Save the Children International (SCI) wishes to engage the services of competent and capable accredited Institution to train designated staff on Project Management Institute (PMI) modules for Project Management focusing on registration, training and certification for Project Management Professionals (PMP).



EoI and Proposals should be email to with the proposal reference number RFP/ABUJA/2017/007 clearly marked in the subject matter of the mail. All bids must be received not later than 9th October, 2017 at 17:00hours ("the Closing Date") unless SCI determines there were exceptional reasons for the delay in submission. All proposals submitted after the closing date would be considered invalid. Bids must remain valid for consideration for a period of not less than 30 days from the Closing Date. Save the Children International is under no obligation to award the contract to the lowest bidder.

Should you require further information or clarification on the requirements, please visit the office at Save the Children International, No. 4 Danube Close off Danube Street Maitama FCT, Abuja, Nigeria OR No. 13 Sir Michael Otedola Crescent off Joel Ogunnaike Street, GRA Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

or address them to the following email: before 9th October, 2017. For any complain regarding the outcome of the bid please call the toll free line: 08002255724. All official communication should be in English language.

Proposals will only be accepted in the Nigerian currency. Proposals received in any other currency will be invalidated. Bidders MUST complete the tender response form and should go through the tender instruction for guidance.

This request for proposal is approved by:





Tender Instruction

We include the following information for your review:

  • Part 1: Tender Information
  • Part 2: Conditions of Tendering
  • Part 3: Key Contractual Terms
  • Part 4: Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Part 5: Save the Children’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Part 6: The IAPG Code of Conduct
  • Part: Tender Response form

Your tender/Proposal response must be received in the following format:

  • Full completion of the “Tender Response” document in order for the bid to be compliant. Supplementary proposal documents are requested to demonstrate that the bid is meeting the essential and preferred criteria listed below. Those tenders returned uncompleted will be treated as void.



Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. We have over two million supporters worldwide and raised 1.6 billion dollars in 2011 to reach more children than ever before, through programmes in health, nutrition, education, protection and child rights, also in times of humanitarian crises.


Cover Pages / 1
Tender Instruction / 2
Tender Information, Table of content, Schedule of activity / 3
Term of Reference / 4 to 6
Award criteria / 7
Condition of tendering / 8 - 11
Key contractual terms / 12 - 20
Save the Children Child safe guarding policy / 21 - 22
Save the children’s anti-bribery and corruption policy / 23 - 24
Code of conduct for IAPG agencies and suppliers / 25 - 26
Tender Response / 27 - 32


No / Date / Process/Milestone / Milestone description
1 / 19/09/2017 / Issue Request for Proposal / Qualified Service Providers secure receipt of the RFP
2 / 09/10/2017 / Return of tenders (Closing Date) / Secretary to receive and consolidate the report (individual scores and observations summarized, etc.)
3 / 11/10/2017 / Tender Review Committee / Registration of technical proposals
Evaluation Team receive Proposals
4 / 11/10/2017 / Evaluation of technical proposals completed / Report prepared by Supply chain Team (by 12:00 Noon)
5 / 12/10/2017 / Evaluation Financial Proposal / Financial proposals opened (of technically responsive Offerors) and evaluated
6 / 18/10/2017 / Notification of Contract award

Introduction to Save the Children and project background

Save the Children has identified nine global priorities that will help set us on-course towards achieving our breakthroughs for children. One of these priorities is – “to invest in our people, and build capable and diverse leaders”. Save the Children recognizes that people re its greatest asset, and works to attract and retain talented staff. To this end, Save the Children is committed to guaranteeing that staff are trained and resourced appropriately, thus positioning staff to contribute effectively to the organization’s mission and strategic objectives. The aim is to afford staff the access to quality and relevant learning opportunities. Staff are therefore admonished to develop annual learning and development plans, and follow them through. In accordance with this mandate, The Stop Diarrhoea Initiative – a Save the Children Signature project, has identified a unique and common capacity development interest among a significant proportion of SCI staff- “Project Management”.

Purpose of the training

The overall purpose of the project management training is to enhance staff capacity to manage projects effectively and efficiently. Most of the work done in the development sector, and particularly within the development and humanitarian mandate here at Save the Children, involve managing a variety of projects at different scales and levels of influence. The Signature Stop Diarrhoea Initiative also provides a unique opportunity as an operations research/ implementation program that can be said to house smaller thematic focused projects within its intervention. Thus, a training in project management for staff working on such projects as the SDI project is essential to the larger SCI community, as there is an expected increase in the crop of staff who are project management professionals, equipped with the tools and resources to deliver effectively on their projects, thus enhancing our reputation with the donors, and also contributing towards making Save the Children in Nigeria a high performing organization that inspires breakthroughs for children. This aligns squarely with SCI’s current global priorities.

