Chapter 9.7

Three-Dimensional Computer-Based Online Learning Environments

James G. Jones

University of North Texas

Denton, USA

Scott J. Warren

University of North Texas

Denton, USA

Abstract: Learning environments, where students are immersed in some type of communications sphere (text or graphics) to promote learning has been discussed for over two decades. With the introduction and growing availability of personal computers supporting high-quality graphics capability, the type of learning environment research has shifted away form text to graphics. A number of projects have undertaken to design and study the digital learning environments ranging from 2D environments with such projects as the Inquiry Learning Forum, Math Forum, and the original MOOSE Crossing to 3D environments like River City, Quest Atlantis, or Chalk House. Studies on both the design and learning outcomes of these environments are opening up a number of avenues for working towards improvements in student learning, engagement, and satisfaction that make them and exciting focus for theorists and researchers. Beyond the “wow” factor of these environments there are also struggles that accompany any innovation, and this chapter examines both some of the successes and challenges to designing and using these educational environments.

Keywords: Learning environments, 3D, instruction, affordances


Three-dimensional computer-based online learning environments take elements of massively multi-player online entertainment technology and overlay collaborative and unified communications tools to create an interface that offers unique advantages and affordances for education. These environments move beyond current web and text-based methods for instructional delivery to create new Internet-based delivery methods that can facilitate new interactions, higher levels of engagement, and deeper learning. While games are the most prominent examples of the interface, research is showing that the use of this technology in non-game settings can positively impact learning and communications among students and with their teachers.

Sakamoto (2001) has stated that the purpose of education is to 1) convey skills and 2) transfer culture. While classroom instruction has been successful over the years at accomplishing these goals, we are now faced with an increasing population of students receiving their education from Internet-based solutions that are primarily text or web-based (Arbaugh, 2000; Paulsen, 2003). The web has received widespread acceptance and use for creating and supporting learning activities across disciplines within education (Hill, 2001). However, these text-based systems are not as effective as communicating these requirements as newer immersive approaches (Dillon & Gabbard, 1998; Locatis, Letoumeau, & Banvard, 1989).

3D Computer-Based Multi-User Online Environments

The current generation of 3D graphical online multi-user environments for entertainment began in 1999 with the release of Everquest, developed by Verant (Sony, 2003). Today, 3D online multi-user environments are most commonly seen in computer games, where they are called MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Game), MMOPWs (Massively Multiplayer Online Persistent World), MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), and a number of other sub-genre names (, 2005; Kent, 2003). Some online multi-user games have subscriber populations that rival many North American cities (Whiting, 2002). World of Warcraft in 2006 had over six million subscribers to its online virtual world (Woodcock, 2006).

Multi-user environments work on a client to server architecture (, 2005; Privantu, 2004). The server organizes the sharing of information between users who are simultaneously connected to the virtual environment (also called a “persistent world”). The world is persistent because it operates whether or not the user is logged on. Users run a client that connects to the server. The technology on the client requires an Internet connection, sufficient computer performance and 3D video graphics to support the required type of presentation and interaction. While the latest computer games require state-of-the-art computers and graphics adapters, educational environments can be designed to work with more mainstream computing and Internet requirements commonly found in educational settings. This is important because most schools suffer from a technology deficit that impacts the level of performance and graphics of their computers as compared to current consumer computing.

When an environment is built and displayed correctly, the user intuitively understands the space as displayed. For example, in an environment representing a building, users feel as though they are walking the halls of the building, or are engaged with other users in discussions, or immersed in a training situation. The user moves through and interacts with the environment using the keyboard, mouse or other haptic device. As the user moves, the computer generates new graphics in real time to give the user feedback on their position in the environment. This gives the user the feel of movement through space. Placing objects in a contextual 3D framework gives users known reference points and creates a framework for communications and interactions. Students at remote sites assume control of a representation of themselves, also called an avatar, which acts as a simulated identity for the user (Baudrillard, 1994). This takes place in a shared created environment such as a school building, park, or any other space The java-based 3D online learning environment used at the University of North Texas (Figure 1) segments the environment into conversation areas so that learners can move their avatars to areas for small group or private discussions. This environmental space creates a context for the user.

