Allocation of Work and Transfer between Teams

Content List


1.1General Principles

1.2Case Transfer Audit

2.0Transfer Process

2.1Transfer of Cases from the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

2.1.1Case Re-Referred to Safeguarding and Children’s Services

2.1.2Transfer of Cases to First Response (Section 47)

2.1.3Transfer of Cases to First Response Teams

2.1.4Transfer of Cases to the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Team

2.2Transfer of Cases from First Response Teams

2.2.1Transfer of Cases to Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

2.2.2Transfer of Cases to Early Help

2.2.3Transfer of Cases to the Disabled Children Team

2.3Transfer of Cases from First Response (Section 47) Team

2.3.1Transfer of Cases to Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

2.3.2Transfer of Cases to Early Help

2.4Transfer of Cases from Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

2.4.1Transfer of Cases to the Disabled Children Team

2.4.2Transfer of Cases to Looked After Children Teams

2.4.3Transfer of Cases to the Permanence Team

2.4.4Transfer of Cases to the Leaving Care Service

2.4.5Transfer of Cases to Early Help

2.5Transfer of Cases from the Permanence Team

2.5.1Transfer to Looked After Children Teams

2.6Transfer of Cases from Looked After Children Teams

2.6.1Transfer of Cases to the Leaving Care Service

2.6.2Transfer of Cases to the Permanence Team

2.7Transfer of Children in Care Cases to LAC Teams

2.8Transfer of Cases to the Leaving Care Service

2.9Children in Particular Circumstances

2.8.1Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UCAS)

2.8.2Relinquished Children

3.0Case Closure

3.1Case Closure Tasks

3.2Case Closure on CareFirst

3.3Care Store Checks


This procedures applies to all teams working in Safeguarding and Children’s Services. It outlines the expected process that should be applied when a case istransferred from one team to another.

This document details the transfer arrangements for case between the following teams;

-Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

-First Response Team (FRT)

-First Response (Section 47) Team

-Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

-Disabled Children’s Team (DCT)

-Looked After Children’s (LAC) Teams

-Permanence Team

-Leaving Care Service

This procedure also details when case should be transferred from these teams to agencies external to Safeguarding and Children’s Services.

1.1General Principles

It is imperative that the journey of children, young people and their families through services is as smooth as possible. To achieve this, managers must work together and adhere to the following general principles;

a)The decision to transfer a case must be made by the case holding team manager in conjunction with the allocated worker and their Practice Manager;

b)The decision to accept a case will be discussed between the transferring and receiving team managers who will agree the handover arrangements. If there is a difference of opinion about decisions, the matter should be escalated to appropriate Service Managers to be resolved. Resolutions in all cases must be achieved in three working days;

c)The transferring team manager must check the case prior to transfer to ensure that case files are up to date and necessary activities have been undertaken. This includes the undertaking of statutory visits i.e. cases cannot be transferred if statutory visits are outstanding;

The list detailed in section 1.2 (Case Transfer Check) must be used to audit the case. The case can only be transferred when all points listed in the audit are satisfied;

d)Where the audit identifies gaps,team managers should agree a timescale for gaps to be addressed and a date for transfer. Gaps in information should not be a barrier to arranging transfer and team managers should work together to ensure smooth transfer between teams;

e)The receiving team manager must make necessary changes to case allocations on CareFirst;

f)Whenever possible, warm handoversshould be used. Joint visits and meetings between the allocated worker and the receiving workerare advised in order to help the child (and their family) get familiar with the new professional. It also offers an opportunity for the receiving worker to get familiar with the case and to contribute to planning;

g)The allocated worker must inform the receiving worker of any event (e.g. meetings, appointments etc.)that the receiving worker will be required to attend after the point of transfer. The receiving worker must be informed as soon as possible- at least two weeks ahead of the event;

h)Where a team has existing financial arrangtements in place – e.g. accommodation this must be discussed between the two team managers prior to transfer.

1.2Case Transfer Check

The following tasks should be completed / up-to-date prior to case transfer



Statutory Visits up-to-date and recorded on child’s file

Case notes

Risk Assessment

Minutes of the last Core Group or LAC Review

Record of case management decisions and supervisions

Record on CareFirst of any financial obligations as at time of transfer

All relevant Plans (e.g. Care Plan, Personal Education Plan, Pathway Plan etc.)

2.0Transfer Process

2.1Transfer of Cases from the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

The MASH is the single point of contact for all children’s referrals and advice.Upon threshold application, if there is evidence to suggest that a child has suffered or is at risk of suffering from significant harm, a strategy meeting is held by the MASH.Following checks by MASH, the case will be transferred to the appropriate team following the process outlined in either section 2.1.1, 2.1.2 or 2.1.3.

