Middle School Curriculum
Wisconsin State Health Standards
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand concepts related to personal health promotion and
disease prevention.
Knowledge about the human body, prevention of diseases, and the relationship between
behavior and health concerns is basic to health literacy. Students who understand the
importance of making healthy living choices and practicing disease-prevention strategies
establish a foundation for leading healthy and productive lives.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
A.8.1 Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social, and physical health
during adolescence
A.8.2 Analyze how environments and personal health are interrelated
A.8.3 Describe ways to enhance health and reduce risks during adolescence
A.8.4 Describe how lifestyle, family history, and other risk factors are related to the
cause or prevention of disease and other health problems
A.8.5 Explain how health is influenced by the interaction of body systems
A.8.6 Describe how family and peers influence the personal health of adolescents
A.8.7 Explain the relationship between positive health behaviors and the prevention of
injury, illness, disease, and premature death
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will practice behaviors to promote health, prevent disease, and
reduce health risks.
Practicing health-enhancing behaviors contributes to a positive quality of life. Research
confirms that many diseases and injuries can be prevented by reducing harmful risktaking
behaviors. By accepting responsibility for personal health, students will have a
foundation for living a healthy and productive life.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
B.8.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors
B8.2 Analyze a personal health assessment to determine health strengths and risks
B.8.3 Distinguish between risky behaviors which may be dangerous or harmful and
those which should be relatively safe
B.8.4 Demonstrate strategies to improve and maintain personal and family health
B.8.5 Develop and practice injury prevention and management strategies for personal
and family health
B.8.6 Demonstrate ways to avoid and reduce threatening situations
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making
skills to enhance health
Decision making and goal setting are essential lifelong skills needed to implement and
sustain health-enhancing behaviors. These skills make it possible for students to apply
health knowledge to healthy lifestyle development. Decision-making and goal-setting
skills enable individuals to work collaboratively to improve the quality of life in their
families, schools, and communities.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
C.8.1 Demonstrate the ability to individually and collaboratively apply a decisionmaking
process to health issues
C.8.2 Analyze how health-related decisions are influenced by individuals, family, and
community values
C.8.3 Analyze how decisions regarding health behaviors have consequences for
themselves and others
C.8.4 Develop and implement a personal health plan addressing personal strengths,
needs, and health risks
D. Information and Services
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and
Accessing valid health information and services is important in the prevention, early
detection, and treatment of most health problems. Critical thinking involves the ability to
identify reliable health information and to analyze and select health-promoting products
and services. Applying analysis skills provides a foundation for students to become
health-literate and responsible, productive citizens.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
D.8.1 Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services
D.8.2 Demonstrate the ability to access resources from home, school, and community
that provide valid health information
D.8.3 Analyze how the media influences the selection of health information and products
D.8.4 Demonstrate the ability to locate health products and services
D.8.5 Compare the costs and validity of health products
D.8.6 Describe situations requiring professional health services
D.8.7 Identify potential health careers
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will analyze the impact of culture, media, technology, and other
factors on health.
Health is influenced by a variety of factors that coexist within society. These factors
include cultural contexts as well as the influence of media and technology. A critical
thinker and problem solver interprets, analyzes, and evaluates the influence of these
factors on health. The health-literate learner draws upon these factors to strengthen
individual, family, and community health.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
E.8.1 Analyze how culture influences health behaviors and services
E.8.2 Analyze how messages from the media and other sources influence health
E.8.3 Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health
E.8.4 Analyze how information from peers influences health
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate the ability to use effective interpersonal
communication skills to enhance health.
Personal, family, and community health are enhanced through effective communication.
A health-literate individual uses verbal and nonverbal communication skills to develop
and maintain healthy relationships. The ability to organize and convey information,
beliefs, and feelings strengthens interactions and resolves conflict. Health-literate
learners demonstrate care, consideration, and respect for themselves and others.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
F.8.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance
F.8.2 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings
F.8.3 Demonstrate ways to communicate care, consideration, and respect for themselves
and others
F.8.4 Demonstrate communication skills to build and maintain healthy relationships
F.8.5 Analyze possible causes of conflict
F.8.6 Demonstrate strategies to resolve conflict in healthy ways
Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family,
school, and community health
The quality of life is dependent on an environment that protects and promotes the health
of individuals, families, schools, and communities. Students who have become healthliterate
citizens advocate for positive health in their communities.
By the end of grade 8 students will:
G.8.1 Analyze various methods to accurately express health information and ideas
G.8.2 Convey valid information and express opinions about health issues
G.8.3 Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively when advocating for healthy
individuals, families, schools, and communities
G.8.4 Demonstrate the ability to influence and support others in making positive health
G.8.5 Identify barriers to effective promotion of information, ideas, feelings, and opinions
about health issues and explore options to overcome them
Seventh Grade
Topic: Health and Wellness Introduction
How do you define Wellness/Health? Wellness/Health can be defined as a healthy, balanced triangle of physical health, mental health, and social health. This unit of study focuses on the concept of wellness as being much more than just disease free. Students will participate in activities that will help them better understand how each side of the triangle can affect the other and how goal setting can aid in a balance triangle. Students will specifically address the mental health as it relates to teen suicide and understanding (SOS) signs of suicide and being able to (ACT) acknowledge, tell, and care.
Enduring Understanding(s)
§ There are three sides to the health triangle: physical health, mental/emotional health, and social health.