Figure 1

University of North Texas’ 3D Online Learning Environment using CRG

Immersive environments can be created using any dataset and are only limited by the available data or cost to create the environment. Created Realities Group (CRG) ( has created a 3D online multi-user environment that displays NASA’s Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). Figure 2 shows a screen shot of the summit of Olympus Mons. MOLA collected elevation data (heights) of the surface of Mars as part of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission. Students in distributed locations are able to login, move over the virtual Martian surface, and perform math and science exercises using actual Mars topography data.

Figure 2

Mars 3D environment generated in real-time based on NASA MOLA data

Olympus Mons, Top Cone (MARS_19.0_227.0) using CRG.

Educational Environments

Online educational environments are termed 3D MOOs (Multi-user Object Oriented), MUVEs (Multi-user Virtual Environments), or 3D online learning environments. Learning environments have strong ties to their text-based cousins, dating back to the 1980’s (Holmevik & Haynes, 2000), but now provide highly collaborative, immersive environments that promote interactions among students and with the teacher. The commonality among games and educational environments is that each creates a context and scaffolding for interaction using 3D presentations to engage and immerse the user. The main difference is that learning environments are geared towards having users achieve an educational objective. The cost of attaining this educational objective may be considerably less to achieve than the cost to develop an entertainment title. As an example, a very expensive, high-fidelity military flight simulator would support one type of immersive instruction while the much simpler and very low cost learning environments used at the University of North Texas can foster interaction and feedback for university courses. The range of cost in a learning environment depends on the target audience and required outcomes. As computer performance on low-cost personal computers and console devices increases, these types of systems allow teachers to provide students with unique online collaborative learning opportunities in the areas of language, science, computer graphics, and other fields (Chen, Toh, & Fauzy, 2004; Jones, 2003). The following is a short list of current examples of the technology being used in educational settings.

River City. Using a Multi-User Virtual Environment Experiential Simulator (MUVEES), the River City project at Harvard University encourages K-12 students to explore historical locales working with peers to answer scientific questions (see also Clarke, Dede & Dieterle, 2008). The setting allows students to time travel virtually with the task of solving mysteries in late 1800s America. The curriculum provides a multi-user digital world with a city with a river running through it, different forms of land that impact local water, industries, and other institutions that play a part. Students explore the town and gather data to answer related to larger mysteries. The online project uses a collaborative learning-by-doing activities approach to learning. River City uses the Activeworlds, Inc. technology.

A pilot study of River City suggested that use of the MUVEES most benefited students with high perceptions of their own thoughtfulness of inquiry and these students scored higher on the posttest, and had higher content pre-test scores (Dede, Ketelhut, & Ruess, 2006). In addition, students in the experimental group believed that their teachers were engaged less in pushing them for understanding than when they began using the product. Finally, student skills in reading, writing, computer literacy, and collaboration showed improvement by the end of the study (Dede, 2006).

University of North Texas. The University of North Texas, Department of Learning Technologies has been using a 3D online learning environment to support college course delivery since 2003 for undergraduate and graduate students. The program uses the software in support of graduate course delivery. The environment was created using Created Realities Group technology. In addition to supporting the display of the 3D environment and associated graphics and avatars, the client supports integrated voice that allows students to talk to each other within their virtual areas. The client also supports additional collaborative tools such as whiteboard and overheads as required to support discussions and feedback.

The initial research at the University of North Texas focused on student satisfaction comparing face-to-face, web-based, and 3D online learning environments for course delivery. Research has shown that students felt that the 3D online learning environment provided the same level of satisfaction and interaction as the face-to-face course (Jones, Morales, & Knezek, 2005). When the 3D online learning environment was compared to the web-based course delivery, students felt that the 3D online learning environment provided a much richer and satisfying learning experience. The 3D online learning environment using a similar amount of bandwidths as the web-based course, has shown the ability to more easily create learning communities within the first three weeks of an online course, which text-based solutions take considerably longer (Jones, 2006).