2.1.1Case Re-Referred to Safeguarding and Children’s Services

A case that has been re-referred to Safeguarding and Children’s Services within three months of closure will be returned to the social work team who was last involved where; the decision has been made that level 4 concerns havebeen identified and the child is deemed to be a Child in Need under Section 17 or at risk of significant harm under Section 47(Children Act 1989).

2.1.2Transfer of Cases to First Response (S47) Team

If the decision is made for further enquiries to be made under Section 47 (Children Act 1989), the case is transferred to the S47 Team. It is the responsibility of the S47 Team to complete all activities needed to conclude a Section 47 enquiry as required by Working Together 2015 and NSCB procedures.

2.1.3Transfer of Cases to First Response Team (FRT)

Following checks by MASH, if the decision is made that level 4 concerns have been identified and a child is deemed to be a Child in Need, under Section 17 (Children Act 1989), the case is transferred to the First Response Team (FRT) for a Single Assessment.

2.1.4Transfer of Cases to the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Team

When MASH is informed of a potential unaccompanied asylum seeking young person, contact will be made with the UASC team who will complete an Initial Age Screening. Once the screening has been undertaken, if it is believed that the young person is under 18 years of age, the case will be transferred to the UASC Team. Where the outcome is that the young person is 18 years or over, the case will be closed by MASH. (See section 2.9.1 for further UASC related guidance)

2.2Transfer of Cases from First Response Teams

Depending on the outcome of the Single Assessment, the following case transfer processes must be followed.

2.2.2Transfer of Cases to Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

a)Children Identified as in Need (Section 17)

A Child in Need (CiN) meeting must be convened by the allocated social worker. To facilitate a Warm Handover, professionals involved in the case, the new allocated social worker or a representative from the receiving team, the family and the child (if appropriate) should attend the CiN meeting. The new allocated social worker (or receiving team representative) must complete the CiN meeting minutes and CiN Plan. In addition to up-to-date case records, signed consent from a parent (or someone with parental responsibility (PR)) for agency checks, genograms and chronologies must be completed and uploaded into Care Store before the case is transferred.

b)Children Subject to an Initial Child Protection

When the threshold for child protection is met, the allocated social worker must ensure an Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC) is convened. The case will be transferred to the receiving team at the conference. In addition to up-to-date case records, genograms and sign consent from a parent (or someone with PR) for checks, chronologies must be completed and uploaded into Care Store before the case is transferred.

c)Children subject to Immediate Legal Action (Emergency Protection Order / Interim Care Order)

Where immediate legal action is required in order to safeguard the welfare of children, this will will normally take place following aStrategy Discussionbetween the Local Authority, Police and other relevant agencies.

Before an urgent application to Court (either for an Emergency Protection Order or an abridged notice Interim Care Order) can be made, consultation with Legal Services should take place to establish whether there is sufficient evidence to establish that the Threshold Criteriafor an application is met. The approval of theDesignated Manager is required before the application is made.

The S47 team practice or team managerwill invite the relevant Safeguarding and Care Planning Team to attend the Court hearing and will notify them of the Court Hearing date, time and venue.

At the point of notification of the Interim Care Order hearing, a handover meeting between the FRT and Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Social Workers will take place.

The FRT Social Worker, with the support of their practice / team manager will complete the S47 Outcome Record, Single Assessment, Witness Statement, Care Plan, Chronology and Genogram. The transfer from FRT to the Safeguarding and Care Planning Team will be completed at the next Court Hearing.

A retrospective presentation to the Legal Case Progression Meeting ( Stage 2 Case Progression Panel) will need to be undertaken by the FRT Social Worker which will be attended jointly by the Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Social Worker. The Safeguarding and Care Planning Team’s involvement with the family will begin by taking over all duties and responsibilities associated with the child’s Looked After Child status. This will provide the new worker with the opportunities to be fully involved in the child’s care planning and the family will experience a smooth transition between Social Workers and teams.

d)Children Subject to Legal Planning Meetings – Public Law Outline (PLO)

The FRT practice manager or team manager will notify the relevant Safeguarding and Care Planning Team of the case transfer.

The FRT social worker, with the support of their practice manager or team manager will complete the S47 Outcome Record, Single Assessment, Genogram, Chronology and PLO letter. The case will be transferred at the point of the PLO meeting held with the parents or carers and their legal representatives.

e)Children subject to Section 20 accommodation

If a child or young person becomes looked after by the Local Authority in an emergency under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989, the child’s needs and circumstances will be discussed and considered by the next Legal Planning/New Admissions (stage one) Panel. If a child or young person becomes looked after by the Local Authority in a planned way through Legal Planning and New Admissions (stage one) Panel a period of joint working between FRT and the Safeguarding and Care Planning Team will commence. The Safeguarding and Care Planning Team’s involvement with the family will begin by taking over the LAC duties and responsibilities. This will provide the new worker with the opportunities to be fully involved in the child’s care planning and the family will experience a smooth transition between social workers and teams.

