerk for the audit.
12 / Business Between Meetings
·  The insurance policy was renewed on 1st June with AON for £1645.51 annually.
·  All risks and actions of the risk assessment were agreed.
13 / Correspondence – Newsletters and reports were made available for inspection
13 / Bills for Payment
Month 2 income/expenditure circulated.
C’llr Stevenson proposed that the bills for payment totalling £18,067.08 be paid, seconded by C’llr Stratton, carried
14 / Date of next meeting
1st July 2014 / Agenda items to be submitted to the Clerk 7 days before meeting

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 8.15pm

Agreed as a true record...... Chris Franklin MBE, Chairman

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