July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019
On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 a strategic planning retreat was held at the Warren County Community College from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. In attendance was Cynthia Wildermuth, CEO, Sue Zukoski, CDO, Michael Nicholson, CFO, Michelle Savino, DPS, Arlene Swanston, HR Manager, Board Members Liz Doughty, David Leary and Donna Price.
In preparation for the meeting and goal setting discussion, the senior leadership conducted a S.W.O.T. Analysis with the direct care and supervisory staff addressing the five primary service areas- Employment Services, Day Program Services & Supports, Home Based Services, Business Services, and Administration. This information, along with the updated status of the previous strategic plan, was utilized to craft the following "Strategic Initiatives" moving forward for the next three years (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019). The plan has been reviewed and modified since the original meeting date and will be presented for Board review at the July 2016 regular meeting.
Strategic Area I: Employment Services
Goal #1: Maximize supported employment funding resources that will result in an increased number of consumers.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3I/G1-1 / Identify and solicit directly to 8 local school districts for individuals transitioning to adulthood (ages 14 to 21).
-Educate the Superintendents
-Review WIOA regulations
-Market directly to the families / DES / Year 1, 2, 3
I/G1-2 / Increase consumer referrals for Community Employment – 40 for EP, 6 DVRS CRP, 4 ATC and 10 Trial Work Experience Opportunities.
-Engage in conversations with stakeholders, educate & promote success in employment
-Engage in WIOA Development of Regulation
-Work with DVRS and school staff in referral for TWE services
-Train ATC staff to become JC certified / DES, DPS / Year 2
Goal #2: Identify specific employment related needs and desires of existing consumers in an effort to better meet expectations.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3I/G2-1 / Hold a job club to determine job interests for 150 consumers (50 consumers per year)
-identify key staff to implement
-survey individuals to determine interest
-provide tools for implementation / DES, DPS, CM, Supervisors / Year 1, 2, 3
I/G2-2 / Develop a job database that can be used to match consumer interests to employment related opportunities in the community (5 new documented opportunities per month, 60 in 1 year)
- Train EP on job development technique
-Train EP staff on data base entry of sites developed
-Hold monthly meetings to discuss development strategies
Continue educating staff agency wide on employment specialist certification / DES, DPS / Year 1
Goal #3: Identify and solicit grant funding for new Employment First initiatives.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignments / Year 1, 2, 3I/G3-1 / Research universe of Employment First funding opportunities and prioritize. Submit list of grants applied for to the CEO and FDC.
-Investigate RFP’s to determine best funding matches;
-Prepare proposals for submission;
-Create Fund Development Plan;
-Update Grant Schedule detailing grant submissions and funders to contact for support. / CFO, JA / Year 1, 2, 3
I/G3-2 / Apply for 1 grant monthly (3 grants annually, 9 in 3 years)
-Investigate RFP’s;
-Prepare proposals;
-Update Fund Development Plan;
-And update Grant Schedule. / CFO, JA / Year 1, 2, 3
Strategic Area II: Day Program Services & Supports
Goal #1: Further develop and enhance ACES.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3II/G1-1 / Research, identify and apply to a minimum of 6 potential funding sources that can support the ACES program over the next 3 years. (e.g., Snoezelon Multi-Sensory products and environments)
-Prepare proposals for submission;
-Obtain approval from DPS and Behaviorists before submitting proposals;
-Submit proposals with budgets & outcomes once approval is received. / CFO, JA / Year 1, 2, 3
II/G1-2 / Train support staff as RBT's
-Investigate RBT training programs and identify which one would best serve agency’s needs
-Identify and approach potential staff to become RBT certified / DPS, BCBA's / Year 3
Goal #2: Increase community integration and volunteer opportunities for consumers.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3II/G2-1 / Determine baseline of community integration and volunteer opportunities by location, frequency and volume
-Utilizing the LOS, analyze community integration activities across the different programs / DPS, ADPS & Supervisors / Year 1
II/G2-2 / Increase community integration and volunteer opportunities by 25%
-Based on analysis of II/G2-1, provide programs with a goal to increase community integration / DPS, ADPS & Supervisors / Year 2, 3
