Title of Papersin ICAS2018 Proceedings with Times New Roman Size 14, Boldand Capitalized First Letters

FirstAuthorFirstName FirstAuthorLastname1*, SecondAuthorFirstNameSecondAuthorLastname2 and LastAuthorFirstNameLastAuthorLastname3

1FirstAuthorName of Institution/Department/Affiliation, City, Country

*Corresponding Email:

2SecondAuthorName of Institution/Department/Affiliation, City, Country


3LastAuthorName of Institution/Department/Affiliation, City, Country



This template is to help you in preparing a paper for ICAS2018 proceedings. The abstract is in one single paragraphand limited to 300 words. No equation, figure or table is allowed in the abstract. Use this format for heading and paragraph settings in Abstract. The abstract is followed by keywords, which of each is separated by semicolon. Maximum of four keywords is allowed.

Keywords:first keyword; second keyword; third keyword; fourth keyword



Use this template to prepare your paper for ICAS2018 with the following formats.

2.1General Formats

Prepare your paper in A4 paper and set top marginto be 30 mm, while bottom, left and right margins are set to 20 mm. Texts are in Times New Roman size 8 and single space, unless otherwise specified. Apart from the title, abstract and keywords, two-column setting is required.

2.2Headings and Subheadings

Headings are in Times New Roman size 8 with all bold capital letters. Start headings with numbers in order and left aligning. Titles for headings should be indented with 0.75 cm. Headings are in single space and 12 pt before and 6 pt after, except for the first heading, i.e., INTRODUCTION, which has spacing of 0 pt before and 6 pt after.

Subheadings are in Times New Roman size 8 with an italic style and capitalized first letters only. Titles for subheadings should be indented with 0.75 cm as well. Subheadings are in single space and 6 pt before and 3 pt after.

There is no line between the previous paragraph and the next heading/subheading.


Paragraphs are set in the style with a single space and no space
(0 pt) before and after. Each paragraph starts with an indent of 0.75 cm for the first line. All texts are justified.



Equations are positioned in center of the column with the number in order on the right edge of the column. This can be done by creating a table with three columns and one row. Put the equation in the central column with center alignment and the number in the right column with right alignment. The table contains an equation should be set with 6 pt before and after in spacing. All borders of the equation table should be eventually hidden as shown in (1).

/ (1)

The descriptions of equations are placed right after the equations without any indent at the beginning.

2.2Tables and Figures


The table captions (Times New Roman size 8)iscenter-aligned and at the top of the table, and set with spacing of 6 pt before and 3 pt after.There is one empty line before and after a table.The font type used in a table should be Times New Roman size 8 if possible.

Table 1: Example of table for this paper

Example / A / B / C / D
X1 / Y2 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
X2 / Y3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
X3 / Y4 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
X4 / Y5 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16

This paragraph is a dummy paragraph to show the setting of the space before and after the sample table.


A figure used in this paper is black and white or gray scale only. The resolution should be 300 dpi. The figure caption (Times New Roman size 8) is center-aligned and at the bottom of the figure, and set with spacing of 3 pt before and 3 pt after. There is one empty line before and after a figure.

Figure 1: Example of figure for this paper

This paragraph is a dummy paragraph to show the setting of the space before and after the sample figure.

2.3Citations, References and Acknowledgements

The citations and references are compiled with APA 6th edition. For the references, texts are in Times New Roman size 8 and the indent of each reference is 0.75 cm. (see the REFERENCES for example).

There is no number listed before ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and REFERENCES.


The authors would like to thank X, Y and Z for their valuable suggestions. This study is funded by ABC.


McNeil, N., Odton, P., & Ueranantasun, A. (2011). Spline Interpolation of Demographic Data Revisited. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1), 117-120.

Singh, U., Ueranantasun, A., & Kuning M. (2017). Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight in Nepal Using Multiple Imputation. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(67), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12884-017-1252-5