Community Unit School District 200

Middle School Reading Support Program


Table of Contents

Guiding Principles and Beliefs & District Goal 2

Types of Delivery Models 3

Student Identification Process 6


Literacy Learnings…………………………………………8

Professional Development………………………………...10

Further Development………………..…………………….11

Guiding Principles and Beliefs:

We believe…

·  All students can learn to read with understanding

·  All teachers need to provide quality research-based reading instruction to their students

·  Content area teachers have the primary responsibility for core reading instruction

·  Students who qualify for reading support receive services in addition to core reading instruction

·  In the importance of communication between reading support staff, content area teachers, specialists, students, and parents

·  On-going assessments of individual progress should guide instruction with data-driven, shared decision-making

·  Early interventions should be provided for identified students

·  All students need high quality instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension

District Goal:

The goal of the Reading Support Program is to promote reading literacy for all District 200 students to reach and maintain grade level proficiency in reading.


This includes:

·  identifying those who struggle through the use of multiple assessments,

·  planning and providing developmentally appropriate research-based interventions,

·  accelerating literacy growth.

Types of Delivery Models:

The reading support program will utilize two different methods for improving literacy learning of striving readers. These methods are literacy coaching and targeted small group instruction. Through analysis of student data, building administrators are expected to insure the employment of the appropriate methods or combination of methods to ensure that students’ literacy learning is being achieved.

Tier I Instruction: Literacy Coaching

Literacy Coaching is an instructional approach to bring literacy strategies into classrooms across the curriculum. Our goal is to develop independent learners and collaborate with teachers to strengthen quality classroom instruction based student needs.

The reading specialist/literacy coach will:

·  Target classrooms with the greatest number of identified students

·  Support the needs of the identified students in content area classrooms

·  Communicate and collaborate with content area teachers in observing and monitoring student performance and adapting instruction (i.e. Problem Solving meetings)

·  Implement the Project CRISS principles and philosophy (CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies) into the classroom setting

·  Develop a common vocabulary for literacy instruction across content areas

·  Assist teachers in planning for differentiated instruction (ie. leveled materials)

·  Communicate with the principal regarding program needs and progress

The content area teacher will:

·  Collaborate with the literacy coach to recognize individual student and classroom needs and develop a plan of action to address those needs

·  Collect evidence to assess the effectiveness of instruction and to determine future planning

·  Use common vocabulary (ie. Project CRISS) to enhance student independence of literacy strategies and increase achievement across the content areas

Tier II: Targeted Small Group Instruction

Targeted small group instruction provides explicit and direct intervention services for identified students in addition to core content area instruction. The goal is to increase literacy performance and minimize the achievement gaps. Targeted small group instruction is based on student needs.

Tier II interventions will consists of intensive instruction in such areas of phonics and phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary development, application of reading strategies, and comprehension monitoring. If students continue to struggle in any of the areas, then they will become eligible for Tier III interventions.

The reading specialist will:

·  Identify students in need of Tier II intervention using multiple data sources

·  Support the needs of these identified students through small group instruction

·  Communicate and collaborate with content area teachers in observing and monitoring student performance and adapting instruction (i.e. Problem Solving meetings)

·  Implement the Project CRISS principles and philosophy (CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies in the small group setting

·  Reinforce the use of common vocabulary for literacy instruction across content areas

·  Communicate with the principal regarding program needs and progress

·  Assess student progress to determine instructional needs

The content area teacher will:

·  Collaborate with the reading specialist to discuss individual student needs

·  Plan for differentiation of instruction (i.e. Project CRISS, leveled readers, etc.)