Goal #3: Expand the use of PT, OT, and SP therapies for existing and new consumers.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3II/G3-1 / Qualify as an approved Medicaid provider for PT and SP therapies with the NJ DDD Supports Program
-Stay updated on potential candidates
-Once hired, obtain credentials
-Prepare revised Medicaid DDD SP application and submit / CEO / Year 1
II/G3-2 / Develop internal work plan to offer habilitative therapies to existing service recipients where appropriate
-Market available therapies to service recipients/stakeholders
-Identify service recipients that may benefit and present services to guardians / DPS, ADPS / Year 2
II/G3-3 / Develop and provide marketing materials to the Support Coordinator agencies, families and outside DDD contracted agencies with the identified catchment area to expand therapy related services
-develop all tools and marketing materials with key messages and services available
-plan & execute strategies of educating stakeholders
-create digital marketing and social media campaigns
-put all brochure PDF’s on website / CDO, MEC / Year 1
II/G3-4 / Apply to the NJDOE to become a certified Clinic and Agency--ability to offer therapy services on a contractual basis to local school districts
-Determine fees for each type of service
-Complete DOE application
-Meet with WC DOE Superintendents
-Market to local school districts / CEO, CDO, CFO / Year 3
II/G3-5 / Develop marketing plan to solicit therapy business from targeted school districts
-develop appropriate marketing materials reflect services available
-plan and develop marketing strategies to educate school district on services available
-identify staff for sales of services, training and provide with materials
-Distribute materials through direct sales approach / CDO, DDP, MEC / Year 3
II/G3-6 / Research and identify a minimum of 3 separate funding sources that will support a therapist-based service model.
-Investigate RFP’s/websites to find matches;
-Prepare proposals with realistic budgets & outcomes;
-Obtain DPS approval before submitting;
-Submit proposal. / CFO, JA, DPS, ADPS / Year 3
Goal #4: Expand day program service hours.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3II/G4-1 / Expand day program service hours by 30 minutes year 1
-Meet with logistics team to assign FT drivers short routes (avoid OT)
-Determine effective date
-Meet with supervisors to discuss specifics
-Meet with all drivers to share specific departure times for each run / CEO, DPS, LT / Year 1
II/G4-2 / Expand day program service hours by 30 minutes year 3
-Based on an analysis of the first expansion, determine appropriate steps / CEO, DPS, LT / Year 3
Strategic Area III: Home Based Services
Goal #1: Establish capacity and profitability for in-home program options.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3III/G1-1 / Identify level of service, staffing requirements, break-even and profitability margin for all in-home programs per county.
-Review staffing requirements with CHBS & DPS based on service requirements;
-Determine profitability for LOS per state rates for families served. / CFO, DPS, CHBS / Year 1
III/G1-2 / Identify and submit a minimum of 4 grant opportunities to expand in-home program options
-research funding sources to find best funding matches;
-Prepare proposals;
-Obtain approval before submitting;
-Determine outcomes and program requirements/needs for operating. / CFO, JA, DPS, CHBS / Year 3
Goal #2: Expand services to stakeholders.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3III/G2-1 / Obtain 15 in-home family referrals through CMO, networking and appropriate marketing events (5 referrals per year)
-Recruit/train staff for home based services
-CHBS will continue outreach to CMO’s indicating readiness to serve more youth
-CHBS will continue participation on WC Youth Service Coordinating Council
-CHBS will attend resource fairs/expos as appropriate to market services / CHBS, DPS, ADPS / Year 1, 2, 3
Goal #3: Increase school-to-work transition referrals through home-based family connections.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3III/G3-1 / Identify, document and solicit potential local feeder programs that will expand school-to-work program (Identify two new programs and reach out to existing pathways 2 times per year)
-CHBS will research potential feeder programs and conduct outreach to market services / CHBS, DES / Year 2
III/G3-2 / Identify and submit a minimum of 6 grant opportunities to expand school-to-work transition services and make application (1 application every other month)
-Identify parent and family alliances;
-Research Funders;
-Prepare proposals;
-Create outcomes & budget;
-Obtain DPS review of grants;
Submit proposals as is feasible. / CFO, JA, DPS, CHBS / Year 3
Strategic Area IV: Business Opportunities
Goal #1: Expand the print business.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3IV/G1-1 / Develop a formal business plan to support the expansion efforts. Submit to the CEO.
