Class Format:
The daily agenda for class (on most days) will be:
Review Homework
* At times the class will run in a “lab” format where you may work in groups.
No Text: Notes from will be used with additional material as needed – all lessons available on youtube using barcode from notes!
What you need to get!
* Pen/Pencil – You must have a pen or pencil (can erase J) every day in class. Binder – You will need a 3-ring binder (1 ½ - 2 ”) with pockets.
* Dividers – You will need 5 sections in your notebook labeled: ROAR!, Notes, Homework, CC Algebra II Practice, and Quizzes & Tests.
* Paper – 3-ring paper for your binder.
Optional, but highly suggested!
* Graphing Calculator – TI84/TI83Plus Note: if you do not have your own graphing calculator, you will be assigned one to use for the school year. Special Note: If you lose or damage it, you will be responsible for replacing it! Don’t lose or damage it – they are expensive!
Breakdown of Term Grade:
90% - Homework/CC AlgII Practices
Homework & CC AlgII Prac. (30%):
Homework: given on most nights – 4 points total based on completion. Due at the beginning of class – no exceptions!
CC AlgII Practices: This is where you will get your best practice for the Regents – due at the beginning of class on Wednesday – no exceptions!
Quizzes & Tests (60%):
Quizzes: will be given to check your understanding of material along the way if needed before the end of a chapter.
Tests: will be given at good break points in the material. Tests will be cumulative!!
10% - Personal Responsibility (PR):
Your ROAR! sheets will be collected approximately every two weeks. Each day is worth 4 points. You will record your score on your sheet for each day. If you lose the sheets you cannot make up the points!
The score will be recorded as follows:
Ready: 1 pt for being on time & prepared
Optimistic: 1 pt for your honest evaluation
Awake: 1 pt for your honest evaluation
Rev: 1 pt for completing/correcting the
puzzle or review problem
If you are absent, you can make up 2 points by showing Mrs. C that you were “Ready” for class by showing her your homework and notes that you have gotten from the day that you missed. You can also gain the point from the review problem if you do it!
This class is not a spectator sport! You must
R: Ready – on time with binder, homework,
calculator and pencil/pen
O: Optimistic – I CAN learn this!
A: Awake – your body and MIND are in
Room 104A!
R: Rev your brain with a puzzle or review
problem at the beginning of class
Common Core Algebra II Practices:
Will be handed out on Wednesday and will be due the following Wednesday. They will be a mixture of any of the material we have covered to date in a Regents format.
Extra Help:
Mrs. C is available for extra help at times posted in Room 104A. Make a plan with me in advance! PLEASE come for help if you are struggling or sign up for a peer tutor!
Make-up Work:
Missed work, quizzes, or tests must be made up within one day of your return for each day missed unless otherwise arranged with Mrs. C! It is your responsibility to find out what work you missed from Mrs. C, fellow classmates or check Mrs. C’s website. Quizzes or tests must be made up outside of class – arrange a time with Mrs. C!
Our Foundation:
- Be prepared and on time.
- Follow all directions.
- Respect each other and our classroom.
- Always be kind!
1. Verbal warning.
2. Loss of Personal Responsibility points.
3. Use of Student Behavior Code
4. Phone call home.
5. Parent/guardian conference.
- Clear table except for class materials and begin to ROAR! immediately.
- Use the bathroom pass responsibly only during the ROAR! time.
- Give your full attention to Mrs. C when requested: directions, homework review, lessons on new material, etc.
- Stay in your seat for dismissal by Mrs. C.
- Clean your area and put all garbage in the basket when you leave.
- Be neat and organized – notebooks will be checked at the end of the marking period – extra credit will be given.
- Come for extra help – show that you really care to learn from your mistakes and earn an opportunity to gain points back from showing new understanding of the material.
Embracing Change
Celebrating Success
Surpassing Expectations
Student: ______
· Keep a positive attitude & focus on learning.
· Complete all work and come for help if you need it!
· Provide study space & monitor study time.
· Be supportive & call Mrs. C with concerns.
Teacher: Mrs. Chamberlain
· Create a positive learning environment.
· Provide different ways to learn.
· Communicate clear expectations.
· Call home with concerns.
· Keep an updated teacher website that can be accessed through the district website.
Contact info: 699-2316 or e-mail me at .
Website: access through MS/High School, Teacher Websites
Ellicottville High School
Common Core Algebra II
Mrs. Chamberlain
In this class we will work with the new Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and develop expertise in the following areas listed in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4: Model with mathematics.
5: Use appropriate tools strategically.
6: Attend to precision.
7: Look for and make use of structure.
8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
“I’m not judged by the number of times I have failed, but by the number of times I have succeeded. The number of times I have succeeded is in direct proportion to the number of times I have failed, gotten back up and tried again. DON’T QUIT!”
Robert E. Nugent