ENGLISH IV Course Syllabus
Breathitt High School
2307 Bobcat Lane, Jackson, KY 41339
Phone: (606) 666-7511 / FAX: (606) 666-7765
Instructor Information:
Annette Coomer
Room 113 at Breathitt High School
1st Period Planning
Course Description
Students use the writing process and criteria for effective writing in pieces developed over time, as well as in on-demand writing situations, to compile a collection of writings. These writings, which address a variety of authentic purposes and audiences, must be in a variety of forms, including personal, literary, transactive, and reflective pieces. Students apply a variety of appropriate reading strategies to make sense of a variety of print and non-print texts (literary, informational, practical/workplace, and persuasive) to reach personal goals, to understand the human experience, to create products, to accomplish authentic tasks, and to develop ideas in written/oral responses. Students make sense of a variety of messages by observing and listening and apply techniques for effective speaking to communicate ideas and information for a variety of authentic purposes, situations, and audiences. Independently and collaboratively, students use a variety of resources, methods, and research tools to access ideas and information, to learn, and to communicate ideas for specific purposes. Students use available and emerging technology to gather, organize, manipulate, and express ideas and information for a variety of authentic purposes. (taken from Kentucky Program of Studies)
Course Objectives
Students will meet the requirements of the Kentucky Program of Studies, Academic Expectations, and Core Content.
Textbook/Other Required Readings/Additional Required Materials
Elements of Literature, Sixth Course – Holt
Literature: The Reader’s Choice, Sixth Course - Glencoe
Selected Novels
Accelerated Reader Books
Writing Folder
3-ring binder
Jump drive
Network Folder Access – Requires Internet Permission Form
Course Requirements
1. Address the teacher and peers in a respectful manner at all times.
2. Bring appropriate materials to class every day. These include the textbook, paper, pencil, and their writing notebook. At any time I ask for materials from the writing notebook (prompts, handouts, etc.), you must have these items with you. These materials are necessary to complete classroom activities.
3. Come to class on time and promptly begin the day’s activity.
4. Complete all assignments by the due dates.
5. You are required to sign out each time you leave the classroom for any reason. You must provide your name, time left, reason, and time returned. A sign out form will be on my desk. Students must use the hall pass when leaving the room. Excessive sign outs will not be allowed.
6. You are expected to complete assignments when there is a sub in the classroom. You are not allowed to leave the classroom to spend the period in any other classroom, the library, the gym, or any other location. Regardless of what the sub says or does, YOU are responsible for completing assignments left for them when there is a sub.
7. If it’s not yours, do not bother it.
Course Calendar/Schedule
Month / Writing / ReadingAugust/September / On-Demand Writing
September / College Research, Autobiographical Narrative / Anglo-Saxon and the Middle Ages
October / Comparison/Contrast, Cause/Effect / Anglo-Saxon and the Middle Ages
November / Research Paper / Renaissance
December / Persuasive Essay / Puritanism to the Enlightenment
January / Photo Essay, Persuasive Advertisement / Romantic period
February / Poetry, Literary Analysis of a poem / Victorian Age
March / Critical Review / Modern Age
April / Reflective Writing, Workplace Writing / International Literature
Evaluations/Examinations/Projects/Class Participation
There will be a variety of activities and teaching strategies used to meet the auditory, visual, and hands-on learning styles of students. A points grading system will be used, where the number of points they have earned determines the students’ grades based on the number of points possible to be earned. The students’ final grades will be determined based on a variety of assessment methods, including, but not limited to, the following: classroom participation, unit examinations, quizzes, news article assignments, independent reading (accelerated reading points), writing assignments, power point presentation, vocabulary activities, bell-ringer activities, in-class assignments, homework, and writing portfolio. Students must have a completed portfolio in order to receive a passing grade. Some assignments will be individual while others will require a group effort. Students are expected to be active learners and to participate in class activities. Students should adhere to attitudes and behaviors that represent the accepted norm for respectable behavior in a group environment. Class participation will be part of each student’s grade. Failure to appropriately participate may have a negative effect on the student’s grade. Students should refer to the “English IV Guidelines” handout for more specific information relating to class procedures, assignments, and activities.
Grading Scale
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 59 & below (will require repeating the course)
Make-up missed exams/assignments
It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher about making up missed exams or assignments. Students should do this in a prompt manner upon their return to class. Due to the nature of the class, some in-class activities and assignments may not be made up. Consult the “English IV Guidelines” handout for more particular information. The student needs to see the teacher to make arrangements to complete the make-up work.
There will NOT be a notebook grade for this class. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that students keep a notebook. All class materials and handouts, tests and essays should be kept in this notebook. If you have a question about a particular grade, you must show the graded assignment in question to me in order for the grade to be changed and/or corrected. After these materials are returned to you, if you cannot produce the assignment, the grade will stand as it is in the grade book. The notebook can become a useful resource for completing assignments.
All assignments MUST include your name, the date, and a title. Assignments are due on the due date you are given. You should expect a penalty (loss of points) for late work. Some assignments may never be turned in late. These will be identified for you. Assignments MORE THAN 2 days late will be accepted at the teacher’s discretion, based on your personal, extenuating circumstances.
MLA-Style Documentation
Students are expected to become familiar with and to use MLA-style documentation when citing source material. Students will have multiple opportunities to practice using this style of documentation. Students may find the correct formats to use in their textbooks as well as online. Citation Machine is a particularly useful website for creating MLA-style documentations.
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will not be tolerated. Students are expected to adhere to high standards of academic honesty. Students will receive a grade of zero for assignments that plagiarized as well as for assignments where students have cheated. If the assignment is for the writing portfolio, students will be required to produce another piece of writing even though points will not be awarded to replace the zero for the plagiarized piece.
Non-discrimination Statement: The Breathitt County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, gender, or disability in employment, educational programs, or activities. Burley Hudson is the designated Title IX coordinator and can be reached at the Breathitt County School District Office, 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, 41339, Phone 606-666-2491.
NOTE: Revisions may be made to this syllabus at the teacher’s discretion based on the needs of the class as well as upon any curricular changes mandated by local, state, or federal regulations.