-evaluate existing business services and their capacity including staff and cost analysis
-attend trade and gather resources
-engage in partnership discussion for expansion of services
- develop formal plan via Bizignite online development tool / CDO, CFO, PSM,
MEC / Year 1
IV/G1-2 / Identify and submit a minimum of 3 grant opportunities or specific funding sources to support the business
-Investigate RFP’s to find best matches;
-Develop proposals based on business plan;
-Verify goals, outcomes and activities;
-Obtain CDO review of proposals. / CFO, JA, CDO, PSM / Year 2
Goal #2: Expand business opportunities within SustainAbilities.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3IV/G2-1 / Research, identify and develop business plans for 1 new business (shredding) within the SustainAbilities program within 3 years
-evaluate donated equipment and needs to provide secure service
-research document shredding security regulations
-develop business plan to implement successful service ( funding, equipment etc.
-Determine staffing needs
-document procedures
-Develop marketing material and plans
-Promote through all media and sales effort / CDO, DES / Year 3
IV/G2-2 / Develop a business plan to establish a sustainable hydroponics program and submit to the CEO.
-research needs and resources
- evaluate equipment, building and material cost
- research funding opportunities
- identify and train staff
-develop procedures manual
-market business
-Promote through all media and sales effort / CDO, DPS / Year 1
IV/G2-3 / Update the business model to grow the hydroponic produce business by 8% per year (24% in 3 years).
-Continue experimenting with growing of herbs and lettuces
-Continue consultation with Edible Garden
-Prepare for 2016 growing season
-Create curriculum for engaging consumer in hydroponic process
-Become a Jersey Fresh partner
-Research funding partners for expansion
-Promote Abilities online store
-Identify potential contracts
-Develop metrics for sustainability / CDO, DPS / Year 1, 2, 3
IV/G2-4 / Develop a marketing plan for the expansion of SustainAbilities services and submit to the CEO
- Develop key marketing messages and materials
-develop print collateral
-create digital marketing to be included in social media campaigns
-educate sales staff
-develop plan for distribution and sales / CDO, DES, MEC / Year 1
Goal #3: Expand and further develop the sustainability of the Thrift Shop business.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3IV/G3-1 / Develop a comprehensive business plan to support the expansion and sustainability of the Thrift Shop business.
-Using a contest, determine name of new operation
-Utilizing Bizignite planning tool, obtain contribution from each member for business plan by 9/30/16
-Identify Thrift Shop partner to support expansion opportunities
-Identify funding partners / CEO, CDO, CFO / Year 1
IV/G3-2 / Establish and track 3 specific metrics that are pertinent to the thrift shop business
-to be determined within business plan / CDO, MEC, CFO / Year 2
Strategic Area V: Administration
Goal #1: Expand fund development efforts to support the mission of the agency.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3V/G1-1 / Develop a comprehensive fund raising plan that establishes type of fund raising effort, target revenues, estimated expenses, solicitation strategy, frequency, etc. The Fund Development Committee should work closely with the Finance Committee in the following areas:
-Special events
-Corporate sponsorships
-Family support
-Estate planning
-Capital campaign
-Government support
-Determine previous year revenue for each category
-Develop new reasonable goals for current year for each category
-Work with each area lead from FDC to establish specific tactics to reach goals / CEO, CDO, CFO, FDC, FC / Year 1
V/G1-2 / Increase number of volunteers by 20% per year to support fund raising efforts
-establish family support group
-get to know families and educate families on services and needs
-approach families and educate about opportunities
-Document and track all engagement within Bloomerang software / CDO, MEC, FDC, HR / Year 1, 2, 3
V/G1-3 / Establish a Business Advisory Committee. Develop plan to accomplish the following:
-Large business events
-Solicit opportunities for consumers
-Align with Community Relations & Business Development Committee
-Provide family testimonials to the community partners
-Meet with Business Development Committee to begin plan development by 3/31/17
-align community strengths with agency needs / CEO, CDO / Year 2
Goal #2: Determine feasibility and sustainability of non-traditional housing models.
Number / Objective / Staff Assignment / Year 1, 2, 3V/G2-1 / Create a position paper regarding the provision of support services to consumers living in existing supportive housing options.
-Meet with housing facilitators, housing providers and SHA members
-Determine the following:
-Identification of specific supports
-Catchment area
-Available funding sources
-Eligibility criteria
-Staffing needs
-Cost benefit analysis / CEO, CFO, DPS / Year 2
V/G2-2 / Create a position paper regarding the coordination of consumers purchasing their own homes and/or parents/guardians leaving homes to agencies to operate.
-Review legal issues
-Review NJDDD Circulars
-Explore funding options
-Contractual models / CEO, CFO, DPS / Year 3
Goal #3: Develop Supportive Living services for adults with disabilities.