Updated November 2013
Status Update
Letter Code / StatusE / Established Strategies (systemized - need maintenance)
P / Progressing Strategies (need ongoing / future development)
N / New initiatives (require start-up)
Target Area: Response to Intervention (RTI): Reading
Established Strategies (E):The RTI Steering Committee meets monthly to guide and manage the implementation of RTI. Grade-level/school-wide schedules are built around the recommendations of the RTI Committee. Staff continues to develop and refine a procedure to implement specific high-quality, researched-based instruction and early interventions to match our student needs. Staff uses frequent progress monitoring to determine the effectiveness of interventions and instruction. K-4 Staff participates in continued trainings offered by The Hill Associates Consulting Group.
Target Area Goal #1: To strengthen RTI system within our school.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Develop a K-3 wide system of documentation of interventions that will be passed on from year to year. / Reading Specialist / Ongoing / P
2. K-3 Staff will observe colleagues both in the building and in other schools in regards to RTI. / Principal, K-3 Faculty, Reading Specialist / By end of school year / P
3. Explore ways to utilize available staff to support the implementation. / Principal, RTI Steering Committee, K-3 Faculty / Ongoing / P
4. Explore and implement ways to integrate technology into interventions. / K-3 Faculty, Reading Specialist, Principal / Ongoing / P
Professional Development
Professional Development / Persons Responsible / Timeline/ Update / StatusK-3 Staff will participate in trainings offered by The Hill Associates Consulting Group / Principal / By end of school year
Data Meetings Fall '13 / P
Train K-3 teachers in the electronic data warehouse system. / RTI Consultant, Reading Specialist, Principal, Technology Coordinator / By end of school year / N
**RTI is the practice of providing high quality instruction/intervention matched to students’ needs and using learning over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions. (National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc. Response to Intervention: Policy Considerations and Implementation. 2006.p.5)
Target Area: Differentiated Instruction
Target Area Goal #1: To strengthen differentiated instruction in our school to improve student achievement across the curriculum.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1.Allow teachers time and funding to attend workshops of various techniques and strategies to enhance and improve differentiated instruction in math, language arts, science, and social studies. / Principal/K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
2. Allocate time for teachers to share new techniques and information acquired at workshops and conferences, as well as discuss and collaborate on how they differentiate instruction in their classroom. / Principal/K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
3.Investigate ways to use technology in the differentiation of instruction (software, online programs, etc.). / K-8 Faculty, Technology Committee, Technology Coordinator, Principal / Ongoing / P
4. Provide staff with opportunities to explore and create a scope and sequence, units and lessons that support the new Common Core Standards. / Principal/K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
Professional Development: Continue to support teachers in their professional development in regards to best teaching practices and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners.
Professional Development / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status3-8 Teachers will participate in Empower workshops and trainings. / Principal/3-8 Faculty / Ongoing / N
K-3 Teachers will participate in Brain Frames workshops and trainings. / Principal/K-3 Faculty / Ongoing / P
K-8 Teachers will participate in professional development opportunities in Common Core Standards in all subjects. / Principal, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing
At monthly faculty meetings / P
Target Area: Enrichment Program
Established Strategies (E): Continued development of the horizontal enrichment activities currently in place (i.e. Project Based Learning/Problem Solving, Mentoring and Reading Enrichment).
Target Area Goal #1: Enhance and expand the Edgartown School Enrichment Program and its components.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Evaluation of exploratory enrichment math program for grades 5-7 and its continuation. / Assistant Superintendent, Island-Wide Enrichment Committee, Principal, Math Enrichment Teacher / Annual Review / P
2. Exploration of new enrichment programs and professional development for the school. / Assistant Superintendent, Island-Wide Enrichment Committee, Principal, Math Enrichment Teacher, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / N
Target Area: Writing
Established Strategies (E): Starting during the 2012-2013 year, teachers have been implementing a vertical K-4 Writing Curriculum as a means of addressing the specific areas and benchmarks of writing as found in the Common Core Standards with ongoing discussion on how they expand and develop from grade to grade.
