1. The League shall consist of as many Divisions as the Committee sees fit. The top two teams in each Division are

promoted and the two bottom teams are relegated. Any abnormalities will be dealt with by the Committee.

2. Teams accepted into the League are to pay an entrance fee, the amount decided at the A.G.M.

3. A team is to consist of six men. If a team arrives with only five men and the captains agree, they may play with only five and the score will count. No game is to start with less than five men. A player who plays six or more games for any one team becomes a member of that team and is not eligible to play for any other team in the league unless transferred under Rule 4. Clubs playing an ineligible player will be fined £5 & any points gained will be awarded to their opponents.

4. A player may be granted one transfer per season. To gain a transfer a player must give one weeks notice to the

Secretary and clubs involved. A £5 transfer fee is to be paid to the league.

5. Fixture lists must be compiled annually by the Committee.

6. Matches to be played on Monday at the time stated on the fixture list. Any team failing to fulfil a fixture on the

appointed date must pay a £5 fine to the league, unless the reasons of non-fulfilment, together with the

re-arrangements of the match, are forwarded to the secretary by the Saturday following the match. Scorecards to

be forwarded to the secretary as soon as the match is played. Each team is allowed to cancel a maximum of two

league matches per season, beyond that, the committee will decide if there are exceptional circumstances.

7. Scorecards must be completed and returned to the Secretary, by the home captain, by the Saturday following the

match. Defaulting teams must pay a £5 fine to the league.

8. If a team is reported for being late for any match they will be fined heavily according to the circumstances.

9. All teams to have standard equipment, i.e. balls 5" diameter, pins 10" x 5" x 2 3/8" or 10" x 4 ½" x 2 3/8". All

new items to be purchased through the committee, all existing equipment may be used.

10. The method of scoring is: 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw. Each player to throw 18 balls in sequences of three.

11. A pin must fall to count. If it comes back up again it counts & must be removed from the alley.

12.Front pin to be marked with three white rings, two front quarter pins to be marked with two white rings and used

as such throughout all League and Cup matches. Failure to do so will result in a fine of £5.

13.If at the end of the season two teams are tying for first, second, bottom or next to bottom, the total away pins

scored, plus the pins scored in the first home match, will decide the final positions.

14. All postponed matches to be played within 28 days of the original date and all matches dated within three weeks

of the end of the season, must be played by the end of the season. Defaulting teams will be fined heavily.

15.Every alley must be represented at the A.G.M. If not the teams will be fined 5 points according to the circumstances.