Ms. Darling
5th Grade Procedures, Incentives & Consequences
Ms. Darling
Room 406
Sections 405 & 406 Mathematics & Science
Entering the room- Students should enter the room quietly and begin unpacking for the day. Your backpack needs to be placed in your locker and your homework needs to be placed in the homework-filing bin. Once you are organized, you may begin your morning work for the day.
Homework- once you empty your backpack, you should place your in the bin near the door. Homework is checked each day. Homework turned in any other time will be considered late and will lose points unless you are absent or late to class. Homework is worth 1 point per day. (See syllabus for absent work policy) Homework is given every day. You are expected to do your homework every night to the best of your ability. Those that complete their homework every night will reinforce their learning and maintain an excellent homework average.
Class work- you deserve credit for your hard work, so make sure you turn in all class work when prompted to. Any work turned in late will lose points.
Classroom Jobs: Classroom jobs will be changed at the beginning of each week. Students who enter the classroom quietly and follow entering procedures first will be chosen by Ms.Darling to select jobs first. If you fail to complete your job after five reminders, the teacher holds the right to change jobs.
Leaving the classroom- Class is only dismissed when the teacher in charge dismisses the class. Packing up early, getting up out of your seat or leaving the class without permission will result in a consequence.
Lining up: I will call on the quietest students who are following directions to line up first. You will get out of your seat, push in your chair and get in line in the order called by Ms.Darling unless you are the line leader or line ender. This procedure is silent. Boys will line up single file the other on the yellow line next to the computers, whereas the girls will line up single file next to the bathroom sign-out on the blue line. Each boy will stand in a yellow square and each girl will stand in a blue square to ensure personal space of peers.
Hallway: When we enter the hallway our line is SILENT. We keep our hands by our side and follow the person in front of you. If you receive a compliment for your line by another teacher or an administrator, the entire class receives a letter.
How do you get my attention? Raise your hand and put up…
*1 finger- If you need me to come to your desk for individual attention
*2 fingers- If you need to use the bathroom
*3 fingers-If you would like to get out of your seat to throw away trash, drink, get a tissue etc.
*4 fingers-If you would like to go to Guidance, the office, or the nurse.
How do I get your attention?
* I say PREP and hold up my hand. My five fingers mean that you have two ears open to listen, two eyes on me and one mouth closed.
* Sometimes I may start counting down on my fingers. If you see me doing a 3-2-1 countdown this means that you are not following directions.
*Anyone who talks after PREP is called will receive a FOUL/STEP
Bathroom policy- Bathroom should be used before and after a lesson. Once the lesson begins, all students are in their seats ready to learn. You should take the pass and sign out in the sign out chart. You should also sign back in when you return. If pass is not returned, you will lose your privilege for the rest of the day. Students are also only allowed to leave the room a maximum of two times a day (one time before lunch, one time after lunch).
When your class mates or I am talking, you are actively listening, taking notes and never talking to others. Failure to follow these directions will result in a consequence.
Using Teacher’s Supplies- Students will use supplies when given permission. Any student who uses supplies without permission will result in a consequence.
Blue tickets: Blue tickets are given out in class for various reasons: good behavior, participation, excellent effort, outstanding character, responsibility, and perseverance. Blue tickets may be redeemed in a raffle every Friday. Winners will pull from the prize bin. Class ticket counts are also kept record of and class wide rewards are possible at any time.
Letters: Each section will be given the letters of “GREAT EXPECTATIONS ” (18 letters per day). Students are able to gain letters for positive behaviors and will lose letters for negative ones. At the end of the day, the Behavior monitor for each section will record the amount of letters their class had on the score board next to the prize box. At the end of the week, I will add the amount of letters for each day, and divide it by the amount of days we had class that week. The amount divided will be the number of blue tickets I pull from the raffle on Friday for Prize Box.
The Consequence Ladder/ FOULS: At Park City Prep, students are given multiple chances to review and change their behavior. If a student is misbehaving in any way, they may receive a Step/FOUL 1, which is a warning. The second time this occurs, a student receives a Step 2/FOUL 2, which is another warning and 5 minutes off free time. Step3/FOUL 3will result in a phone call home and 10 minutes off free time. FOUL 4 is 15 minutes off free time, a phone call home, and a lunch detention. If a student reaches Step 4/FOUL 5, the administration and Dean of Students will be contacted, total loss of free time, after school/lunch detention, and phone call home.
Positive Call Home!
Leadership opportunities in the classroom!
Feeling good about yourself
I have read the procedures and understand all aspects of my 5th grade class with Ms. Darling this year. I understand that positive and negative choices will both receive consequences. I will work my hardest to fulfill all Ms. Darling’s expectations of me, just as I know she will work her hardest to fulfill my expectations.
Student Name ______
Student signature ______
Ms. Darling agrees to fulfill all your expectations of me and consistently and fairly enforce consequences.
Teacher Name ______
Teacher signature ______