The FRT social worker with the support of their Practice Manager or team manager will complete the S47 Outcome Record, Single Assessment, Genogram, Chronology and Care Plan. The case will be transferred to the new Safeguarding and Care Planning Team at first LAC review.

2.2.3Transfer of Cases to Early Help

Once a decision is made that no further support is required by children’s social care and that the child’s needs can be met through Early Help support.

a)Children aged 5 years and over

i)Tier Three Support:

A closure summary is completed by FRT and emailed as an attachment to Tier Three Step Down inbox. An Early Help Coordinator will use the summary to identify the most appropriate service for the child. A request will be sent by the Early Help Coordinator for identified support. The case will only be closed once the request for the identified early help support has been accepted by the service.

ii)Tier Two Support or Universal:

The social worker identifies the appropriate lead professional for the family and shares an action plan of the support needed with the lead. A copy of the action plan is forwarded to Early Help support for information. If the social worker cannot identify a lead professional, support is available from the Early Help Coordinator in order to identify a lead professional. Once the action plan has been shared with the lead professional, the case can be closed to children’s social care.

b)Preschool age children (Children Under 5 years)

A closure summary is completed and the case is referred directly to the family’s local Children’s Centre by completing the a referral form.

For advice and guidance for EH support

2.2.4Transfer of Cases to the Disabled Children Team

The decision to transfer a case between these teams will be made by the team manager, in conjunction with the allocated worker. The case must meet the Eligibility Criteria for Disabled Children’s Team. The transferring team manager must review the case to establish that the threshold has been met. The receiving team manager should review the case and determine if the case meets the criteria for service provision.

2.3Transfer of Cases From the Section 47 Team

Based on the outcome of a Section 47 Enquiry, the following transfer processes must be followed

2.3.2Transfer of Cases to Safeguarding and Care Planning Teams

a)Children subject to an Initial Child Protection Conference

The S47 team social worker will complete a Section 47 Outcome Record on CareFirst between days 3-5 and an Initial Child Protection Conference request will be reassigned to the Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) by day 5.

The S47 team practice or team manager will inform the relevant Safeguarding and Care Planning team manager of the conference date, time and venue. It is the responsibility of the receiving team managerto identify the new allocated social worker or Practice Manager to attend the Initial Child Protection Case Conference (ICPC).

The S47 team social worker with the support of their practice manager or team manager will complete the Section 47 Outcome Record, Single Assessment, ICPC social worker Report, Chronology and Genogram prior to the Conference. The case will be transferred to the new team at the Initial Child Protection Conference held by day 15 from the strategy discussion.

b)Children subject to Immediate Legal Action (EPO / ICO)

Where immediate legal action is required in order to safeguard the welfare of children, this will will normally take place following a Strategy Discussionbetween the Local Authority, Police and other relevant agencies.

Before an urgent application to Court (either for an Emergency Protection Order or an abridged notice Interim Care Order) can be made, consultation with Legal Services should take place to establish whether there is sufficient evidence to establish that the Threshold Criteriafor an application is met. The approval of the Designated Manager is required before the application is made.

The S47 Team practice or team managerwill invite the relevant Safeguarding and Care Planning Team to attend the Court hearing and will notify them of the Court Hearing date, time and venue.

At the point of notification of the Interim Care Order hearing, a handover meeting between the FRT and Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Social Workers will take place.

The FRT Social Worker, with the support of their practice / team manager will complete the S47 Outcome Record, Single Assessment, Witness Statement, Care Plan, Chronology and Genogram. The transfer from FRT to the Safeguarding and Care Planning Team will be completed at the next Court Hearing.

A retrospective presentation to the Legal Case Progression Meeting ( Stage 2 Case Progression Panel) will need to be undertaken by the FRT Social Worker which will be attended jointly by the Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Social Worker. The Safeguarding and Care Planning Team’s involvement with the family will begin by taking over all duties and responsibilities associated with the child’s Looked After Child status. This will provide the new worker with the opportunities to be fully involved in the child’s care planning and the family will experience a smooth transition between Social Workers and teams.

c)Children Subject to Legal Planning Meetings – Public Law Outline

The S47 Team practice manager or team manager will notify the relevant Safeguarding and Care Planning Team of the case transfer.