On a global scale, competencies in project management are recognized as being crucial to the effective and efficient management of projects and resources across sectors. The Project Management Institute (PMI) currently offers the most sought after training and accreditation to project management professionals (PMP). The focus of this course is to equip trainees with the tools and skills required to improve performance, manage change effectively, manage projects of various sizes, apply innovation and deliver excellent results. Participants will garner ground-breaking and critical ability for solving problems and international best practice in current day management of projects. These skill-set, tools and standards will be transferable across disciplines, yet highly relevant in International Development.

This training is expected to yield a high return on investment (ROI), as it will make a marked and noticeable difference in the way we implement projects, engage partners and stakeholders, deliver value for money on our interventions, and achieve sustainable results for the children we work for.

Specific Objectives

The PMI project management package is poised to meet the following objectives:

a)Introduce staff to the professional world of Project Management as described by the globally acclaimed Project Management Institute.

b)To equip staff participants with skills that can be deployed immediately on their respective job/roles, and get measurable growth in return on investment

c)To familiarize participants with the 5 Process Groups of Projects Management.

d)To understand how each of PMI’s 10 knowledge areas of project management can be used to improve Project’s performance.

e)To increase the staff’s success rate of Managing Projects while highlighting common pitfalls in Project Management.

Methodology and Scope of Work

There are a few PMI accredited institutes located in Nigeria, who are able to offer the professional training, coaching, documentation and other related services required to certify clients as Project Management Professionals, with high success rates.

The successful institute will be expected to develop a detailed proposal, budget (unit cost and group rates) and workplan to undertake the training and certification of up to 20 SCI staff.

The preferred institute must be skilled and able to deliver a PMI standard training and certification assistance, with verifiable testimonials from previous clients. Such institutes must share our organizational values, including: accountability, ambition, integrity, collaboration and creativity.

Given that the program is for practicing project managers and practitioners, aspiring to leap and redefine their competencies for global excellence the workplan is expected to incorporate a plan for engaging with staff who are in full time employment throughout the training, and professional certification from PMI as a Project Management Practitioner (PMP).

Key Deliverables of Engagement

The scope of the project management training will focus on programme effectiveness, with particular emphasis on development projects in alignment with PMI curriculum and methodologies.

The process and tasks within this work will include the following:

  1. Training of staff on the most recent PMI modules for up to 35 contact hours or as deemed necessary by the institution
  2. Facilitate all required documentation for certification eligibility
  3. Post training mentoring and follow-up leading to examination
  4. Facilitate exam registration, and determine staff readiness status for exams.
  5. Facilitate staff acquiring PMI membership status

Organizational Requirements

  • Evidence of PMI accreditation/licensure as a training institute
  • A minimum of 5 year experience in facilitating PMI trainings and certification process;
  • Demonstrable evidence of tax credibility and compliance, company registration and credible banking details in organization’s name
  • Positive security check and compliance vetting (internal)

Duration of Engagement

This activity is expected to be completed within the confines of the agreed contract timelines between the preferred training institute and SCI, in accordance with a jointly drafted schedule. The preferred institute will be expected to advice, negotiate and agree on the engagement schedule with the contracting party (SCI).


As part of the expression of interest/proposal, interested institutions should submit their competitive bid budget (Including unit rates and group rates) for 20 persons, and work-plan to undertake this piece of work in line with these terms of reference.

Save the Children understands that budget forecast could vary according to the methodology and agreed logistics of the training, but expects interested organizations to provide a strong rationale for their methods and price forecast.

Other expenses in the proposal, and agreed in advance with Save the Children, will be reimbursed upon production of receipts and relevant documentation.

Schedule of payment

Please note that payments will be made to the selected institute using an agreed mode of payment in three tranches:

  • On contract signing, registration of staff: 50%
  • After training, complete documentation and exam registration: 30%
  • Mentoring and certification of staff: 20%

Award criteria

Please note that all bids that meet the essential criteria listed below will be evaluated based on the preferred criteria; preferred criteria are scored as per below table. Best scoring bids will be selected for this market.

Essential Criteria / A 'no' in either of these boxes will result in immediate disqualification.
Bidder can legally operate in the country of residence (Attach Photocopy of proof of business registration - CAC)
Bidder’s confirmation of compliance with the attached Conditions of Tendering, Key Contractual Terms, Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy, Save the Children’s AntiBribery and Corruption Policy and the IAPG Code of Conduct
VAT Registration Certificate (Attach photocopy)
Preferred Criteria / (0 – 50)
Organizational structure with demonstrable and practice ability (Team members) indicating good experience in capacity building, mentoring support and relevant tools/training aids. / 5
No organizational structure / 0
Evidence of PMI accredited institutes able to offer PMP professional training, coaching, documentation and other related services required to certify clients as Project Management Professionals, with high success rates / 20
No evidence of PMI accredited institutes able to offer PMP professional training, coaching, documentation and other related services required to certify clients as Project Management Professionals, with high success rates / 0
At least 5-10 years of previous work related to capacity building for INGO staff in Nigeria / 10
No 5-10 years of previous work related to capacity building for INGO staff in Nigeria / 0
Workplan that incorporate methodology/procedure for engaging with staff who are in full time employment throughout the training, and professional certification from PMI as a Project Management Practitioner (PMP) / 15
No Workplan that incorporate methodology/procedure for engaging with staff who are in full time employment throughout the training, and professional certification from PMI as a Project Management Practitioner (PMP) / 0


