Design of Prototypes in a Game Development Curriculum
Deborah Warren
Okanagan College
Department of Computer Science
Kelowna, British Columbia
My questions:
1) Game design versus game development – does this course give sufficient coverage of design?
2) Simple sets of rules lead to rich interactive experiences – how quickly would students ‘get the religion’ ?
3) Was it necessary to provide a 3 D tool in lab?
- NO
4) Was it possible to avoid creating original animations for 3D lab?
5) Can this course be taught by someone with no industry experience as a designer?
6) Can this course be taught by someone who is not an avid gamer?
Third Year Fall:MATH XXX / Mathematics for Game Development
COSC 315 / Operating Systems
COSC 371 / Production, Workflow, Asset Management
COSC 374 / Data Networks and Mobile Devices
COSC XXX / Game Design
Third Year Winter
COSC XXX / Middleware and Scripting
COSC 372 / Game Audio Design
COSC 414 / Computer Graphics
FINA 137 / Introduction to Art I
COSC XXX / Development Portfolio: Building Tools
Fourth Year Fall
COSC 304 / Introduction to Database Management
COSC 310 / Software Engineering
COSC 450 / Advanced Gaming Architecture
COSC 373 / Visual Design and Graphics
COSC XXX / Development Portfolio: Integrating Tools
Fourth Year Winter
COSC 322 / Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
BUAD XXX / Technology Entrepreneurship
COSC 320 / Analysis of Algorithms
FINA 252 / Film Studies
COSC XXX / Portfolio: Console Implementation
Course offered Fall 2006:
COSC 419– Special Topics in Game Design
- 3 hour lecture
- 2 hour lab
- 4 hours of project work
Required Text: Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman (2004)
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optional Reading: Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman (2006)
The Game Design Reader. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Crawford, C. (2003) Chris Crawford on Game Design Publisher: New Riders Games; 1st edition (June 18, 2003)
Lab tools: FunEditor from DigiPen...2 D graphics
Virtools...... 3 D graphics
- both tools provided basic collision detection and navigation
- students were familiar with C++ programming
- one gameplay analysis ...... due week 3
- one 2 D prototype ...... due week 5
- one 3 D prototype ...... due week 10
- Draft of design document ...... due week 11
- Final prototype with design document ...due last week of exams
*** There were no exams in this course..
My discoveries:
1) These students want to program. They prefer to program collision detection in OpenGL, rather than use a tool like Virtools.
2) Students do not embrace the tutorial materials that accompany the tools. Some students actively resist using tutorials. Several students then claim that there is no ‘documentation’ that accompanies the tools.
3) Students should have HCI course before design course as major design emphasis is iterative playtesting with end-users … they need prior knowledge of how to work with users.
Future modifications:
1) No Virtools or any other 3 D tool … learning curve too high for 4 lab sessions.
2) A final exam may involve the group playtesting two ‘broken’ games, then have 30 minutes after each playtest session to suggest a design change and document their analysis using concepts presented in the course.
Students would probably enter our program without any prior study of game design. This design course would be offered in the first semester of their third-year. The lectures provide a survey of design vocabulary and concepts, whereas the building of prototypes in the lab sets the stage for the three portfolio courses that follow.
Given the potential for math-intensity in a game development curriculum, the experience in this course suggests that it is necessary to include at least one course in design, especially if the graduates are expected to exit the curriculum with a portfolio of game prototypes.
This course does not attempt to convert computer science students into designers, but rather give them a common vocabulary to work with designers in the future.
Summary of final prototype submissions:
Timbits Go Home – Kelsey and Yanez
The holes in the doughnuts are trying to get home, let’s help them (Tool: OpenGL)
Design Concept: Pleasure and sensation
Gravity is my friend ... momentum the enemy – Marc
As you navigate your ship through space, you must learn to account for momentum, especially when
firing the weapon. Be careful or the missile you just fired will hit you. (Tool: OpenGL)
Design concept: positive and negative feedback, also emergence
REC (extended version) – Josh
International drug dealer trading simulation. (Tool: VB.NET).
Design Concept: Complexity
Brain Swap (extended version) – Gus
Each super-hero has a special ability. Their brains take turns controlling the environment to reach the rocket ship (Tool: Virtools)
Design Concept: Semiotics & Signs
Stunned Pong – Alex
Your spaceship can kill the enemy or stun it, but be sure to avoid attacks. (Tool: FunEditor)
Design Concept: Emergence
Colony 139 – Riley
Tents in Space – a simulation of building residences on a space station (Tool: Flash).
Design concept: Semiotics and Complexity
BEAM – Liam
Get your spies to position mirrors in the labyrinth, so that a laser beam can hit the target (Tool:
Design Concept: Pleasure and Reinforcement schedules
*** Honourable Mention: Liam’s first prototype was a cellular automata simulation of Tetris shapes that bred with each other, to create new shapes with emergent behaviours (Tool: FunEditor)
Your maze on drugs – Cole
Solve a puzzle by navigating a 3D maze (Tool: OpenGL)
Design Concept: Meaning and Representation
Student Survey: COSC 419 - Game Design …. Post MortemDec 2006
Please take a few minutes to complete:
NOYESDon’t Know
1)I am a second year CIS/BCIS student.
2)I am a third year BCIS / BSc student. 6
3)I am a fourth year BCIS / BSc student. 3
Strongly SomewhatSomewhatStronglyDon’t
4)I am most interested in …
- the programming aspect of game design54
- creating the design of a digital game621
- creating animations for a digital game2331
5)This course met my expectations.621
6) This course exceeded my expectations. 1521
7)This course was too easy.711
8)This course was too difficult.711
9)This course has prepared me to work in the
game development industry.5211
10)The lectures provided important information about
game design.531
I would suggest the lecture content be modified in the following way:
-90% of what I learned in this course I learned by playing Half Life 2 with comments on + lost cost [Developer Commentary - Lost Coast]. You might want to add them to the curriculum.
-More example games
-You can show some sample of the game and talk about it more often
-More focus on the actual creation of games (from art to programming)
-Scrap Virtools for something with documentation & possibly an attached graphics creation program.
-Too many powerpoints is NOT a good thing!
11)The 2D tool, Fun Editor, was useful for the lab exercises.171
12)The 3D tool, Virtools, was useful for the lab exercises.234
13)I prefer to have access to the lab tools using my computer
at home.45
I would suggest the lab content be modified in the following way:
-Stick either to FunEditor or Virtools
-Better 3D tool or at least no VMware
-Use different programs for game creating
-I think for the lab content because we are beginners, we should use simple tools. FunEditor is OK but Virtools is too complex.
-Use other tools such as the torque game engine (2D and 3D versions) or other powerful tools like Valve’s Source SDK.
-Scrap Virtools for something with documentation & an attached graphics editor. [student is referring Maya or equivalent].
-More tool options instead of just one program.
Thank you for participating in this survey.