Fallon Middle School Site Council (SSC)

Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2016

Members Present: Sheri Sweeney, Swati Chopra, Barbara Barrett, Sarah Nice, Lee Carpenter, Terri Sharbach, Gary Bohanon, Danielle Cooper, Barna De, Charvi Sharma, Karen Brown, Joy Chien, Rich Boschetti, Vickie Constantinides

The meeting was called to order at 3:36 pm.

Minutes from February 2016 meeting were approved. Barna De made the motion and Gary Bohanon seconded it. All approved.

Student Activities Report

·  Charvi Sharma presented the student activities report.

·  Spirit week planned for March - Sports day (switch colors with Wells) leading up to Wells/Fallon dance. Upcoming spirit days are tied to the “Dude, be nice” campaign the week before spring break. Inside out day - “Be comfortable inside out.” Sweat pants day - “Don’t sweat it.” Friday is a spirit day.

·  There is a rally on April 1.

·  Leprechaun coloring contest as a lunch time activity.

·  8th grade field trip fundraisers are coming up - Rockin’ Jump, Chipotle will donate 50% of sales on March 24th, Mustache Mike’s every Wednesday, and B.J.’s will donate 20% of their sales on April 21st.

·  Washington DC trip is coming up.

·  There will be a Shakespeare workshop for 8th graders.

·  Civics workshop and civics action fair on May 18th.

Report from February’s Superintendent’s Council Meeting

·  Dublin High School does a drunk driving program called “Every 15 Minutes” every 4 years so all kids see it. It was well received in the community.

·  DUSD website was upgraded.

·  An executive search firm has been hired to find a new Superintendent.

·  A general obligation bond will be on the June ballot. The district is setting up a campaign committee with 1 rep from each PFC from each school.

Monitoring of SPSA Plan: Update on Goal #3 Science

·  Karen Brown and Joy Chien presented an update on the science goal. SEE TEACHER’S PRESENTATION FOR FULL UPDATE.

·  CA state has not finalized what the standards are but it will move to project based learning. Fallon’s science teachers are focusing on claim evidence reasoning and scientific principal. Fallon teachers are in sync with Well’s teachers and are building lessons together. The number of students getting D’s and F’s is very low (2.8%) and teachers credit it to having students retake tests and having them make up missing work. Fallon’s science teachers are lifelong learners, 7/10 of teachers are AVID trained, and they are going to a 3 day training over the summer.

·  Teachers are involved with many clubs like gardening, coding, 3D printing, and robotics.

·  PFC is hosting an astronomy family night on March 31st.

DPIE Summer Enrichment Program

·  DPIE is a non profit and money goes back to the community. It supports science and strings and plans to contribute 6 figures to the district next year. DPIE offers STEM classes for high school and middle school students and is now offering STEAM courses for elementary students.

·  550 HS students in 19 classes. Middle school classes haven’t filled up yet.

·  It also does career day for middle schools and “Gear up” at the continuation school.

The next SSC meeting will be April 11, 2016 from 3:30 to 4:30.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:59 pm