·  Use common vocabulary to enhance student independence of literacy strategies and increase achievement across the content areas

The principal will:

·  Provide a vision and leadership to advance literacy learning for all students

·  Analyze all available data to determine building needs and services

·  Encourage communication with staff and parents regarding recent findings in literacy research (i.e. parental involvement)

·  Monitor and evaluate staff performance on the implementation of literacy strategies in content area classrooms (i.e. Project CRISS strategies)

·  Provide staff development based on classroom observations

·  Communicate with the reading specialist and content area teachers to monitor individual progress

·  Collaborate with grade level teams to ensure instructional coherence in literacy instruction

·  Support communication with staff about the literacy needs of students and potential interventions

The student will:

·  Attend school regularly

·  Bring materials

·  Complete assignments

·  Participate in content area literacy activities at their instructional level

·  Demonstrate mastery of reading strategies

Student Identification Process:

Level 1 Screeners:

Fluency – CBM’s


Local Assessments

Level 2 Screener:

QRI - Other possibilities: IRI, BRI, Bader (experience list)

New Students:

Local Assessment Screener


The following CReating Independent Student-owned Strategies (CRISS) have been designated for use by content area teachers in District 200 middle schools. This serves as support of critical content. Strategies indicated with an asterisk (*) are scaffolded at all three grade levels.

Grade Levels / Before Reading
Strategies / During Reading
Strategies / After Reading
Level 1
(6th grade) / *Think-Pair-Share
·  Possible Sentences
·  Brainstorming
(ABC, Carousel,
Word Splash) / *Two-Column Notes
·  Think-Alouds
·  Learning Logs
/ *Reciprocal Teaching
·  RAFT technique (Role of writer, Audience, Format, and Topic)
·  Free-form
(Picture mapping)
Level 2
(7th grade) / *Think-Pair-Share
·  Word Sorts
·  Pattern Puzzles / *Two-Column Notes
·  Semantic Feature Analysis
·  Sticky-note discussions / *Reciprocal Teaching
·  Question-Answer –Relationships (QAR)
·  Magnet Summaries
Level 3
(8th grade) / *Think-Pair-Share
·  Anticipation Guide
·  Mind Streaming / *Two-Column Notes
·  Seed Discussions (Socratic Circles)
·  Authentic Questions / *Reciprocal Teaching
·  Frayer Model
·  One-Sentence




1. Subject Expectation / The student will read with understanding and fluency at the instructional level for his/her grade
Essential Learning 1 / Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency
Critical Content / a.  apply appropriate strategies and skills to improve understanding and fluency
·  decode unfamiliar words/phrases using the semantic, syntactic, graphophonic cueing systems
·  utilize glossary, dictionary, thesaurus as valuable resources
·  demonstrate self monitoring while reading text
·  recognize a need for and apply fix up strategies to parts of the text that interfere with comprehension
·  visualize the events of the story
·  preview the text, pictures, charts before reading
·  establish a purpose for reading
·  develop predictions about the text before, during, and after the reading process integrating prior knowledge
·  modify predictions by using new information comprehended in the text
·  generate and respond to a variety of questions about the text to enhance meaning and retention
-  right there
-  think/search
-  author and you
-  on my own
·  retell the story in a logical sequence
·  identify the author’s purpose
·  synthesize information
·  interpret and evaluate text
·  reflect and respond critically to the text
·  make personal connections to the literature
-  text-to- self
-  text-to-text
-  text-to-world
Essential Learning 2 / Apply text structure to comprehend text
Critical Content / a.  recognize different text structures in and among texts
·  cause/effect, compare/contrast, problem/solution, sequence, description, explanation
·  characters, setting, conflict, events, resolution
b.  understand the purpose of and utilize text organizers, graphics and illustrations
c.  connect information presented in tables, charts, maps, captions to the text
d.  identify and synthesize relevant and irrelevant information
e. connect and apply background knowledge to all literary genres


Project CRISS Level 1 Training
for non-trained teachers / Summer 2010
August 16 & 17 (U200 Week of Learning)
Project CRISS Follow-Up Training for Level 1 trained teachers / Summer 2010
June 14 (1/2 Day)
August 20 (1/2 Day) (U200 Week of Learning)
Subject Area Teacher
Strategy Brainstorm Sessions –
All Middle Schools / On-going throughout the year (Departmental/Faculty meetings) **Evidence of completion
Articulation with Elementary and High School Levels Regarding Strategy Use
·  Coordination between 5th to 6th Grades and 8th to 9th Grades / May 2011

Further Development for 2010-2011:

1. Review of materials based on program needs

2. Review of identification protocols

3. Determination of professional development needs

District 200 10 May 19, 2010