Title: Progression Activity

Intended Audience: Teachers, Administrators, District and School Leaders

Description: This activity allows participants to gain an understanding of the integral role each grade level plays in preparing students for college and career readiness. This activity illustrates the progression of standards throughout the grade levels and highlights College and Career Readiness as the goal of the Common Core Standards. The use of backwards design when developing the standards is emphasized.

Suggested Uses for this Activity:

1.  Professional development leader may use these printable charts to lead an activity showing the progression of the Common Core Standards by highlighting a single standard from kindergarten through 12th grade.

Materials Necessary:

1.  Progression Activity Cards Literature OR

2.  Progression Activity Cards Writing

3.  Progression Activity Powerpoint

For further information/feedback: Contact—Katy Sykes

Facilitator’s Guide
Progression Activity /

Activity Description

This activity can be used with audiences representing a variety of stakeholders and exposure levels to the Common Core Standards and is directly applicable to K-12 teachers of all subject areas. This activity is useful for groups of varying sizes (12-150 participants) and can be adapted to meet the needs of smaller/larger groups. Approximate length: 15 minutes

Goal of the Activity

Participants will gain understanding of the progression of the Common Core Standards from Kindergarten through 12th grade and the backwards design used when developing the standards

Pre-session Preparation

  1. Print Progression Activity cards (choice of reading for literature or writing)
  2. View presentation if planning on utilizing in conjunction with cards.

Pass out cards to various audience members prior to activity. Facilitator begins activity by showing/reading aloud the chart containing the College and Career Ready/Anchor Standard. Explain that this standard is the goal for all students upon completion of high school (regardless of whether they are attending a 4 year university, community college, technical school, military, or joining workforce). / Progression Activity cards
Power point presentation if plan to use.
2 min. / Facilitator will use audience participants to create a “horizontal ladder” and show each “rung” of the ladder beginning by calling for the person holding the Kindergarten standard. The participant comes to the front and reads the standard aloud.
1 min. / Next, the participant holding the 1st grade standard is called upon to come to the front and read his/her standard (and stand next to the participant holding the kindergarten standard). The difference/progression in expectation between the two standards is identified.
1 min. / The participant holding the 2nd grade standard reads the standard and stands next to 1st grade. Again, the audience identifies the progression.
5 min. / Continue through 12th grade. The logical manner of the standards build and the importance of each “rung”/ grade level is highlighted.
1 min. / The presenter then removes one grade level (a middle grade level works well, 5th/6th) explaining that this teacher has chosen not to adapt to the Common Core Standards. Excuses given may be: these standards won’t stay, already has books he/she likes to use, already has all worksheets and tests made up, about to retire, kids can’t do it…
3 min. / The question of “What does this do to the progression?” is posed. An explanation of how this break alters the route to College and Career Readiness and makes it difficult for the following teacher/teachers, all grade levels are important and necessary steps- a ladder needs ALL of its rungs to make for a smooth and steady climb.