§ Wellness means that all aspects of the health triangle are healthy and in balance.
§ Personal health is influenced by many factors including; heredity, environment, family and
culture, peers, the media, and personal health habits and skills.
§ I am responsible for making informed decisions concerning my health.
Essential Questions (s)
§ What are the factors that may influence wellness?
§ What skills will help me maintain personal wellness?
§ How can I make good decisions concerning my health?
§ What are signs of suicide and how can I get help or help others?
Knowledge & Skills
§ Identify the three components of the health triangle.
§ Define wellness.
§ Identify different factors that contribute to personal health.
§ Explain the decision-making process
§ Demonstrate the use of the decision-making process to make a healthful choice.
§ Explain the importance of setting goals.
§ Create a goal-setting plan to achieve a health-related goal.
§ Know SOS and how to ACT
§ Class assignments/projects
§ Homework
§ Class Discussion
§ Written Tests
Topic: Tobacco
The goal is to empower students to make the best choices for themselves by giving them the facts about tobacco, peer pressure, and teaching how to make good decisions. Students will learn about the different forms of tobacco, the harmful short and long term effects to the body, addiction and the media’s influence on tobacco use.
Enduring Understanding(s)
§ You are a safe.
§ Your body keeps safe those things most important to you:
§ Your health
§ Your reputation
§ Your freedom--from legal problems and from addiction
§ If you leave the safe open, these things will be lost.
§ If you lock the door, you will protect those things most important to you.
Essential Questions (s)
§ Who would be in a better position to make choices about your life than you?
Knowledge & Skills
§ Identify the different forms of tobacco.
§ Identify short and long term effects of tobacco use.
§ Explain what addiction is and what makes tobacco products addictive.
§ Explain media’s influence on tobacco use.
§ Class assignments/projects
§ Homework
§ Class Discussion
§ Written Tests
Topic: Alcohol
This unit aims to provide students with information on the short and long term effects of alcohol in addition to laws and penalties for illegal use and abuse of alcohol. The misuse or abuse of alcohol can impair judgment and lead to illness and injury. Helping students to acknowledge the internal and external pressures that influence them to use alcohol enables and empowers them to make choices that support a healthy, active lifestyle.
Enduring Understanding(s)
§ I can recognize and explain the differences between alcohol use and abuse.
§ I am familiar with current alcohol laws and penalties and the associated risks and dangers.
§ I have access to a variety of valid and reliable sources of health information.
§ I have the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions for myself.
§ Taking responsibility to be alcohol free is the best choice a teen can make for his or her health.
Essential Questions (s)
§ What are the risks involved with alcohol use?
§ Why do some teens choose to begin using alcohol?
§ How can I utilize my knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions for myself?
§ How can I evaluate the validity and reliability of health information?
Knowledge & Skills
§ Identify different types of alcohol.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol use.
§ Explain why alcohol use is especially harmful for teens.
§ List the benefits of remaining alcohol free.
§ Practice decision-making and refusal skills to remain alcohol free.
§ Class assignments/projects
§ Homework
§ Class Discussion
§ Written Tests
Topic: Drugs
This unit aims to provide students with information on the responsible use of medicines as
well as the effects of illegal drugs. The appropriate use of medicines can prevent serious health problems, reduce absenteeism from work and school, and enhance the quality of life. Conversely, the misuse or abuse of substances such as over the counter medications, and illegal drugs can impair judgment and lead to illness, injury and even death. Helping students to acknowledge the internal and external pressures that influence them to use substances enables and empowers them to make choices that support a healthy, active lifestyle.
Enduring Understanding(s)
§ I can recognize the symptoms of drug addiction.
§ I know where to get help for someone with a drug problem.
§ I have access to a variety of valid and reliable sources of health information.
§ I am familiar with current drug trends and their associated risks and dangers.
§ I have the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions for myself.
§ Taking responsibility to be drug free is the best choice a teen can make for
his or her health.
Essential Questions (s)
§ What are the symptoms and stages of dependency?
§ What are the dangers associated with the use of illegal and designer drugs?
§ How can I utilize my knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions for myself?
§ How can I access health information and evaluate its validity?
Knowledge & Skills
§ Practice decision-making and refusal skills to remain drug free.
§ Identify the symptoms of drug abuse.
§ Identify school and community resources that can help drug abusers & their families.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of drug use.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of inhalants.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of stimulants.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of narcotics
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of depressants.
§ Describe the short-term and long-term effects of hallucinogens.
§ Identify the most commonly used club drugs and their dangers.
§ Describe the dangers of using anabolic steroids.
§ Class assignments/projects
§ Homework
§ Class Discussion
§ Written Tests
Topic: Human Growth and Development
Overview: This unit seeks to provide students with an understanding of the physical, emotional and social aspects of human growth and development, and how they support a healthy, active lifestyle. Students gain medically-accurate knowledge about puberty, anatomy, fertilization and pregnancy, peer pressure, abstinence and symptoms of pregnancy.
Students learn that early involvement in sexual activity poses risks and that abstinence is the most beneficial and safe choice for adolescents. They also learn about sexually transmitted infections and the steps necessary for protection.
Parent Notification
There is a letter to parents/guardians of students informing them of the Human Growth and Development lessons that are about to take place. This will go home in advance of this unit of study. Parents are given the option of exclusion. (See appendix.)