  1. Definitions

In addition to the terms defined in the Cover Letter, in these Conditions, the following definitions apply:

(a)Award Criteria - the award criteria set out in the Invitation to Tender.

(b)Bidder - a person or organisation who bids for the tender.

(c)Conditions - the conditions set out in this 'Conditions of Tendering 'document.

(d)Cover Letter - the cover letter attached to the Tender Information Pack.

(e)Goods and/or Services - everything purchased by SCI under the contract.

(f)Invitation to Tender - the Tender Information, these Conditions, and SCI’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase, SCI's Child Safeguarding Policy, SCI's Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy and the IAPG Code of Conduct.

(g)SCI - Save the Children International (formerly known as The International Save the Children Alliance Charity), a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 03732267; charity number 1076822) whose registered office is at St Vincent House, 30 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7HH.

(h)Specification - any specification for the Goods and/or Services, including any related plans and drawings, supplied by SCI to the Supplier, or specifically produced by the Supplier for SCI, in connection with the tender.

(i)Supplier - the party which provides Goods and/or Services to SCI.

  1. The Contract

The framework contract awarded shall be for the supply of goods and/or services, subject to SCI’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase (Key Contractual Terms as attached to these Conditions together with other terms agreed between the parties). Each Bidder must confirm it is willing to agree to SCI’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase or indicate where the basis of its bid differs from the terms and the reason(s) for the variance, which will be considered during the tender process. SCI reserves the right to undertake a formal review of the contract after twelve (12) months.

  1. Late tenders

Tenders received after the Closing Date will not be considered, unless there are in SCI’s sole discretion exceptional circumstances which have caused the delay.

  1. Correspondence

All communications from Bidders to SCI relating to the tender must be in writing and addressed to the person identified in the Cover Letter. Any request for information should be received at least 5 days before the Closing Date, as defined in the Invitation to Tender. Responses to questions submitted by any Bidder will be circulated by SCI to all Bidders to ensure fairness in the process.

  1. Acceptance of tenders

SCI may, unless the Bidder expressly stipulates to the contrary in the tender, accept whatever part of a tender that SCI so wishes. SCI is under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender.

  1. Alternative offer

If the Bidder wishes to propose modifications to the tender (which may provide a better way to achieve SCI’s Specification) these may, at SCI's discretion, be considered as an Alternative Offer. The Bidder must make any Alternative Offer in a separate letter to accompany the Tender. SCI is under no obligation to accept Alternative Offers.

  1. Prices

Tendered prices must be shown as both inclusive of and exclusive of any Value Added Tax chargeable or any similar tax (if applicable).

  1. No reimbursement of tender expenses

Expenses incurred in the preparation and dispatch of the tender will not be reimbursed.

  1. Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality

Bidders must treat the Invitation to Tender, contract and all associated documentation (including the Specification) and any other information relating to SCI’s employees, servants, officers, partners or its business or affairs (the "Confidential Information”) as confidential. All Bidders shall:

  • recognise the confidential nature of the Confidential Information;
  • respect the confidence placed in the Bidder by SCI by maintaining the secrecy of the Confidential Information;
  • not employ any part of the Confidential Information without SCI's prior written consent, for any purpose except that of tendering for business from SCI;
  • not disclose the Confidential Information to third parties without SCI's prior written consent;
  • not employ their knowledge of the Confidential Information in any way that would be detrimental or harmful to SCI;
  • use all reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of the Confidential Information to third parties;
  • Notify SCI immediately of any possible breach of the provisions of this Condition 9 and acknowledge that damages may not be an adequate remedy for such a breach.
  1. Award Procedure

SCI’s Tender Review Committee will review the Bidders and their tenders to determine, in accordance with the Award Criteria, whether they will award the contract to any one of them.

  1. Information and Record Keeping

SCI shall consider any reasonable request from any unsuccessful Bidder for feedback on its tender and, where it is appropriate and proportionate to do so, provide the unsuccessful Bidder with reasons why it’s tender was rejected. Where applicable, this information shall be provided within 30 business days from (but not including) the date on which SCI receives the request.