Rotary District 7170 Flood Relief – Updated 9/23/11
The following Clubs are in need of volunteers for flood cleanup. Please contact the coordinator to see how your club can help. (Note shorthand POC = point of contact)
Sidney Rotary is organizing a big clean-up effort and can use volunteers at any time. POC is Spencer Gridley 607-563-1159 or cell 607-434-5502
Owego Rotary POC is Carolyn Wright, 99 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827. Phone 607-687-0229 email: . If you club or club members wish to donate funds for the Owego Relief effort please send them to Carolyn Wright and note on the check that it is for FLOOD ASSISTANCE, send to:
Owego Rotary Club
C/O Carolyn Wright
99 Main St.
Owego, NY 13827
Conklin –According to Chuck Francisco, President of the Conklin Rotary Club - The volunteer relief efforts are centered on the Conklin Presbyterian Church and the coordinators for the church are Dottie Baer (607-775-0365) or Greg Jenkins (315-416-3200). They handle dispatching people to help and they are feeding the community daily. The church is located on Conklin Rd. (Route 7) next to the town park.
Catskill Area POC is Andrew Flach phone: 607-538-1092 email:
Catskills – clothing no longer needed.
The flowing Clubs do not need assistance and are available to provide assistance. Clubs needing help are encourage to contact these volunteer coordinators.
Greater Binghamton Area New Generations Rotary Club, Annie Yager, cell phone 607-222-8515 email
eTompkins POC is Derek Osborne phone: 607-257-1345
Endwell Rotary Club, POC is Jim Blankenship, 607-748-2346
Dryden, POC is Will Buttner, phone 607-844-4556, email:
Ithaca Area Clubs – Vickey Beaver reports that:a group will meet in Ithaca at Triphammer Mall, corner at 8:30 Saturday morning 9-24-11and should get to Owego around 9:45to assist with general cleanup in Owego.
Ithaca Rotary POCis Carol Travis, 7598 CR 153, Interlaken, NY 14847; 607-227-3438 (m), 607-532-4767 (w, h) and Karen Sharkey, 612 Holly Hill Rd, Vestal, NY 13850; 607-220-5476 (w), 607-427-5213 (h)
Ithaca Sunrise POC is Doug Armstrong, phone 607-257-2748, email:
Lansing – Ithaca Rotary, Ann Marie Hautaniemi, email:
Richfield Springs Rotary Club, Marrie Guerra, 315-866-2119
Sidney area has an excess of clothing and can donate to other communities – Contact Spence Gridley 607-563-1159 or cell 607-434-5502
Trumansburg Rotary is hosting a fundraising chicken BBQ for Owego relief supplies on October 1, 2011 in their old Sav-A-Lot parking lot.
Unadilla Rotary Club , Zoe Vandermeullen 607-542-9636 email
Trumansburg Rotary Club, Joel Abrams, 607-387-3919,
Facebook page for Owego Flood Relief or
Facebook page for the Catskills Flood Relief