Appalachian State University. The Instructional Technology program at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina has extended their degree program into a three-dimensional multi-user virtual world, named AET Zone (Cox, 2006; Jones & Bronack, 2006). AET Zone is an innovative online medium for supporting a community of practice among distance-based students, faculty, graduates, and support staff. AET Zone adds elements of space, movement and physical presence, along with conversational tools, artifacts and metaphors not usually found in more traditional web-based counterparts. AET Zone was constructed using Activeworlds, Inc. technology (Mauz, 2001). All required courses are offered to off-campus cohorts based in locations near their homes and/or their workplace.

Each course within AET Zone is unique in appearance and operation according to the nature of the content and the form of interaction that is desired to meet course goals. A course on web design is organized that has physical levels through which students progress. All classes have discussion boards, forms for entering information to be shared with classmates for discussion, links to resources and readings, and audio chat areas where small groups can meet to discuss their projects. While the virtual world is an integral component of the program, faculty and students do meet face-to-face regularly in courses at the beginning of the program with reduced numbers and frequency of meetings as the members of a cohort gain understanding of what is expected and how to proceed during the latter stages of the program.

Quest Atlantis. Quest Atlantis, a National Science Foundation funded 3D multi-user virtual environment (MUVE), was designed to allow students to participate in science inquiry, literacy, and social learning activities in K-12 education (Barab, Thomas, Dodge, Carteaux, & Tuzun, 2005). The driving science fiction narrative is intended to encourage students to inquire into difficult, persistent science problems such as human and natural environmental activities that impact water quality in fictional and local watershed. Learning activities called “Quests” encourage students to study and propose solutions to problems that fall under a number of themes ranging from Environmental Awareness to Creative Expression. Quest Atlantis uses the Activeworlds, Inc. technology.

Research related to Quest Atlantis has focused on different thematic units such as Taiga, which focuses on scientific inquiry into water quality issues; Rhino World, in which students learn about the endangered black rhinoceros; and Anytown, in which students practice writing descriptive stories as they investigate mysteries and petty crimes (Barab, Warren, & Ingram-Goble, in press) . Findings of research into Quest Atlantis have shown improvements in student motivation to learn (Tuzun, 2004); improvements in students understanding of complex science concepts in a relatively short period of time (<10 hours) on standardized test items (Barab et al., in Press) and improvements in student writing as measured by standardized state writing prompts (Warren, 2006). These findings are encouraging and indicate the possibility that similar learning environments can be beneficial for students.

Chalk House. The first in a series of situated learning modules being developed as a collaboration between Created Realities Group and the Design+Research Collective ( for K-12 education. Chalk House is a 3D online learning environment in which game play and engaging narrative are placed into the environment to provide the students opportunities to improve their literacy skills, namely reading, writing, comprehension, problem solving, and critical thinking. As students solve the puzzles of the old house and file their reports with the Editor, their writing skills are expected to improve along with critical thinking and reading comprehension based on research into problem-based learning and the use of other similar learning environments. The 3D environment focuses on formal learning outcomes tied to No Child Left Behind (U.S. Department of education, 2001) standards in the U.S.

Cognitive Scaffolding

The main mechanism behind the outcomes being seen when using the 3D online learning is the ability of the technology to provide cognitive scaffolding to the user. The 3D environment provides a framework for the user to integrate into existing cognitive strategies (Jones & Bronack, 2006). Cognitive strategies, as defined by Gagne, are the specific means by which people guide their intellectual functioning (Gagne & Merrill, 1990). These are methods that people use for learning, synthesizing, creating, and making other cognitive functions more efficient or effective. The motif of the real-world context presented by the 3D environment allows the user to understand the basic rules and skills learned from real-life and then build onto that existing scaffold more quickly and easily. When a user encounters something in the environment that is new or different then the user constructs or adds a new framework to his understanding. This would be supported by Bruner (1961) and Piaget’s (1972) work in constructivism, where the learner is a builder of knowledge. This explains why students feel more comfortable about communicating with each other over e-mail after having used the 3D online learning environment, because they feel they have already met even if it is only in the form of their avatar. Students feel more satisfied with the communications, because they feel they have actually met with other students and the teacher although it was via a graphical interface.