Target Area Goal #1: Improve student performance in writing K-8.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Organize and implement an English Language Arts vertical planning team. These meetings will be used to discuss and review current writing curriculum, areas of improvement, and expectations for students. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Reading Specialist / Ongoing / P
2. Analyze data collected from teachers on their writing training. Use this information to guide trainings, instruction, and student progress. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Reading Specialist, Writing Consultant / Annual Review / P
3. Investigate other resources that can be used to enhance our writing program. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Reading Specialist, Writing Consultant / Ongoing / P
Professional Development:
Professional Development / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / StatusContinue professional development in writing through The Gary Chadwell/Collins Writing Program / Principal, Assistant Principal, Reading Specialist, Writing Consultant, K-8 Faculty / By end of school year
On site PD in November '13 / P
Target Area: Improving Student Performance in Math
Established Strategies (E): Staff analyzes and presents the results of the previous years’ school assessment data. The Data Teams meet with core teams to discuss MCAS analysis. Staff identifies trends and areas of concerns and makes recommendations for adjustment of the curriculum when necessary.
Target Area Goal #1: Continue to improve student performance in mathematics as seen through formal and informal assessments.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Explore possible math programs that would encourage a deeper understanding of math for students. / Principal, Math Specialists, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / N
2. Investigate and discuss ways of developing a Response To Intervention (RTI) model for Math. / Principal, Math Specialists, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
3. Increase math marketing around the building via posters etc. / Principal, Math Specialists, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing
Math Night Nov. 7 / N
Professional Development
Professional Development / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / StatusK-8 Teachers will participate in professional development opportunities to improve student performance in math. / Principal, Math Specialist, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing
Off-island workshop (K-2) Oct 28 / P
Target Area: Technology
Established Strategies (E): The Technology Committee meets yearly to prioritize technology funding through recommendations and requests from teachers for new hardware and software to support learning. Our school vision is to provide our students with the latest and best in technology.
Target Area Goal #1: Continue to increase the integration of technology into the daily curriculum.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Provide cost effective in-house technology training for faculty to improve instruction. / Technology Coordinator, K-8 Faculty, Principal / Ongoing / P
Target Area: School Environment and Character Development
Target Area Goal #1: Support and Implement the School Bullying Plan.
Established Strategies (E): There is a yearly discussion and review of the School Bullying Policy with all students. Guidance provides and schedules age/grade appropriate instruction on bullying prevention for students.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Collaborate with PTA and community resources to develop ways to inform parents about the School Bullying Policy and ways they can support their children. Explore developing a place for parents to ask questions regarding the bullying policy. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance, PTA / Ongoing / P
Target Area Goal #2: Continued implementation and training of Responsive Classroom (K-4) and Developmental Design (5-8).
Established Strategies (E): There is a weekly K-4 Responsive Classroom Community Meeting for students. There is development of School Wide (K-8) Community Meetings for 2 or more times a year.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. To implement periodicResponsive Classroom/Developmental Design Support Meetings for faculty to be facilitated by a local trainer. / Principal, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / N
2. Continue to train and support teachers, ESP’s and school personnel in the implementation of Responsive Classroom/Developmental Design on both Level 1 and Level 2 to deepen their knowledge. / Principal, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
Target Area Goal #3:Continue to explore new ways to strengthen the home-school connection.
Established Strategies (E): Teachers continue to develop and use their web pages as a means of communication. E-mail is being used as a means of communication for newsletters in an effort to save paper.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. In collaboration with the PTA, find ways to better utilize parent volunteers. / PTA, Principal / Ongoing / P
2. Review system of home-school communication. / Principal, SAC / By end of school year / N
Target Area Goal #4:Strengthen school climate
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. Explore and develop new established systems to coordinate and communicate within the school community. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Education Committee, Climate Committee / By end of school year
Ed Com. is implementing recommendations of Climate Com. / P
Target Area: Professional Development
Target Area Goal #1: Professional Practice Goal for the New MA Teacher Evaluation and Supervision System.
Strategy / Persons Responsible / Timeline/Update / Status1. To be able to identify the MA Standards and Indicators of Effective Teacher and/or Administrative Leadership Practice. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant Superintendent, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
2. 100% of educators will have self assessed their practice using the rubrics. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant Superintendent, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P
3. All educators will complete a self-assessment that will help to establish teacher directed professional development as supported by the Superintendent's office. / Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant Superintendent, K-8 Faculty / Ongoing / P