DDD Meeting
August 28, 2013
Gwen Miller substituting for Amy Bucha
ITS is introducing Adobe Acrobat Pro/Creative Cloud. These two programs can be split 50/50 within our college. Penn State machines only will be covered. Student machines will be charged $50 a month for one of the programs. Architecture’s laptop programs presents unique challenges and we need to consider ways that we may make these applications available for these students without a monthly charge to them. Korner asked Datt, Lindsey and Hadighi to follow-up on exploring options.
All-College Meetings
A survey went out concerning our college meeting on August 20th. Some suggestions for next year’s meetings:
1) More frequent reminders for the All-College meeting, faculty meetings, etc.
2) Getting information on Fixed Term II faculty to be introduced at the All-College meeting.
3) Finding additional ways for faculty/staff to mingle.
Strategic Planning
We are finalizing plans with the consultant team from Smeal College of Business who have assisted other colleges and units as well as major corporations in strategic planning.
1) We will have training and format workshops at the College level that will incorporate unit heads and faculty who will help lead discussions at the unit level.
2) These meetings will begin as soon as feasible after finalizing the plan with the consultants. We will establish college-wide goals, which will inform unit work that will likely begin in late October/early November. Unit goals will come back to College level around spring break and then we’ll finalize college plan for submission on June 30, 2014. Dean Schulz and Dean Korner will work with Carlo Ninassi to get a schedule/timeline established with the understanding that this can/will change.
3) It will be helpful to invite people who can attend Tuesday a.m. meetings this fall.
4) We will plan to have common readings both for discipline-specific and college-wide information on the future of arts education. Please send suggestions for readings from your area
5) Assessment: Dean Kesler can facilitate key people to meet regarding assessment in your areas. This will be part of the strategic planning process.
New faculty should have two classroom observations from the department head and/or mentors for the fall semester and possibly two in the spring semester.
Dean Korner will send out a letter on Post Tenure reviews concerning consistency and addressing University policy standards. A wide range of formats and information comes into the College office and we need to ensure that University policy is being followed.
CLC/DDD will be every 2nd Tuesday 9:00-11:00AM
Special discussion topics will be every 4th Tuesday 9:00-10:30AM
Strategic Planning will be every 1st and 3rd Tuesday 9:00-11:00AM. We will notify you when these sessions start and who will need to be in attendance.
Minutes are distributed to CLC/DDD and on the college website. A request was made that these be distributed by Friday of each week after a meeting.
Jan Muhlert shared A Gift from the Heart, a new catalog in honor of the Barbara and Jim Palmer art collection. It is a very handsome publication and may be good for gifts.
Salary letters are to go out from the college under the college dean’s signature and with a note to contact individual unit heads with specific questions.