European Forum for
Primary Care
North Sea Study Visit
including The Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom
Primary Care and multidisciplinary teams
Study Visit
Sunday 11 March
Contact person: / Diederik AarendonkMobile: +31 (0)6 23209708
If needed: Transfer from Brussels (Zaventem)Airport to Hotelin Utrechtby train
Malie Hotel -A Hampshire Classic Hotel
Maliestraat 2
3581 SL Utrecht
Tel : *31(0)302316424
Fax : *31(0)302340661
20.30 h / Introduction to the Study Visit
Diederik Aarendonk
Wilma Groenewegen
EFPC secretariat
List of the Study Visit Participants
- Janique LobbestaelUniversity of Ghent, Belgium
- Nathalie Pelletier FleuryCERMES INSERM Paris, France
- Marc Le VaillantCERMES INSERM Paris, France
- Sophia RosmanCERMES INSERM Paris, France
- Aniek Dane ZORGIMPULS ROS Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Thea KacharavaGENESIS, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Diederik AarendonkEuropean Forum for Primary Care, Netherlands
Working in Multidisciplinary Primary Care Teams
The core functions of primary care teams could be seen as follows: general medical, paramedical and pharmaceutical care (with links to specialist medical, paramedical and pharmaceutical care), nursing and supportive care (with links to specialist and institutional nursing), as well as related forms of prevention and health education (with links to public health). Primary care is generalist care, also encompassing non-specialist mental and social healthcare.
Although the composition of primary care teams should be geared to local circumstances and needs, the client should have access to the following: general practitioner, nurse/nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, community pharmacist, midwife and dentist. In addition, it should be possible to call in a community psychiatric nurse, psychologist or social worker. Complex care requires an integrated provision.
The following questions are central to the visit:
- Primary Care teams: how far have they been developed and how do they function in practice; how can benefits be described and assessed?
- What have been the developments in terms of new professions and distribution or delegation of responsibilities?
- What obstacles in terms of legislation and regulations had to be overcome?
- How will the EU support member states to further develop Primary Care?
- How will the European Forum for Primary Care support its members and advocate for policies in Europe that are supportive to Primary Care.
Issues of special interest expressed by the participants:
1) Visits to GP practices to learn about the following theme’s:
-task delegation
- drug prescription by nurses,
- (prevention) tasks, in particular focused on obesities
2) Visits to university research teams that are active on European level, from social or health services perspective, in family medicine research and focused on prevention tasks, obesities, task delegation and paramedical professions.
12 March / Contact person: / Mr. Diederik Aarendonk
Mobile: +31 (0)6 232 09 708
By bus
Van Vlastuin Taxi & Tours
033-2867900 / 9.00 / Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL)
Otterstraat 118 – 124, Utrecht Tel: 030 - 27 29 700
Dutch Primary care compared to neighbouring countriesProf. Dr. FrancoisSchellevis
Dr Wienke Boerma
Lunch (at the NIVEL institute)
By bus
Van Vlastuin Taxi & Tours
033-2867900 / 14.00– 17.00 / Transmural Centre Houten
Hollandsspoor 5,3994 VT Houten
Tel: 030 63 63 200
Mob: 06 53 22 71 54
Integrated care in a suburbian village in The NetherlandsPeter Faasen
Manager Transmuraal Centrum Houten
Visit to GP surgery in Transmural Centre Houten
18.00 uur / Diner in Utrecht: location not yet defined
Bus to Ghent / Utrecht
Ghent / Van Vlastuin Taxi & Tours
T: 033 – 286 7900
Hotel / Ibis Gent Centrum Opera
Nederkouter 24-26
9000 Gent
T: + 32 09 225 07 07
13 March / Contact person: / Diederik Aarendonk
Mobile: +31 (0)6 23209708
12.15 / University of Ghent, Department of Family Practice and Primary Health Care
UniversityHospital – 1 K3
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Gent
Tel: +32 9 240 36 12
Prof. Dr. Jan De Maeseneer
Introduction in the Belgian Health Care System and future challenges for Primary Health Care
Research projects at the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care
Introduction to the new Medical Curriculum
departure to the Pand (by taxi)
12.30 / Lunch at the Pand with Prof Jan De Maeseneer
13.30 / Short walk in Ghent and departure to Ledeberg (tram)
16.30 / Health Centre “Botermarkt”
Hundelgemsesteenweg 145
B - 9050 Gent-Ledeberg.
Telephone : 3292323233
Website :
E-mail :
Ms. Leen De Roo
Prof. Dr. Jan De Maeseneer
Walking visit of Ledeberg, it’s neighbourhood and services
17.30 / Evening-meal at Health Centre Botermarkt and departure to station (by bus)
Train to London / Ghent
Brussels midi / Departure: 19.01 h
Arrival: 19.28 h
Brussels midi
LondonWaterloo / Departure Eurostar: Tue 13th Mar 2007 - 20:28 h
Arrival Eurostar: Tue 13th Mar 2007 - 21:56 h
Duration: 02h28m
Train no: 9163
Hotel / Tavistock Hotel London
Tavistock Square, LondonWC1H 9EU
Phone: 020 7636 8383
Fax: 020 7837 4653
Wednesday 14 March / Contact person: / Diederik Aarendonk
Mobile: +31 (0)6 232 09 708
9.00 – 12.00 / NHS London
Riverwalk House
157-161 Millbank, London SW1P 4RR
Tel: 44 20 7217 3735
PA: 44 20 7217 3393
Mob: 07919 213 146
Changes in the NHS
Health reform in England: update and next steps
Dr Jose Westgeest MBA MRCP
Director of European Development, NHS London
13.00 -16.30 / Health Centre“ Bromley by Bow” London.
St Leonards Street,LondonE3 3BT.
Tel: 020 8983 7082
A Healthy Living Centre: a holistic approach to healthand health care and the importance of education, the environment, arts,employment and housing Dr. Sam Everington
Diner in London
Train to Brussels / London Waterloo
Brussels / Departure: Wed 14th Mar 2007 - 19:13 h
Arrival: Wed 14th Mar 2007 - 22:32 h
Duration: 02h19m
Train no: 9158
Hotel / Hotel le Dome
Bld. du Jardin Botanique 12-13
1000 BrusselsBelgium
Phone: 32 -2-218.06.80
Fax: 32-2-218.41.12
15 March / Contact person: / Diederik Aarendonk
Mobile: +31 (0)6 232 09 708
10.00-12.00 / AGE(- the European Older People's Platform)
Rue Froissart 111, B-1040 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 2 280 14 70
Fax:+32 2 280 15 22
Ms. Anne-Sophie Parent, director
Ms. Isabel Motta Borges, Policy Officer responsible for Health
a) information exchange about the mission and activities
b) strengthening of advocacy towards EU Parliament and EC
12.00-13.00 / Lunch
13.30 / Departure to home country