BKH 1110 JUNE 2000



The passage for analysis is entitled Trilingualism will soon be part of being a good South African, and is marked Addendum A.

1.1 From the heading and sub-heading only, state in your own words what you think the article will be about. (2)

Now read the entire article.

1.2  The following statements, A to D, sum up the main point of certain of the paragraphs in the article. Write down the letters A to D in your answer book and next to each, write down the number of the paragraph that it corresponds with.

A Authorities need to be encouraged to provide funding for the development of African languages.

B The members of the task team who made recommendations about education.

C Provincial authorities should decide on the appropriate language to be learnt in each area.

D Learning English only, can limit opportunities for learners. (4)

Refer to paragraph 2

1.3 What is implied by the use of ‘enshrined’ in ‘enshrined in the new constitution’? (2)

Refer to paragraph 3

1.4 Which African language would be appropriate for the KwaZulu Natal geographical location? (1)

Refer to paragraph 4

1.5 This paragraph outlines 2 consequences of this multilingual policy for teachers. Explain, in your own words, these 2 consequences. (4)

Refer to paragraph 5

1.6 This paragraph begins with an assumption –an idea that is accepted as correct. According to the article is this assumption correct? Explain. (2)

Refer to paragraphs 8 to 11

1.7 Explain why it is reasonable to expect English and Afrikaans speakers to learn one African language. (2)

Refer to paragraphs 16 and 17

1.8 Discuss how the author establishes a connection or linkage between these two paragraphs. (2)

Refer to paragraphs 18 – 23

1.9 Paragraph 18 refers to this policy being extended to the wider society. Which 3 areas of the wider society are later explored in this article? (3)

1.10 Suggest a synonym for ‘affirmed’ in paragraph 22. (1)

1.11 The task team was appointed by Kader Asmal to make recommendations to strengthen values in education. Explain why you think the task team has included comments about language policies in the work place. (2)



2.1  Refer to the passage for textual analysis on Addendum A, Trilingualism will soon be part of being a good South African. Identify the following:

2.1.1  the sender (1)

2.1.2  the medium (1)

2.1.3  the codes and examples (4)

2.1.4  potential feedback (1)

2.2 Identify and explain a barrier that a visitor to South Africa might encounter when reading the article on Trilingualism. (2)

2.3  The statement below contains 2 examples of potential communication barriers.

2.3.1 Identify the two types of barrier represented in the extract. (2)

2.3.2 Write down the example of each (2)

2.4 Notice Boards are used throughout the Technikon. Evaluate notice boards as a medium in terms of medium efficiency and effectiveness. (4)

Non-Verbal communication: Refer to the picture marked Addendum B and entitled Singapore Sling.

2.5 Which 2 non-verbal codes is the trader is using to communicate his message.

A Proxemics

B Gaze

C Gestures

D Vocalics

E Facial expression (2)

2.6 Comment on how one of the codes identified in 2.6 above, communicates the trader’s message. Refer to details in the picture. (2)


2.7  What type of listening would be used in each of the following situations:

2.7.1  When learning a new language, one listens for correct pronunciation.

2.7.2  A friend is battling to pronounce Tswana words correctly and asks for your help.

2.7.3 A fellow student shares with you how difficult it is to study at a tertiary level in a language that one is not confident in. (4)



3.1  Study the advertisement, Have your Say! marked Addendum C and answer the following:

3.1.1 Provide an audience analysis for this advertisement. (4)

3.1.2  What is the register of this advertisement? (1)

3.1.3  Explain the purpose of the advertisement. (2)

3.1.4  Which TWO aspects of writing techniques can be found in the advertisement: (You need only write the letter/s as your answer)

A passive voice

B the ‘you principle’

C sexist language

D active voice

E specifics

F parallel structure (2)

3.1.5 Quote examples of the 2 writing techniques identified in 3.1.4 above. You need only write the letter and next to it a quote of no more than 6 words. (3)

3.2  Rewrite the following to improve the tone:

3.2.1 We are unable to release your final communication marks until 22 June. (2)

3.3  Improve these guidelines by making them parallel:

Guidelines for oral presentations

·  Always research the demography of the audience

·  You will feel confident if you have practiced frequently

·  use notes as an aid

·  Eye contact with the audience is important (3)

3.4  Write a paragraph according to the instructions below.

·  Use the following topic sentence:

Learning to speak three languages can have many benefits for the people of South Africa.

·  Write 4 more sentences using details/examples (4)

·  Circle 2 different types of linking devices and name them (4)



4.1  Why is a clear subject heading important in business letters. (1)

4.2 Choose one of the letters, 4.2.1 OR 4.2.2 below. For whichever letter you choose, supply an audience analysis and purpose statement. (4)

4.2.1  As an entrepreneur with your own business in Port Elizabeth, you are concerned about the language skills of your staff. You have read about the need for people to be trilingual. You have decided to write to the Department of Languages at the Port Elizabeth technikon to enquire about short courses in Xhosa Afrikaans or English for your staff

Write this letter making up all the necessary details. (20)


4.2.2 As a Technikon student you are concerned that your Faculty is not preparing students for the demands of a trilingular workplace. Write a letter to the dean of your faculty outlining the language needs you are aware of and any suggestions you may have. (20)
